Having Trouble Eating The Required Amount Of Calories

Hi guys, and Gals :-)
I only joined yesterday, and iam having so much trouble eating 1200 cal, Iam just so full.
does anyone else have this problem?


  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    how did you get overweight in the first place?

    a spoonful of peanut butter is over 100 calories.
  • how did you get overweight in the first place?

    a spoonful of peanut butter is over 100 calories.

    Two children...... iam not overweight, i just want to lose some. and i slightly took offence to your comment.
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    how did you get overweight in the first place?

    a spoonful of peanut butter is over 100 calories.

    Two children...... iam not overweight, i just want to lose some. and i slightly took offence to your comment.

    oh....well....someone wanting to eat 1200 calories is usually overweight and on a diet.....sorry you got offended....good lord
  • Maurice1966
    Maurice1966 Posts: 419 Member
    Depends what you're eating. You may need to open your diary to public if you want some advice.
  • Depends what you're eating. You may need to open your diary to public if you want some advice.

    Its open now, i just worked out how to do it.
  • CassieReannan
    CassieReannan Posts: 1,479 Member
    1200 at the start was hard for me because it was GOOD healthy food. I was used to high calorie and fat foods and still being hungry. Its a sudden change, especially with all the water, gas and everything going on in there.

    About 2 weeks in to a 1200 I felt really sick and upped my calories and found it much better. I could eat wholemeal bread and have a treat too and the calories just fitted. Its all up to your body and how you treat it. If you exercise make sure you eat extra to get back to that 1200 calorie limit. I did this mistake and made myself sick, your body needs that 1200 minimum.
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Yes, I too have a problem getting in all my calories. I have been pushing myself to eat more, and I find I am hungrier now because of it. Most times I still don`t hit my goal but I am a lot closer than when I started. And I have also lost 18lbs. Add in some olive oil and cheese, maybe peanut butter if you like it, those calories will add up. Good luck.
  • bathsheba_c
    bathsheba_c Posts: 1,873 Member
    Maybe it would help if you ate smaller meals throughout the day? You seem to be getting all your calories at two meals, which is probably contributing. Are you sure you are logging everything (for example, did you use any oil to scramble those eggs)?
  • 33neenaj
    33neenaj Posts: 306
    how did you get overweight in the first place?

    a spoonful of peanut butter is over 100 calories.

    I was going to ask this...I only wish I had this problem.
  • Maybe it would help if you ate smaller meals throughout the day? You seem to be getting all your calories at two meals, which is probably contributing. Are you sure you are logging everything (for example, did you use any oil to scramble those eggs)?

    yes i have put it all in, i only started yesterday so still learning portions and everything. i have always had trouble eating anything, and i have normally skipped brekky :-/ so iam eating more than i normally would without a diet
  • Laoch_Cailin
    Laoch_Cailin Posts: 414 Member
    Just a thought..maybe plan your day in advance for a few days and stick with your plan, eat even if you aren't particularly hungry. The more you eat in my experience the more you'll be able to reach your calorie goals. I've alot more calories than you to eat and I preplan and eat every last one of them. Best of luck
  • jai163
    jai163 Posts: 8 Member
    check you BMR and that will tell you how many caories you should intake i was eating 1200 calories a day to start with and i struggle so i upped it to 1500 thats better for you x x
  • Dahamac
    Dahamac Posts: 213 Member
    I ate something along the line of 4,500 calories yesterday. My diary is open.
  • Yes2HealthyAriel
    Yes2HealthyAriel Posts: 453 Member
    I have the same problem getting in enough calories. I tried upping my cals a few times but felt like I ate too much and got severe stomach cramps. To all you who say add oils, what if the thought of using oils to cook eggs or meat grosses you out? I would rather my food stick to a pan then use oil. Hmm maybe a spray form of some sort.
  • Maurice1966
    Maurice1966 Posts: 419 Member
    Try not to skip meals regularly. I know you've only just started but I noticed Lunch missing one day and breakfast missing the previous day.
    It's not an absolute but yes, as one poster suggested, try smaller meals more frequently (e.g. only have half the scrambled egg muffin for breakfast and the other for lunch) throughout the day which keeps your metabolism running higher as your body burns the fuel. Today seemed like a reasonable day, close to 1200 however, I'm not going to suggest what you should and shouldn't eat but 70g of potato chips is not a good calorie intake.
    One of the posters suggested planning your days. Great idea. I have most of tomorrow's day already itemised. It might change a little but it gives you a goal to aim for.
  • xarge
    xarge Posts: 484 Member
    I have the same problem getting in enough calories. I tried upping my cals a few times but felt like I ate too much and got severe stomach cramps. To all you who say add oils, what if the thought of using oils to cook eggs or meat grosses you out? I would rather my food stick to a pan then use oil. Hmm maybe a spray form of some sort.

    You don't have to cook with oil but you can try olive oil with your vegetables, salads or fish as dressing.
  • mrneason
    mrneason Posts: 17 Member
    My wife and I have just started using this website and she is ALWAYS way under her calorie goal. After a few false starts, I am getting better at planning my day ahead of time...but she doesn't "want" to eat on a schedule so she keeps going under her target. Changing these habits isn't all that easy. Make sure to get a good breakfast. Stick with it, we will figure this out.
  • Laoch_Cailin
    Laoch_Cailin Posts: 414 Member
    I have the same problem getting in enough calories. I tried upping my cals a few times but felt like I ate too much and got severe stomach cramps. To all you who say add oils, what if the thought of using oils to cook eggs or meat grosses you out? I would rather my food stick to a pan then use oil. Hmm maybe a spray form of some sort.

    Maybe try a different oil. I don't really like the taste of olive oil on a stir fry so I use hemp oil. Try and find one you might like the flavour of better.
  • mfpmech
    mfpmech Posts: 10
    To all you who say add oils, what if the thought of using oils to cook eggs or meat grosses you out? I would rather my food stick to a pan then use oil. Hmm maybe a spray form of some sort.
    spray is just oil plus butter flavoring and compressed gases (to do the spraying).
  • GemmaRowlands
    GemmaRowlands Posts: 360 Member
    I find it hard to eat enough when I'm eating healthy foods, because I pile my plate high with veg and even though it fills you up, there aren't many calories in it. But if you slip up and eat unhealthy foods, like last night I had a chocolate bar, and I realised that there were 400 cals in that alone! So it depends on what you eat, but I've managed to find a balance now between low cal and high cal.