At Home Exercise Plan

I am struggling with coming up with a steady fitness plan for at home without equipment. If anyone has been successful at this kind of plan, I really need your help. I need to lose 30 lbs.


  • qtiekiki
    qtiekiki Posts: 1,490 Member
    No equipments meaning no weights?? Just do circuit of full body/plyometrics exercises (jumping jacks, push ups, squats, squat jumps, tuck jumps, planks, mountain climbers, burpees, lunges, switch lunges, box jumps, etc). You can do them timed or by reps.
  • motherheather
    Work out dvds or a workout game for a gaming console
  • thrld
    thrld Posts: 610 Member
    Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred. You just need a mat (or a towel ) if you are working out on hard surface, and handweights (but can use water bottles).

    20 minutes a day, this is a very friendly program for the home work out. There are lots of groups on MFP doing the 30DS & there are new groups being formed almost daily.

    There are also videos on (level 1 of 30DS is available for trial), or
  • orr_stacie
    orr_stacie Posts: 48 Member
    Fun work out DVDs are great. My 2 and 3 yr olds love doing them with me. I think I burn more calories laughing at them than I do doing the exercise. We take alot of walks outside too. Just be creative. Milk jugs or laundry soap containers make great weights. I could go on and on and on........ :)
  • Littlemissjackie1
    Littlemissjackie1 Posts: 122 Member
    I have no weight or any kind of equipment or any work out dvds.
    I've been searching circuit training and cardio burning on
    and I've found several awesome workouts.

    You can even find videos from celebrity trainers and professional trainers.

    Whats best is that it is all completly FREE :D

    if you need help with some start off videos, message me and I can send you some helpful links that I use.
  • raeleek
    raeleek Posts: 414 Member
    Hi! I really like Leslie Sansone Boot Camp and Burn Body Fat. I do 45 minutes in the morning and 15 minutes in the evening. I use a stretchy band with the boot camp (comes with dvd) and I use 3-5 lbs weights with the burn body fat (depends on how my muscles feel that day. Between her dvds, watching my calories, and chasing after my kiddos I've dropped almost 20lbs!
  • carieblack619
    carieblack619 Posts: 26 Member
    Is the 30DS a dvd? If so, where would I buy it from?
  • wookiemouse
    wookiemouse Posts: 290 Member
    Pretty much anywhere...Target, Walmart, Amazon....all have 30 DS.

    You can also check out walking/running intervals for cardio. Couch 2 5 K is a great plan.
  • carieblack619
    carieblack619 Posts: 26 Member
    thank you :-)
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    check out
  • Josette89
    Josette89 Posts: 244
    I have this Zumba Video that I do. It's fun and it allows a really good workout. Just do this for about 30 minutes and you will have sweat dripping from all parts of you (sorry if that sounds gross), but you have to be really into it. It's fun! Basically you are dancing along to the music with the people in the video. Even if you have no clue what you are doing, the constant movement works your muscles out really good and you definitely feel it the next day. I used to go to Zumba classes, but it's just cheaper to buy the video and do it everyday. Plus, you don't have to be afraid of looking silly because you are in your own home.:)
  • scrappy25
    scrappy25 Posts: 77 Member
    The public library usually has a shelf of workout dvd's that you can try out before buying. 30 day shred is a favorite beginner one. Anything by JIllian Michaels has different levels and the girls show easier and harder variations too. My husband and I have really gotten into kettlebells too, you can get a set of 10, 15t, and 20lb from walmart shipped for about $40 and the Sarah Lurie kettlebell 4 DVD set which includes 2training DVDs for $16 from amazon. The kettlebell workouts need very little space. I take a kettlebell to the soccer and baseball fields when my kids are practicing or playing and find a corner for my 20 min workout while they are warming up.
  • KatyBugs1724
    youtube!!!!!! search pop pilates or blogilates. She has TONS of great videos at home with no equipment!!!
  • AnissaAndrews
    AnissaAndrews Posts: 29 Member
    check out

    I don't know about (will be checking that out now!) but and Zuzana Light (ZWOW on Youtube) prove that you can have the body of your DREAMS using only your own body weight!
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    also check out tiffany rothe

    franz snideman has some really good kettlebell routines on youtube