what was your "rock bottom"? what made you change?



  • ninelives58
    ninelives58 Posts: 160 Member
    When the plus size 16 jeans I had bought because I had put on weight during menopause starting getting so tight that I could hardly sit down in them. It was starting to affect my social life because I was so uncomfortable in anything but sweats for casual wear. Then summer came and none of my shorts fit without looking disgusting. That was it. Now I can actually sit down and breathe at the same time in size 10's and 12's. :)
  • MrsBully4
    MrsBully4 Posts: 304 Member
    Going to buy new jeans, and the only ones that fit were size 26s.
  • jenj1313
    jenj1313 Posts: 898 Member
    Hitting "that number" on the scale. For me, it was 160 lbs. Might not sound like a lot to some, but it was a turning point for me. Lost about 7 lbs before I started here, and have mainly been maintaining since, but before that the numbers had slowly been creeping up and up and up, so I'm okay to be holding for now... trying for a slow change, in the right direction this time.
  • Being dumpedby my fiance after 12 years. I put on weight to keep men from hitting on me when we were out as he eas jealous. Now he did a 180 and tells me he likes other men wanting what he has-- he wants a trophy on his arm -- so he found a new gf. Well, new GF or not, I am alternating Insanity and P90x program cycles for the rwat of
    my life staeting tonight (insanity first for the cardio and weight loss, then p90x for toning and sculpting long, lean muscles. I already have lots of muscle under the fat. I will look and feel like the Goddess I am, and he can kick himself senseless for his poor choice. I will be the winner because i will be in good health ( I am in excellent health now except for weight and having been stupid!)

    I travel a lot and it will be a good therapy plan! Anyone else want to be their best for themselves and show others what YOU can do?
  • gpstrucker
    gpstrucker Posts: 930 Member
    For me it was nearly losing the federal medical certification needed to do my work due to high blood pressure. That was my wake up call to lose weight and get into better shape.
  • callmekaro
    callmekaro Posts: 42 Member
    My weight had pretty much crippled me. I earned my bachelor's degree last year and was not able to participate in graduation because I knew I'd never make it to walk across campus, across the stage, etc. It pissed me off! I am a single mom, worked full time, and went to school full time for nearly 5 years to earn the right to cross that stage! My graduation date was December 18th. I started MFP on December 27th and have lost 66 pounds so far. My health has improved 100% and I'm getting better every day. Still have a long, long way to go, but I'm counting on hitting my first goal of 100 pounds lost sometime this fall.
  • DJDonadic
    DJDonadic Posts: 17 Member
    My rock bottom was when I went on the scale the other day and it almost went around twice.
  • ncthomas09
    ncthomas09 Posts: 322 Member
    never really hit rock bottom...i thought i just had to accept my weight gain. then my dad told me he was trying MFP. he said I started this new diet and i can still eat ice cream and things like that if i want to. that got my attention and he showed me the site. I promptly signed up, I have lost 12.5 lbs with 12 more to go and I dont jiggle when I walk anymore. I just needed to find a diet or a plan or whatever you want to call it that I could stick to and fit my life! the low carb no carb thing never worked for me. This I can do and I no longer have to accept that being overweight/diabetic is how I have to be (especially since it runs in the family)
  • Seeing myself in the mirror when I tried looking nice for my partner. It was a horrible feeling.

    I'd felt fat for years, but after I saw just how bad it was I got determined.
  • snix1024
    snix1024 Posts: 81
    In April, when my husband after a few beers too many, said he deserved to be with someone skinny.
  • slcostel
    slcostel Posts: 116 Member
    As stupid as this sounds, I am still trying to hit rock bottom. I know that I need to change. I am trying to change. I just haven't hit that point of, "This is it for me"
    Me too. I'm getting there though.
  • butterflylady86
    butterflylady86 Posts: 369 Member
    After 3 years with my ex. And him saying How I had let myself go. I won't comment on him cause he not worth it. But I know this is pure revenge for the wasted time with him.
  • czuniga03
    czuniga03 Posts: 99
    Mine was when people kept asking me if I'm pregnant and I'm not, it was just my stomach had gotten so big.
    Don't you hate that..I like to tell them 5 years ago(when my youngest was born) Makes me feel better to see their reaction..lol
  • SquidNebula
    SquidNebula Posts: 107 Member
    I couldn't fit into any of my clothes any more. I actually had to go out and buy a couple pairs of jeans so I could have something to wear-- and then those started to get tight. :( I didn't feel attractive and I avoided looking at myself in mirrors and I was constantly putting myself down in my head. Also-- was ashamed to have any pictures taken of me (still am, actually) and I was always afraid of running into people I knew. I felt awkward, fat and hideously ugly.

    I was sick of the cycle. I'm not sure how I got into that rut but I'm doing my best not to ever get there again. I still have a lot of work to do on my self confidence..
  • katbragg
    katbragg Posts: 6
    a very sweet lady drove all the way from Arizona to South Carolina to meet me. When she first told me she was coming I was ashamed for her to see me, as we've only known each other through Facebook. She was only staying a couple of hours and we felt like we'd known each other always. She's coming back in 2013 and I want to surprise her. 2013 is going to be the year I FINALLY get under 200 pounds, which I have not been in 30 years....and I am actually going to get under 150 :)
  • Stefanie7125
    Stefanie7125 Posts: 462 Member
    I know its cliche, but a picture. It wasn't my face or even my belly that got me, it was my legs. I could not believe how huge my legs were! That put it into perspective how big I was everywhere else.
  • lnburcham
    lnburcham Posts: 11
    i had gestational diabetes during my recent pregnancy and had read i was at high risk for diabetes and was tired of pricking my fingers.
  • pixelberry
    pixelberry Posts: 167 Member
    New Years, when my "fat pants" were getting too tight.
  • Bobby_Clerici
    Bobby_Clerici Posts: 1,828 Member
    When my wife said I was too fat and no longer attractive.
    I am so glad she was honest. How many marriages could be saved if people would just be open and frank with each other.
    We're back to form now, but just look at me back then?
    And this "before" pic was AFTER I LOST 10 lbs...lol
    how could I have not known I was too fat?
  • Apazman
    Apazman Posts: 494 Member
    told by a woman . " I would totally date you if only you didn't look like you.'