Help Me

I have been on MFP for almost 2 1/2 weeks and I have not lost a single pound. Granted I just started working out seriously in the last week. I lost an inch off of my hips and waist but I gained a couple of pounds and then lost them again but I am back at my starting weight and haven't gone in the opposite direction. On most days I am under my calorie intake. I have changed my eating habits significantly. I don't eat at night, I stopped drinking pop and I don't eat nearly as much sweet foods. Please help me! What am I doing wrong? Or is this normal? The last time that I lost weight (about four years back) it was not this difficult. Maybe it's because I'm older and it's just going to take longer because I let myself go so much. Please give me words of encouragement!


  • codycisco
    codycisco Posts: 62
    Just hang on and continue watching what you are eating, it will come off. Drink lots of water. Sometimes if you increase your calories it can shock your body back into losing. I usually have an significant weigh loss after I do this. You can do this, just be patient and diligent!
  • rhonniema
    rhonniema Posts: 522 Member
    Be patient.
    You're not going to see drastic results in such a short period of time.
  • jesusHchris
    jesusHchris Posts: 1,405 Member
    Sometimes if you increase your calories it can shock your body back into losing.

    She is not talking about a plateu, she is talking about 0 weight loss at all.

    Perhaps make your diary viewable so people can offer more informed advice. Good luck!
  • Lovestoscrapbook
    Lovestoscrapbook Posts: 295 Member
    It took me 4 weeks to begin to see a change. You say that you've lost inches and have begun working out. Remember that it takes muscle to burn fat so it sounds like you are doing everything right. Watch your calories, DRINK WATER (can't emphasize that enough), and be faithful to your workouts. Be patient and the results will come. :flowerforyou:
  • angellmoore
    angellmoore Posts: 72 Member
    Don't always listen to the scale. How do you feel? Are your clothes getting bigger? Do you have more energy and stamina? These things are a much better indicator than your scale. I am a scale junkie, but it's not the only thing I go by. Be patient and keep motivated. It will change. Make sure you are eating enough. We think that we need to eat less calories, but it's more important to change your eating patterns. Choose fresh fruit/vegetables instead of chips/sweets. I promise you if you keep going you will notice a difference. :)
  • ktsmom430
    ktsmom430 Posts: 1,100 Member
    From your picture, you are a beautiful young woman!
    Keep thinking of this as a lifestyle change that you are doing for yourself, and your family. Do not get discouraged. You can get to where you want to be.
    I am twice as old as you, and have a daughter just a couple of years younger than you are. She is my biggest cheerleader, and has never, in her whole life, seen me anything but overweight. I am very ashamed of that fact.
    My official weigh in is Monday, but unofficially I have lost 60 pounds so far. If this old lady can do it, so can you!
    Hang in there, it will happen!
  • Zeromilediet
    Zeromilediet Posts: 787 Member
    Weight loss is 80% (or so) diet and the exercise is more for fitness (uptick your metabolism, heart health, etc). Are you being realistic about your food choices? Can't view your diary so no feedback; however, you can likely look at what you've been logging and be honest with yourself about expectations. Are you avoiding food and drink that's essentially empty nutrient-wise? Examples: soda, fast food, snacks that have more carbs than protein or low fat but high sugar, etc.
  • bpetlock
    bpetlock Posts: 109
    I changed my diary settings and now they are visable to everyone. I wasn't sure how I felt about that at first but I guess I really have nothing to hide. I rarely eat sweets or drink pop any longer. I splurged last night I'm sorry to say (2 cupcakes and 2 beers). I went to a BBQ and felt like I did very well considering past habits. I even burned 505 calories before I went to the BBQ. Anyway if there is something that anyone notices on my diary that is off please give me advise. I could use it!
  • bpetlock
    bpetlock Posts: 109
    From your picture, you are a beautiful young woman!
    Keep thinking of this as a lifestyle change that you are doing for yourself, and your family. Do not get discouraged. You can get to where you want to be.
    I am twice as old as you, and have a daughter just a couple of years younger than you are. She is my biggest cheerleader, and has never, in her whole life, seen me anything but overweight. I am very ashamed of that fact.
    My official weigh in is Monday, but unofficially I have lost 60 pounds so far. If this old lady can do it, so can you!
    Hang in there, it will happen!

    This is so sweet. Thank you. I feel like I can do it. I just get discouraged sometimes. I feel like the results should be more obvious. But I do have more energy and better stamina so in retrospect I think things are going better than I originally thought. I'm just so tired of being overweight!
  • ktsmom430
    ktsmom430 Posts: 1,100 Member
    We all have to be reminded to allow ourselves to make mistakes. So what if you had a couple of beers and cupcakes at a BBQ, it is OK! We all have social situations where we are around food that we are trying to avoid. Many of us make choices we wish we hadn't. We just have to move on, and try to make a better choice the next day. You are young, with young children. Being a parent is stressful. I admire all the young people here who are trying to get healthy and have all the issues that go along with raising a family, now days. It was difficult when I was doing it, but I think it is much harder for the young people today.

    So, give yourself a pat on the back for all the things you are doing right, it is not easy. Yesterday is gone, and today is another day. You will make it! We all can!
    Good Luck!
  • orishp
    orishp Posts: 214 Member
    The only thing that jumps at me from your diary is sugar, maybe if you cut back on that .... I use stevia and had gotten used to the taste, not as good as sugar but oh well!

    The other thing, i dont know your stats but it seems like your calorie goal is high. I set my profile to sedentary (i work in an office) so my goal is set to 1200 cals and then i eat back the calories i burn from exercise. I have been working out 5-6 days/ week even if its just 30 min.

    Dont get discouraged, i know how frustrating it is, push through it, try to make healthy choices, workout and you'll do fine
  • bpetlock
    bpetlock Posts: 109
    I set my profile to sedentary (i work in an office) so my goal is set to 1200 cals and then i eat back the calories i burn from exercise. I have been working out 5-6 days/ week even if its just 30 min.

    Dont get discouraged, i know how frustrating it is, push through it, try to make healthy choices, workout and you'll do fine

    I changed my profile to light activity because I am constantly moving at home with my two year old. So my calorie goal is lower at about 1400 calories. I have been working out pretty hard every day so maybe with that and the calorie change I might see more results. Thanks for your advice!