Who is that fat lady in the mirror - OMG it is ME! HELP!



  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member
    I've been there :(

    I already wanted to lose weight, was 2.5 months into it when a friend took a picture of me at a party and posted it on facebook<shudder>. I really almost did not recognize that bloated mess she tagged as me. However...in the 2 months since that pic, I have totally changed. Check out my profile pics to see the transformation!
  • amsohs85
    amsohs85 Posts: 166
    Seeing myself in pics is what has really done it for me. When i look in the mirror i know i am fat but the camera is like an eagle eye. I need to lose at least fifty pounds myself so you are not alone in this. I'm also looking for supportive positive friends. I'm sending you a friend request and welcome anyone on here who would like to add me as well. :smile:
  • DawnPerks
    DawnPerks Posts: 14 Member
    You are not alone. I think we've all hit that OMG stage or we wouldn't be here. Feel free to add me. I have a long way to go yet but am happy to tag along with someone else.

    I too hate photos of myself. I see myself in mirrors and in reflections and sometimes can't believe it's me. In my head I don't think I look as big as I am. I hate having no clothes that fit..

    I'm in the UK and so far since January have lost 3 stone - that's 42 pounds - but I have at least another 5 stone, or 70 pounds, to lose before I am back to the weight I was at 7 years ago. Even then, I'll be 15 stone which is 3 stone over my recommended weight. At the moment, I've hit a plateau and the weight just will not shift.
  • wreckedredhead60
    wreckedredhead60 Posts: 40 Member
    Thanks so much - I could use the support.