How often should I weigh myself?

Hi all,

I've got into a really bad habit of weighing myself everyday. I know it's not good. I was wondering how often I should weigh myself?

The other half keeps telling me he's gonna hide the scales if I carry on doing it, that's the last thing I want!


  • marm1962
    marm1962 Posts: 950 Member
    I don't know why people think that's a bad habit or it's not a good thing.

    Can you handle the ups and downs of the scale from day to day without going crazy?

    How often you weigh yourself is a personal choice, but even while losing weight you may be heavier from one day to the next from water weight or what ever.

    I weigh myself every day, However I only log it onto MFP once a day is Monday's.

    Most others will tell you to weigh in once a week or less........The choice is still yours.
  • jcperkns
    jcperkns Posts: 109
    I weigh myself once in the morning and once at night before bed. I know a lot of people say not to weight that much because of daily fluctuations and to only weigh once a week but I disagree. If you weigh once a week and that day you happen to be on an "up" day, it might cause discouragement. With me, I know at night I am going to be 1-2 lbs heavier than in the morning, but it doesn't bother me. Plus, I like see how what I eat and how much affects my weight. As long as the general trend is downward, that's all I care about. Also, I only record my weight on here once a week.
  • I don't know why people think that's a bad habit or it's not a good thing.

    Can you handle the ups and downs of the scale from day to day without going crazy?

    How often you weigh yourself is a personal choice, but even while losing weight you may be heavier from one day to the next from water weight or what ever.

    I weigh myself every day, However I only log it onto MFP once a day is Monday's.

    Most others will tell you to weigh in once a week or less........The choice is still yours.

    I wouldn't say it drives me crazy...I know I weigh less first thing in the morning after going for a wee. But at the same time I think "why am I doing this to myself" Maybe I should hopefully surprise myself at the beginning of the week. To my delight I was a pound lighter this morning :)
  • ladyraven68
    ladyraven68 Posts: 2,003 Member
    Hi all,

    I've got into a really bad habit of weighing myself everyday. I know it's not good. I was wondering how often I should weigh myself?

    The other half keeps telling me he's gonna hide the scales if I carry on doing it, that's the last thing I want!

    I weigh daily, and record in it my spreadsheet, but I only log on here on a Friday morning.
  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member
    I weigh in 3-4x a week at the same time, in the same clothes, after eating the same meal ( I use the scales at the Y where I work out). I log it regardless. Sometimes I see a gain ( like a week ago) but generally it is gone by the next time I weigh in, and generally I see a small loss (.2lbs or so). Sometimes I will see a big loss ( over 1lb) if it has been 2 days since my last weigh in...
  • shoobz
    shoobz Posts: 119
    I weigh myself once a day, in the morning. Or I used to, before my scales broke >.< I don't really mind the daily up/down thing, it can be disappointing, sure, but it happens and I understand it.
  • terrifictom
    terrifictom Posts: 1 Member
    I weigh myself everyday, sometimes twice a day. And yeah, I see ups and downs alike, and I'll admit, the ups are less than encouraging. But I remember not to sweat the small stuff, looking at the big picture. Where I've been, where I am now, and where I'm going. Weighing myself often helps to keep my mind focused on what I'm trying to accomplish.
  • sneekspeete
    sneekspeete Posts: 136
    I had 2 stop weighing myself daily because I was driving myself NUTS. Now I do it weekly, but only log it monthly when Curves does my monthly weight n measure.
  • spearson288
    spearson288 Posts: 55 Member
    People say it's a bad habit because it is de-motivational for some, if you can handle seeing your weight go up and down anywhere between 1-8 lbs then great.

    It is suggested to weigh yourself 1 time per week so that you are not seeing "normal fluctuation" and freaking out about it. It also makes the numbers dropped more drastic than if you keep seeing yourself loosing .5 lbs per day.

    I personally try to weigh in 1 time per week, I know if I have had a particular bad day and binge like crazy I might weigh in the day after to see how much dmg I might have caused but Sundays are my weigh in days, they are also the day I rest. I weigh in in the morning after I have gone to the bathroom, and wearing nothing (clothing does add little bits :P) so I can get the most accurate number.

    I also not only weigh in but I take my full bodies measurements every 2 weeks. Even though you may not be loosing weight, you're body is still decreasing in fat. I have only lost about 7lbs since April, but over 20 inches on my body.
  • People say it's a bad habit because it is de-motivational for some, if you can handle seeing your weight go up and down anywhere between 1-8 lbs then great.

    It is suggested to weigh yourself 1 time per week so that you are not seeing "normal fluctuation" and freaking out about it. It also makes the numbers dropped more drastic than if you keep seeing yourself loosing .5 lbs per day.

    I personally try to weigh in 1 time per week, I know if I have had a particular bad day and binge like crazy I might weigh in the day after to see how much dmg I might have caused but Sundays are my weigh in days, they are also the day I rest. I weigh in in the morning after I have gone to the bathroom, and wearing nothing (clothing does add little bits :P) so I can get the most accurate number.

    I also not only weigh in but I take my full bodies measurements every 2 weeks. Even though you may not be loosing weight, you're body is still decreasing in fat. I have only lost about 7lbs since April, but over 20 inches on my body.

    You must be really proud of yourself. 20 inches is a lot! Wish I'd lost 20 inches
  • scorpio61
    scorpio61 Posts: 46 Member
    I hop on the scale every morning after I the pj's come off and I have emptied my bladder Not because I need to I go by what my pants are telling me The scale just lets me know ok there's a change in wt. I'm either eating to much or the wrong stuff It helps me stay within my caloric range is all The daily up and down of wt. doesn't bother me I know there are things that will make us look and feel bloated salt, hormones certain foods And if your working out with wts. remember to take that into account
  • emtjess
    emtjess Posts: 26
    I weigh in first thing in the morning and usually at night time just to see whats going on, but I only log it once a week on tuesdays, and i usually don't log it at all if I have had a gain =-/. . . but I know that overall I am doing more for myself by working out and trying to eat better everyday than if I were setting at home on the couch eating and watching tv.
  • I too have the habit of weighing myself evey moring to. I think this could be a bad habit to get into because if the scale movies up at all I end up depressed and then want to give up. So I am trying to only step on the scale at least once or twice a week. This way I know where I am with my weight and then I dont get depressed eveyday.
  • geezer99
    geezer99 Posts: 92
    For me -- once a week max!
  • cwarrick99
    cwarrick99 Posts: 1 Member
    I weigh myself 2 times a week... Sunday morning & Thursday Mornings... I always use the same scale and weigh before i eat my breakfast!

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  • DefyGravity1977
    DefyGravity1977 Posts: 300 Member
    I typically weigh in twice a week. Saturdays are my major day when I will log. Then I do a midweek weigh in just to see where I am. The daily weigh in was driving me nuts so I stopped. Also I weigh in first in the morning after the morning bathroom trip and before doing anything else. This works for me. Down 73 pounds overall in the past 5 years.
  • akrnrunner
    akrnrunner Posts: 117 Member
    I weigh myself every morning. I get up, use bathroom and hop on the scale. If I loose I chart it. If I gain no sweat. Just keep pushing. Sometimes I'll hop on the scale in the evening, mostly because I like to see the difference hydration and food make. I don't feel like I'm obsessive about it and so far it's worked for me. Almost 65lbs lost since having the my baby in January! :)
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    if i were you, i'd weigh myself as soon as you wake up. have the scale right next to the bed so it is the first thing you do in the morning. sleep naked too, if you already don't, in order to not effect this initial weigh in. accuracy is key. i'd also start weigh yourself after your morning bowel movement, after breakfast, before lunch, after lunch, before your work out, after your work out, after your work out shower, before dinner, after dinner, and before bed.

    or just once a week, on like a friday. your choice.
  • NomiS6
    NomiS6 Posts: 67 Member
    every morning for me
  • fishfish3
    fishfish3 Posts: 26 Member
    I weigh every morning. It's motivation. If you don't feel obsessive about it, it's not a bad thing.