Discouraged and tired of it all :/



  • falamoyacrava
    falamoyacrava Posts: 63 Member
    Thank you Dawn, this was a really nice message!

    I agree, I'm definitely getting 'fitter' and healthier but the weight isn't budging. It's so discouraging, and you're spot on with the feeling like some people can lose 50lbs in 6 months and 6 months in, I'm struggling at 14lbs.

    I'll add you! :)
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,078 Member
    I think you maybe eating too many calories at 1800-1900 and eating back your exercise calories doesn't work for everyone, it didn't work for me. Especially if you don't know the exact calories burnt...are you using an hrm?

    Might be worth dropping your calories to around 1500 and not eating all the exercise calories back.

    We're all very different and sometimes we just have to explore and find out what works best for our individual bodies, even then the same things won't work forever and things need to be adjusted.

    Hope you find what it is you need to continue with reaching your goals.
  • In the same boat. I bought a treadmill and increased my workouts to twice per day instead of one, ate back my calories one week, did not eat them back the next, NOTHING!!
  • wild_wild_life
    wild_wild_life Posts: 1,334 Member
    Listen to helloitsdan, he'll set you up right.

    Have you looked into BMR and TDEE and tried basing your calorie intake around that? You say you lost for awhile when you increased your cals -- why did you decrease them again? Your BMR is around 1600 -- unless you are obese, consistently netting below BMR can cause metabolic slowdown and increasing your cals is the best way to get it back on track.
  • The great thing about MFP is that you can go back and see everything you've logged in and take that into account. Have you been eating what you need to be? Have you been concentrating on calories more than carbs or proteins? I know it gets discouraging but just think: Would you feel any better about not doing anything for yourself and gaining weight? Being unfit and not even be able to walk a flight of steps without huffing and puffing? I try and look at OTHER things besides just the weight. I've been dieting since in my 20's. I lost 30 lbs in about 1 1/2 yrs and kept it off until I got pregnant. I don't only go to the gym because I want to look good or want to lose weight. I go because I need to be healthy! My attitude is better. I'm calmer. I have more patience with my daughter and hectic life. I have learned to handle stress better. There are a lot of benefits to getting fit. Go back into your diary and look for patterns. Introduce new foods into your diet - I know easier said than done on a budget, but I've seen Fiber One bars at the dollar store. Keep at it and try to be positive. Your body already loves you for giving it another shot at being healthy! Stay Strong!!!!
  • moe0303
    moe0303 Posts: 934 Member
    You can always try low carb if you're up to it.
  • falamoyacrava
    falamoyacrava Posts: 63 Member
    The great thing about MFP is that you can go back and see everything you've logged in and take that into account. Have you been eating what you need to be? Have you been concentrating on calories more than carbs or proteins? I know it gets discouraging but just think: Would you feel any better about not doing anything for yourself and gaining weight? Being unfit and not even be able to walk a flight of steps without huffing and puffing? I try and look at OTHER things besides just the weight. I've been dieting since in my 20's. I lost 30 lbs in about 1 1/2 yrs and kept it off until I got pregnant. I don't only go to the gym because I want to look good or want to lose weight. I go because I need to be healthy! My attitude is better. I'm calmer. I have more patience with my daughter and hectic life. I have learned to handle stress better. There are a lot of benefits to getting fit. Go back into your diary and look for patterns. Introduce new foods into your diet - I know easier said than done on a budget, but I've seen Fiber One bars at the dollar store. Keep at it and try to be positive. Your body already loves you for giving it another shot at being healthy! Stay Strong!!!!

    I am definitely fitter and healthier than I've ever been, and that's a great accomplishment. Other than this week (and right now I'm sick, boo!) I am pretty well up on the healthy eating. Everything about my life is better (except some health problems that I'm trying to sort out with my dr) and overall I'm a lot happier and have a brighter outlook on everything. Just the scale will not budge!

    Payday is Wednesday, and I'm so excited.
  • kiminikimkim
    kiminikimkim Posts: 746 Member
    Between early April till mid June I had plateau-ed and the scale didn't budge. I was working out at bootcamp 3 times a week, ate back my calories and fit treats like chocolate and ice cream in my daily log. @ 1200calories, I sometimes ate over by 100-150cals per day.

    When I saw I had gained 2lbs June 17th, I decided to be more strict. Cut out the treats by 95%, never going over 1200calories. The scale went down again 2lbs. I will keep this up till I plateau again or reach my goal.

    BMI: 1191
    B fat: 24.5%
    5'3". 117lbs
    Goal: 112lbs
  • autumnk921
    autumnk921 Posts: 1,374 Member
    I have read on here and in different places on the web (Even Jillian Michaels) that say when you plateau - DON'T eat less eat a little more to get over the hump - Even cut back on exercise at times....Check out this group and read the stickies...Try it out and see if it works for you...It has for a ton of MFP members...Best of luck!!!

  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    What are your stats?

    Body fat%

    This info will greatly help anyone knowledgable in weight loss to help you lose weight!

    I am 26, 5'3.5" and currently weighing at 181.2lbs (as of this morning)... my lowest weight is 180. I think my body fat% is around 35%, but I'm not 100% sure, that's what my weight watchers scale says.

    BMR 1525
    TDEE 2100

    Eat below TDEE but above BMR for optimal fat loss.

    LBM 118lbs
    Fat 63lbs

    Perfect weight 128lbs.

    Go to settings>goals>change Goal>Custom>continue....

    Set MFP to 1650 calories
    Set Protein to 30%
    Fat to 30%
    Carbs to 40%

    This is for 1lb loss per week in fat as long as you are lifting weights 3 times a week.
    Dont kill yourself while cutting calories!
    It's not good for you!
    If you feel the need to do more than 3 sessions a week, take up walking!
    I't's less stressful while cutting calories and is a great form of recovery.

    Remember, if you lift minnie mouse weights youll have minnie mouse muscles!
    Lift heavy and rest well!
    Jamie Easton has a great program on www.bodybuilding.com but dont buy any of the supplements suggested.
    Check out www.stronglifts.com and lift with the boys!
    You wont get bulky but you will get strong and maintain lean mass!
    Enjoy and PM me if you have any questions.

    PS: on supplements you should be taking a Multi vitamin and an Omega Complex.
    MegaRed comes to mind.
  • falamoyacrava
    falamoyacrava Posts: 63 Member
    This is for 1lb loss per week in fat as long as you are lifting weights 3 times a week.
    Dont kill yourself while cutting calories!
    It's not good for you!
    If you feel the need to do more than 3 sessions a week, take up walking!
    I't's less stressful while cutting calories and is a great form of recovery.

    Remember, if you lift minnie mouse weights youll have minnie mouse muscles!
    Lift heavy and rest well!
    Jamie Easton has a great program on www.bodybuilding.com but dont buy any of the supplements suggested.
    Check out www.stronglifts.com and lift with the boys!
    You wont get bulky but you will get strong and maintain lean mass!
    Enjoy and PM me if you have any questions.

    PS: on supplements you should be taking a Multi vitamin and an Omega Complex.
    MegaRed comes to mind.

    Thank you so much, I've changed my settings to that already. Really hopeful for it!

    Since I'm already doing C25K (and really enjoying it) and boxercise, should I keep them in my routine? And when I get back to my normal working hours (12-8) I will start in on the weights. There's 'boy's club' at the gym from 8-9 (my usual workout time) and they intimidate the crap out of me with their grunting, swearing, and weight throwing lol.

    I take a multi-vitamin with added iron daily. I'll have a check for an omega complex. Haven't heard of MegaRed but I'll check it out!
    And I'll for sure look at those workouts. Thank you so much for this reply, it's the kind of advice I need!
  • supplemama
    supplemama Posts: 1,956 Member
    Kill the bedtime snack. Last night you had potato chips and a candy bar as a bedtime snack. The night before that you had wafers. The night before that, again with the chips. You might be under or meeting your calorie goal, but I think eating fatty, greasy, salty food at bedtime is only going to hinder your weight loss.
  • falamoyacrava
    falamoyacrava Posts: 63 Member
    Usual bedtime snack is something a LOT healthier. And I'm supposed to eat right before I go to bed to keep my blood sugars from dropping too low overnight.

    The past couple nights the 'bedtime' part has been more like '8pm'.... but I know I need to cut that out.
  • tenpets
    tenpets Posts: 423 Member
    I agree with Autumn, at least check out the eat more to weigh less group. Good luck with your journey!!!
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    This is for 1lb loss per week in fat as long as you are lifting weights 3 times a week.
    Dont kill yourself while cutting calories!
    It's not good for you!
    If you feel the need to do more than 3 sessions a week, take up walking!
    I't's less stressful while cutting calories and is a great form of recovery.

    Remember, if you lift minnie mouse weights youll have minnie mouse muscles!
    Lift heavy and rest well!
    Jamie Easton has a great program on www.bodybuilding.com but dont buy any of the supplements suggested.
    Check out www.stronglifts.com and lift with the boys!
    You wont get bulky but you will get strong and maintain lean mass!
    Enjoy and PM me if you have any questions.

    PS: on supplements you should be taking a Multi vitamin and an Omega Complex.
    MegaRed comes to mind.

    Thank you so much, I've changed my settings to that already. Really hopeful for it!

    Since I'm already doing C25K (and really enjoying it) and boxercise, should I keep them in my routine? And when I get back to my normal working hours (12-8) I will start in on the weights. There's 'boy's club' at the gym from 8-9 (my usual workout time) and they intimidate the crap out of me with their grunting, swearing, and weight throwing lol.

    I take a multi-vitamin with added iron daily. I'll have a check for an omega complex. Haven't heard of MegaRed but I'll check it out!
    And I'll for sure look at those workouts. Thank you so much for this reply, it's the kind of advice I need!

    Go for it!
    Just know that intense weight training helps build or maintain lean mass.
    Right now you want to maintain it as best you can while cutting the fat.
    Try to have a good balance of Aerobic and Anaerobic training.
  • falamoyacrava
    falamoyacrava Posts: 63 Member
    Thanks everyone for your replies, it's been awesome getting all this advice!

    I'm going to up my protein and try to curb my carbs for sure. And I'm going to use the macros that helloitsdan has recommended.
    And I'm going to keep up the C25K program and boxercise. I'll also start lifting weights starting in July, and going to pilates, starting later in July.

    This has given me the boost of confidence and sense of not giving up that I needed. Thanks again, everyone! Feel free to add me :D
  • Alexstrasza
    Alexstrasza Posts: 619 Member
    What are your stats?

    Body fat%

    This info will greatly help anyone knowledgable in weight loss to help you lose weight!

    I am 26, 5'3.5" and currently weighing at 181.2lbs (as of this morning)... my lowest weight is 180. I think my body fat% is around 35%, but I'm not 100% sure, that's what my weight watchers scale says.

    You should be consuming about 1800 calories a day. I would suggest only eating back your excercise calories if you are hungry and even though eat back like half of them, depending on how hard the workout.

    If I workout and only burn like 150 calories, I don't eat them back. Now if I were to burn 400 cals, I'd probably eat like half of them back.

    Also try setting your macros to 40 / 30 / 30
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    What are your stats?

    Body fat%

    This info will greatly help anyone knowledgable in weight loss to help you lose weight!

    I am 26, 5'3.5" and currently weighing at 181.2lbs (as of this morning)... my lowest weight is 180. I think my body fat% is around 35%, but I'm not 100% sure, that's what my weight watchers scale says.

    You should be consuming about 1800 calories a day. I would suggest only eating back your excercise calories if you are hungry and even though eat back like half of them, depending on how hard the workout.

    If I workout and only burn like 150 calories, I don't eat them back. Now if I were to burn 400 cals, I'd probably eat like half of them back.

    Also try setting your macros to 40 / 30 / 30

    Read up...this was covered.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,319 Member
    You weren't losing, so you raised your calories. You lost three pounds. Then you lowered your calories again and stopped losing. Listen to helloitsdan.
  • Girl relax, don't stress yourself, if your doing numerous strngth training you prob are burning the fat but gaining muscle, muscle is heavier than fat so you wont see a difference on th scales, try more cardio, running, cycling, rowing or even just fast pace walking, you will notice the difference i promise x