The most Under-rated NSV

We all moan and groan when the scale does not budge.

We all happily report inches lost, lowered blood pressure, lowered blood sugar, elimination of meds.

We all whine when we stall, plateau, or GAIN an ounce.

We celebrate when we fit into a size smaller or get a compliment.

We jump for joy when we hit a goal.

But the NUMBER ONE NSV OF ALL....we do not scream from the rooftops. TIME. TIME. TIME !

Every pound we lose, ever inch we obliterate, every point down in blood pressure, every number down in blood sugar, every extra mile walked, swam, or 'climbed', every heavier weight lifted....

Every beat of our heart doing exercise......all lead to the same NSV.

Another day, another week, another month, another year, ANOTHER DECADE OF TIME.

TIME on this Earth to smell the roses, bungee jump, scuba dive, fall in love hike a mountain meadow, jump in the backyard pool, tube down a cold river, catch a fish, build a sandcastle, ride a roller coaster, worship God, hold a newborn, kiss, laugh hysterically, travel to Tibet, hug really hard, make love, marvel at a butterfly, and just "BE."

TIME with our children, spouses, grandchildren, friends.

TIME.........WE GAINED T I M E.!


  • mrsmel55
    mrsmel55 Posts: 168
    No truer words have ever been said. I know thats why I am doing it!
  • EnchantedEvening
    EnchantedEvening Posts: 671 Member
    I like this. :)
  • cmeade20
    cmeade20 Posts: 1,238 Member
    Way to put it all into perspective :-)
  • DianeG213
    DianeG213 Posts: 253
    So true.
  • DangerJim71
    DangerJim71 Posts: 361 Member
    That is why I changed my lifestyle. I want to play with my yet to be conceived grandchildren. In fact, they are probably a decade from being born but I want to play catch, take them to little league, go camping, hiking, swiming, biking........
  • DangerJim71
    DangerJim71 Posts: 361 Member
    I estimated I have added a decade maybe two to my life by quitting smoking, exercising, and eating better. Next on the list is to schedule my first prostate exam.
  • gobraves47
    gobraves47 Posts: 213 Member
    You're so right! It was health issues that woke me up to what a gift life is and how much I really wanted to live. Thanks for the reminder that what we're doing is more than just numbers on a scale--it's about living longer and better. :happy:
  • MinMin97
    MinMin97 Posts: 2,676 Member
    Love those wonderful thoughts...thank-you:heart:
  • marsellient
    marsellient Posts: 591 Member
    You are absolutely right. I think living longer is one thing, but living better is the true benefit. Do you think one has to be a "certain age" to truly appreciate this? :)
    Thanks for posting.
  • RUNN3Rmom
    RUNN3Rmom Posts: 441
    Wonderful words!
  • Runitw_God
    Great words .......Thank you :happy:
  • sdoldsMD2013
    sdoldsMD2013 Posts: 128
    What does NSV mean?
  • Wonderwoman2677
    Wonderwoman2677 Posts: 434 Member
    Thanks for the reminder :)
  • DangerJim71
    DangerJim71 Posts: 361 Member
    What does NSV mean?

    non-scale victory
  • sdoldsMD2013
    sdoldsMD2013 Posts: 128
    What does NSV mean?

    non-scale victory

    Thank you!! :-)
  • nannabannana
    nannabannana Posts: 787
    JUST LOVE IT my dear friend! Such an inspiration to me:)
  • Jennvandemark
    Jennvandemark Posts: 179 Member
    Love it!!

    Thank you
  • cordianet
    cordianet Posts: 534 Member
    You are wise beyond your age (no matter how old you are). Thanks for reminding us!
  • Scubanana7
    Scubanana7 Posts: 361 Member
    You are wise beyond your age (no matter how old you are). Thanks for reminding us!

    Unfortunately.....I earned the 'wise' part after 57 years on the planet. I just didn't wise up about health soon enough...took me over a decade of ignoring my Type 2 diabetes.

    But thanks for the compliment....and I'll pretend I am younger...and wiser. LOL