Low Carb

I've decided to do low carb. How low should I go? Any advice?


  • seattlern
    seattlern Posts: 19
    Any low carb diet will work to drop weight quickly at first. The secret to being successful and keeping it off is to follow the WHOLE diet and be prepared to change the way you eat and think about food . Learning how and when to eat carbs going forward is the key. I recommend reading up on South Beach and Dukan and taking the bits of advice from each that work best for you. Good luck!
  • julslea
    julslea Posts: 436 Member
    I started doing low carb a week ago and try to keep my carbs between 70-80 a day. I would eventually like to get down to 50 carbs a day. I have lost 8 lbs since Monday doing the lower carb diet. Everyone is different in their carb needs. You just have to play around with it and see what works best for you.
  • raeraeti
    raeraeti Posts: 108
    It looks like the south beach doesn't allow fruit at first. Should I limit sugars as well as carbs or just stick to carbs for now?
  • julslea
    julslea Posts: 436 Member
    I am doing 1 serving of fruit a day before 3 pm. This is what my doctor recommended for me.
  • MCsAngel2
    MCsAngel2 Posts: 49 Member
    Sugars = carbs. Same thing. If you want to eat low carb, your fruits will have to be lowered, at least for awhile.

    I'm older than you, but the same weight targeting the same goal. I also eat low carb. I do not follow a specific plan (SB or Atkins), I do my own.

    I aim for 50g net carbs per day (total carbs minus total fiber - you'll have to start tracking fiber in your diary too), but I *reeeallly* try to make sure I don't go over 75g net carbs. I try to make sure I stay under 70g net carbs a minimum of 5 days a week. This is all on a 1200 calorie daily allowance....I don't excercise at all (no time), so if you exercise, you will of course have a higher calorie allotment.

    Protein is your friend. My given allotment is 75g per day, but I try to go over that if I can. Going over on your protein is a-ok.

    Healthy fat is your friend. I'm not much for avocado, but my go to snacks are nuts.
  • Romans624
    Romans624 Posts: 822
    I've tried both South Beach and Atkins. The difference is mainly

    South beach has no specific restriction on the right carbs (salad, bell peppers etc)

    Atkins has a stricter carb allowance but allows intake of more fat than south beach, which emphasizes lower fat in the diet.

    Right now I am doing atkins because the people I live with are always pushing higher fat foods on me and its easier if I don't have to push them off constantly.

    I'm losing weight pretty well. Just realize there are 3 phases, after you come off induction you will gradually add more healthy carbs, such as fruit or whole grains. And when you've lost all your excess weight, you still need to keep healthy principles of eating in your diet which is less of the sugar, processed stuff and lower nutrient carbs.
  • raeraeti
    raeraeti Posts: 108
    Thanks for the advice, that sounds like a good plan. Why subtract fiber from carbs?
  • Zeromilediet
    Zeromilediet Posts: 787 Member
    I aim for about 60 grams per day and accomplish that by mostly eating vegetables for carbs, a couple pieces of fruit, and no dairy, grains and beans (easy anyway because these give me gut problems).
  • lisaivette
    lisaivette Posts: 24
    Phase 1 of the SB reduces your sugar cravings. The amount of carbs that you eat during phase 1 is usually below 50/ day. If you exercise strenuously I would up the carb intake slightly or you will become extremely tired/ exhausted. Found out the hard way after running 3 miles and then walking 4 miles afterwards. I started phase 2 today and plan to keep my carb intake between 50-75 to continue with the weight loss. I'm also using the glycemic index chart to help with choosing fruits that are low in carbs and that do not affect my sugar cravings. It's trial and error when it comes down to carbs :smile:
  • VisBella
    VisBella Posts: 21 Member
    If you are limiting your sugars, you are automatically limiting your sugars. http://www.atkins.com/Home.aspx is the best place to start if you want to learn about the benifits of low carb. Best of luck to you!:drinker:
  • DebbieMc3
    DebbieMc3 Posts: 289 Member
    there are so many answers to this question.
    I am very low carb. I average 22 carbs per day and I NEVER go over 50,
    For me, I've been losing weight quickly and I feel great.
    It took about 3 weeks before the "yuckies" went away. I do take potassium supplements to avoid leg cramps.
    Check out my diary if you want.

  • stylistchik
    stylistchik Posts: 1,436 Member
    I do a "lower" carb diet maintaining about 100g per day of each carbs and protein. I usually only get about 80g of protein, though. I work out really hard and I also work and go to school so going lower than that would leave me too tired to maintain my lifestyle and this really is about lifestyle. I suggest gradually cutting back until you find something that works for you, super low carb should be fine for short term and then gradually increase again to something maintainable and healthy.
  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member
    Thanks for the advice, that sounds like a good plan. Why subtract fiber from carbs?

    fiber is subtracted because it has very little impact on blood sugar. A higher fiber intake also helps keep you full, AND helps keep you regular.

    Might be a good idea to read the atkins book too--Dr atkins explains the chemistry of WHY atkins works...he also gives some examples of how you can have MORE food on LESS calories while "doing Atkins". I eat under 100g of net carbs a day. I very rarely have to say no to a treat, and I eat great food.
  • IHeartNewMe
    IHeartNewMe Posts: 150 Member
    there are so many answers to this question.
    I am very low carb. I average 22 carbs per day and I NEVER go over 50,
    For me, I've been losing weight quickly and I feel great.
    It took about 3 weeks before the "yuckies" went away. I do take potassium supplements to avoid leg cramps.
    Check out my diary if you want.


    I also limit my carbs to under 25-30 gr./day. I do not eat any potatoes, bread, rice, pasta anything llke that. I do eat the occasional low carb wrap or low carb pita. My carbs consist of incidentals (whatever is in the foods I eat and veggies. I have another 30 lbs. or so to go and then I'll eat limited fruit. I have gone over 50/day, but really try to stay within range (it's not easy). I've been eating this way since January of last year. I really don't miss carbs at all. I used to live on popcorn. Now, they make it almost every day in my office and while the smell of popcorn still smells wonderful, it doesn't entice me one bit. A year and a half into this thing, I don't miss them. I make my foods now with substitutes like "Mock Potato Salad" with cauliflower and "Cauliflower Pizza Crust", stuff like that. It's a way of life for me and I don't miss my old way of eating or the old me at all! Best of everything in your journey. And I agree, read Atkins website for info. For me, it's been the best way of eating to lose weight and keep, it off and have lots of energy and feel great in the process.
  • glennstoudt
    glennstoudt Posts: 403 Member
    Thanks for the advice, that sounds like a good plan. Why subtract fiber from carbs?

    Fiber is generally not digested. So if you eat 100g of carbs, and the fiber content is 30g, the net is 70g carbs.
    My recommendation is a moderated carbs dietary intake. It is much easier to accomplish the transition. The don't eat anything white philosophy usually gets it done. Burger no bread. Chicken no roll, etc. Limit the restaurant foods, cut the salad dressing and go with olive oil. There are many ways to reduce carbs and still eat great. Protein up, carbs down, increase activity, calorie deficit, you will lose weight.
  • pseusie
    pseusie Posts: 16
    I have dropped my carbs substantially since being diagnosed insulin resistant. At first I kept it to 25 or so a day, then gradually worked back up, being sure to get most of my carbs from veggies. I drink almond milk but otherwise allow some dairy (cheese, froyo). The hardest thing for me has been cutting bread and pasta, but I still eat brown rice, sweet potatoes, things like that.

    The book that helped me the most was The Metabolism Miracle. It has distinct phases that really helped me to become super aware of where carbs were in my diet and how to plan to incorporate them in a healthy way.
  • douglasmobbs
    douglasmobbs Posts: 563 Member
    I am doing 1 serving of fruit a day before 3 pm. This is what my doctor recommended for me.

    Does this take into account daylight saving time changes, or where you live within a time zone (exact longitude) as the true time in one location can be quite different from the standardised time if it is on the edge of a time zone.
  • judychicken
    judychicken Posts: 937 Member
  • missmegan831
    missmegan831 Posts: 824 Member
    I average 13-15 net carbs per day and have lost 30 pounds since Halloween 2012. Its not a diet, its a lifestyle.. I feel full of energy and have no more high blood glucose readings. Like a previous poster said, its something you need to stick with in order to get results. Higher fat/proteins make up your calorie consumption. Best of luck. Please feel free to add me if you are looking for low carbing friends for support
  • I average 13-15 net carbs per day and have lost 30 pounds since Halloween 2012. Its not a diet, its a lifestyle.. I feel full of energy and have no more high blood glucose readings. Like a previous poster said, its something you need to stick with in order to get results. Higher fat/proteins make up your calorie consumption. Best of luck. Please feel free to add me if you are looking for low carbing friends for support
    What Megan said. I've been on it since mid June and loving it. Energy levels through the roof, sleep better etc etc. I'm never going back to a regular carb laden diet..this is my lifestyle now. Feel free to add me :)