How much money do you spend on being Fit??



  • Sharon009
    Sharon009 Posts: 327 Member
    Wow! I need to spend more. My grocery bill is still the same, I'm just making different choices. I bought all my workout clothes at Walmart and even though I lost 20lbs, I'm still wearing them 2 1/2 yrs later. I spent $50 on shoes and was already spending $120 per year for the gym when I started my weight loss journey. But I did spend a fortune on a new wardrobe, especially my work clothes probably around $4,000.
  • winninga
    winninga Posts: 77 Member
    Gym Membership $960, but it's a family YMCA membership that includes my daughter's swimming lessons and child care.

    I probably spend about $30/week more in food. I don't care what anyone says, whole, natural and/or organic foods are more expensive than the crap that they sell in the middle aisles of the supermarket that you get coupons for.

    $50 every four to six months on a new pair of gym shoes.

    $20/month on vitamins and supplements.
  • victoria4321
    victoria4321 Posts: 1,719 Member
    Monthly crossfit memebership $180
    Regular gym membership $103 a month (family membership)

    Around 3396 then a year for just gym memberships. Throw in fitness clothes and misc equipment for stuff at home and it probably rounds out to 3700 a year.
  • Ketomaniac9
    Ketomaniac9 Posts: 108 Member
    Wow how do vitamins cost that much?? Anyway I spent about $150 on fitness items in my first month of lifestyle change.
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    I really don't spend that much.

    In the beginning, I bought a weight set for about $300, a DVD set for about $150, and running shoes for $100. I might have spent $150 or so on workout clothes. And that's it. I wouldn't consider food as extra since I have to eat anyway. I don't eat that differently anyway. I was never really a fast food/junk food person anyway. My problem had always been eating out a restaurants for every single meal. That gets expensive. So, I save money now.

    Since my income hasn't changed, I would say that if I wasn't spending money on health related items, I'd just spend them on something else. So, it's not net new stuff. It's just changing my priorities. But, as you can see, compared to some of you, I'm a lightweight.

    Food, vitimins, and bars, I would buy anyway so I don't consider that specifically health stuff.

    I replace my shoes about every 3 to 6 months, depending how much I am running, but other than that, since my start up, I haven't spent a dime.

    When I first started, I had a gym's not a gym, but more of a club. It cost me $69/mo. So, it was expensive. Ditching that cost was the best thing I ever did. There are gyms around here I would love to join and they are only like $9/mo. But, they are really ghetto. So, I just can't do it.

    I have been thinking a lot about joining Cross Fit. I might. It seems like it's my style of workout and fitness.

    I forgot about my half-marathon this year. That was around $150, and I ran a Turkey Trot (10K) in November, that was around $50).
  • Darkskinned88
    Darkskinned88 Posts: 1,177 Member
    Well so far not so much

    2 Gyms (4 months) $320
    Workout Gear- $100

    i spend about the same on food, its just healthier options. Probably saved about $60 month opting to fill a water bottle as opposed to grabbing a coffee in the morning,
  • UpEarly
    UpEarly Posts: 2,555 Member
    About $600 a year on hiking boots and trail runners.

    $7/month for my BodyMedia online subscription.

    $20 here and there for a new exercise video.

    I've had free weights at home for almost 20 years now. If I want to go to a gym, I can use the one at the university where I work for free.
  • futuremalestripper
    futuremalestripper Posts: 467 Member
    Apartment complex has a gym.
    Shoes - $100 (yaye for sales)/year
    Vitamins - $70/year
    DVD's - 0
    Clothes - 0

    My whey and combined food costs are way lower than they used to be, so honestly it's a savings of over $100 a month. So really, over the course of the year it's saving me $1000.
  • cgray
    cgray Posts: 132 Member
    Tons. I have a trainer, I go to a small private gym, I want to look cute working out so I spend money on clothing. I run, each race costs between $150-300. I'm even thinking about getting cellulite treatments. But, for me, it's worth it. I'll go without other things instead. I don't care what my car looks like, for example. I just pick and choose.
  • LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo
    LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo Posts: 3,634 Member
    Approx 1260-1470 pesos ($30-$35) a month. I'm not from the US so I needed to use the calculator for that $ equivalent, hahaha
  • chocolateandvodka
    chocolateandvodka Posts: 1,856 Member
    Preface: I'm a Dave Ramsey fan. I have no credit cards, I own a "beater", live on a cash only system (and have for well over 2 years), and my only debt is either beyond my control (divorce) or school loans. Conclusion: I am not a careless spender, nor do I advocate irresponsible habits.

    Now. My point.

    If you actually take a calculated, objective look at the financial impact of obesity, you would be shocked. Yes, you might be spending $20-50 a month or more on a gym membership. Perhaps you've hired a trainer at $50-100/hour. Not to mention you're paying hundreds of dollars at the checkout line for natural, healthy foods. Oh and if you take supplements or have any special dietary additions - shakes, powders, etc... damn they can be pricey. Last but not least, many if not all of us are paying ungodly amounts for proper workout gear, clothing, and shees. This is stressful. I know it is and has been for me.

    However - on the flipside - Guess what's more expensive than all of that?

    "fat" clothes. extra seats on the bus and airline, or first class tickets and taxis because your rear end is more than 18" wide. extra gas for your automobile because a) you clearly aren't walking anywhere, and b) the additional weight requires more energy. alcohol.

    and then...

    Lipitor. Plavix. Celebrex. Never heard of them? These are drugs required to manage your comorbidities. (Comorbidities: Big word meaning other reasons you are dying faster that exist because of your weight) Some of these drugs cost up to $400 per month! What are you taking these EXPENSIVE drugs for?

    High cholesterol
    PCOS - Polycistic Ovarian Syndrome
    CHF - Congestive Heart Failure
    A host of other cardiac diseases
    COPD - Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
    Acid reflux
    Liver disease
    ERECTILE DYSFUNCTION (yes. size matters.)
    Lymph edema

    Some of these happen anyway. Why increase your chances up to 100% by being overweight?
  • seedcind
    seedcind Posts: 1 Member
    I spend very little. I clean machines at the gym three hours a week in exchange for membership for my family (me and four children). I use the gym pact app when I work out, I average $27 of pay for 40 workouts. I bike to and from the gym. My gym pact money is enough to cover my protein powder.

    I only buy workout clothing at knock off places like TJ Maxx, would never spend more than $5 for anything (other than sports bras and shoes). I also placed a bet on that I could lose 4 percent of my body weight in 28 days -- took me 4 days because I only weigh 116 pounds (only had to lose 4 lbs to meet the bet -- our pot was at $70). I question every dollar I spend so it's pretty easy.
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    Preface: I'm a Dave Ramsey fan. I have no credit cards, I own a "beater", live on a cash only system (and have for well over 2 years), and my only debt is either beyond my control (divorce) or school loans. Conclusion: I am not a careless spender, nor do I advocate irresponsible habits.

    Now. My point.

    If you actually take a calculated, objective look at the financial impact of obesity, you would be shocked. Yes, you might be spending $20-50 a month or more on a gym membership. Perhaps you've hired a trainer at $50-100/hour. Not to mention you're paying hundreds of dollars at the checkout line for natural, healthy foods. Oh and if you take supplements or have any special dietary additions - shakes, powders, etc... damn they can be pricey. Last but not least, many if not all of us are paying ungodly amounts for proper workout gear, clothing, and shees. This is stressful. I know it is and has been for me.

    However - on the flipside - Guess what's more expensive than all of that?

    "fat" clothes. extra seats on the bus and airline, or first class tickets and taxis because your rear end is more than 18" wide. extra gas for your automobile because a) you clearly aren't walking anywhere, and b) the additional weight requires more energy. alcohol.

    and then...

    Lipitor. Inderol. Humira. Never heard of them? These are drugs required to manage your comorbidities. (Comorbidities: Big word meaning other reasons you are dying faster that exist because of your weight) What are you taking these EXPENSIVE drugs for?

    High cholesterol
    PCOS - Polycistic Ovarian Syndrome
    CHF - Congestive Heart Failure
    A host of other cardiac diseases
    COPD - Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
    Acid reflux
    Liver disease
    ERECTILE DYSFUNCTION (yes. size matters.)
    Lymph edema

    Some of these happen anyway. Why increase your chances up to 100% by being overweight?

    Wait, I think I love you. :heart:
  • Fat_to_muscles
    I don't think it needs to be expensive... I spend between 40 and 90 pounds on running shoes every 2-3 years (I run half marathons), for the rest I have spent 5 pounds on a fitness DVD, and 15 pounds on weights (bought them used). As for the food, as other have already commented, I think that healthy food is a lot cheaper than junk food/eating out.

    I'm a bit shocked by the amount you spend on vitamins... Why is that? Do you just not like fruit/vegetables or is there another reason? Don't know if that makes me sound stupid, but I'm genuinely curious...
  • chivalryder
    chivalryder Posts: 4,391 Member
    I don't spend any money to be "fit." I may consider that I spend money to be healthy, but it's not any more than I do from being unhealthy. Now I watch what I eat, so I eat less. I am currently doing an elimination diet to find food allergies (it runs in the family). That requires a strict diet of all organic foods and such.

    To compare to your list...

    Vitamins: $0. I already buy those, not to be fit, but to be healthy.
    Protein bars: Those things aren't as good for you as you might think. Try a glass of milk, some nuts, or a ham sandwich.
    Gym membership: $0. I find gyms boring and uninspiring. I prefer the outdoors or my own home.
    Fitness DVDs: $0. On the internet, they're free!
    Home Gym Equipment: $0. I prefer to use my own body weight and go for HIIT instead of max weight to build bulk.

    As for things like shoes and whatnot, the money I would spend on those I save by not using a car as much. It's a change of habit and lifestyle. In general, the healthier you live,t he less expensive it'll cost you.

    I guess you could call me frugal.
  • kolkol
    kolkol Posts: 300 Member
    Running shoes - $10
    Rebounder - $35
    Hand weights -Free! (used to belong to my brother)
    Resistance tubes - $15
    Cycling machine - Free again!! (It was a gift)
    Total = $60

    I also have a Netflix account that I use for workout videos, but we use it for so many other things I don't really count it. I don't make a lot of money (so I can't afford a gym membership or a lot of home workout equipment), but it's not hard to lose weight on a budget.
    I am just curious, did you forget a "0" for the running shoes? I believe the cheapest running shoes Iv bought were like $35 (but that was prior to making sure they were good enough for running) My last pair of running shoes were $90
  • kolkol
    kolkol Posts: 300 Member
    My breakdown is as follows:

    Yearly Vitamins - $20/30 mo (I do not always take them every single day like I should)
    Yearly Protein Bars - very rarely buy. This year I have spent maybe $120ish on protein powder.
    Yearly Gym Membership - starting July 1st will be $0!!! for the year, my boss is paying it, last year I only paid half $240.00
    Shoes-approx $200/yr
    Fitness DVDs - 0
    Home Gym Equipment - 0
    Healthly food- ALOT of money (but we all have to remember this will help us save a lot more if we were eating bad now & tons of dr bills later in life for medical problems)
  • Zvyezda
    Zvyezda Posts: 90 Member
    £16.99 per month gym

    £0 for yoga, pilates, Zumba (free at work :-) )
  • soonersgurl
    i will say calculated everything average, and i at LEAST spend 2,778 per year on healthfied i will say in between, $2,500 to 3,500 a year just on my fitness health. this is NOT including dvd's becuase i dont buy those any more due toalready having enough accumilated from my younger years, dont buy shoes that often due to how my birthday and christmas are 6 months apart so family usually does that for me, i have no home gym, but I DO have a gym member ship of 40 a month,i dont buy that many new clothes becase again, have accumulated alot from highschool and college. i buy QUEST bars and use promasil protein powder by rivalus. both of those are good quality. it will vary on health supps on where you buy them and how good of quality they are. right now, all my purchases i know are good quality supps, from the fish oils i take, etc. i would not waste your time on fish oils in super markets,walgreens,..most, not ALL, but most are made with "fillers"...a friend of mine have actually tested most of these and its mostly fillers.

    summing up mine -2,500-at most 3,500..some things i dont HAVE to have, but i just choose to put it in my purchases. am i crazy? not if it helps me live a longer better life.
  • supplemama
    supplemama Posts: 1,956 Member
    Hmmmm I never thought of it in terms of money. I guess I do spend money to get fit, but it's for my health so it's worth it.

    Gym: $45 a month or so, I'd have to ask my husband since he pays the family membership fee. $540 a year
    Shoes: Asics every 6 months or so, $84-100 depending if I catch a sale
    Vitamins: $8 for a 3 month supply, so $32 a year
    Food: No extra here, as I was a vegetarian for 24 years and thus we were already a mostly healthy eating family. Now we eat out less, so we're actually saving money by me losing weight.
    Videos: I bought a Leslie Sansone walking DVD at the beginning of the year that was like $8. I plan to buy more of her DVDs, maybe 2 more this year. so $24 for that.
    Clothing: This is going to be the costly factor. By the end of the year I'll need to seriously buy new clothes...I can sew so thus can tailor many of my current clothes like skirts, but others I really don't know how to alter.