what was your "rock bottom"? what made you change?

My rock bottom was when I started walking with my husband in the evenings and my knees were hurting so much that we bought braces at an athletic store.


  • supplemama
    supplemama Posts: 1,956 Member
    Seeing a photo of myself next to my husband. I looked so matronly...like about 20 years older than him. He is tall and athletic and in great shape and I want to look like I belong with him.

    Also, being told by a doctor that I am obese. That shocked me, because I don't look obese or what I had in my mind an obese person looked like.
  • PrincessNikkiBoo
    PrincessNikkiBoo Posts: 330 Member
    The embarrassment of getting weighed at the doctors and being self concious every time. I realised I was making excuses for myself. I also have a condition that means I might not be able to have children one day, every pound I loose increases the chance of me starting a family one day.
  • ValerieMartini2Olives
    ValerieMartini2Olives Posts: 3,024 Member
    There were 2.

    The first time was to get back at my ex husband (succeeded but gained the weight back. ouch).

    Now we're going for the gusto and this time it was those fabulous pair of jeans I got at the boutique NOT the fat store... well those jeans wouldn't go past my thighs. Double ouch. When I realized those pants would go on, I said I am getting back into it.

    And guess what... now those jeans fit again without a struggle!
  • GinnyRogers
    My "rock bottom" was knowing I could no longer fit in my big clothes I used during my pregnancy. I told myself since the birth of my son, "It took me one year to put on this weight, it will take me a year to take it off!" Almost three years later nothing had changed. I was still the same weight and could no longer walk like I used to. So, off on the pavement I went. I have been doing good so far!
  • michellesz
    michellesz Posts: 428 Member
    The embarrassment of getting weighed at the doctors and being self concious every time. I realised I was making excuses for myself. I also have a condition that means I might not be able to have children one day, every pound I loose increases the chance of me starting a family one day.
  • michellesz
    michellesz Posts: 428 Member
    Hate those doctor scales anyway. LOL Always make me at least 5 pound heavier.

    Rock bottom was when I went to slide into the driver side of the car and split my pants from behind. I can laugh now!
  • arathena720
    arathena720 Posts: 449 Member
    I was wearing what I thought was one of my "cute outfits" - running skirt, t-shirt...when I saw myself in the mirror, I actually walked up to the mirror (it's a standing one that just rests against the wall, isn't attached) and looked to see if it had bowed. I am not making this up. I actually thought that the mirror had bowed and was now like one of those mirrors in the hall of mirrors at the carnival, because it was the first time I noticed just how chubby I had gotten. I knew I had gained some weight, but jeez!
  • xPOOKiEx
    xPOOKiEx Posts: 156 Member
    I'll start off by saying I was UNDERWEIGHT when I hit my rock bottom.

    It was this time last year...my fiance and I had just moved in together as boyfriend and girlfriend...I hadn't eaten nearly enough in 6 days because I was heavily restricting. He sat me down and told me that he was very scared for my health, and wanted me to do what it took to be healthy so we could live a long life together.

    At that point, no one else in my life had talked to me about it. I had a very bad eating disorder and I'm glad that I am actually here today, over a year later because I've adopted a healthy life style! I now work out almost every day and track my cals to make sure I do get enough..

    If he hadn't told me how he felt, and had that heart to heart with me, my disease would have completely taken over and taken my life. I am forever grateful for my fiance, he's an amazing guy and now he even works out with me so we can be healthier together!
  • kittyraccoon7
    kittyraccoon7 Posts: 94 Member
    rock bottom, I thought, was my mom getting sick with Ovarian (and later re-diagnosed to Uterine) cancer.... I stopped drinking soda and thought the pounds would magically come off. By the end of last year, when I realized nothing was changing except I wasn't bloated, I decided to make a new years resolution to lose weight. Everything was going good, my mom seemed to be doing better, until all of a sudden, things took a turn for the worst in April this year and my mom passed away in May. I let myself grieve-eat and realized I don't want that to happen to me... so here I am again, to try to get back on track, for my mom, for myself. *edit to add* - CANCER CELLS THRIVE ON FAT CELLS! in case you didn't know... I didn't know this until my mom was diagnosed and almost every doctor told us this.

    RIP mom, 5/11/12
  • rgm66
    rgm66 Posts: 33
    A sweet little old lady told me " Robert you really need to go on a diet because your getting fatter and fatter'. She wasnt meaning to be mean just being honest lol
  • cordianet
    cordianet Posts: 534 Member
    a 3 in from of the other numbers on the scale. I knew I was heavy, but something about that number shocked me.
  • susandurstthomas
    Mine was when people kept asking me if I'm pregnant and I'm not, it was just my stomach had gotten so big.
  • TravelDog14
    TravelDog14 Posts: 317 Member
    Diagnosed 3 weeks ago as being pre-diabetic.

    I am trying to make sure I never make it to a full blown diabetic diagnosis.
  • DebbieMc3
    DebbieMc3 Posts: 289 Member
    I couldn't ski, trampoline, rollercoaster..... with my 7 year old son.
    I said, never again will I be a sideline mom.
  • BreakingUpWith75lbs_Cass
    When I started hiding from the mirrors literally.
  • pinkly14fun2
    My slap in the face was being diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. I already knew I needed to do something, but that is what finally kicked my butt into gear!
  • KarenAnnne
    KarenAnnne Posts: 190 Member
    Mine was finally going to my doctor for a full physical and having my blood work come back scary. High cholesterol, very high triglycerides. Also pre-diabetic and low Vitamin D and Calcium.

    I'm only 45 and I just decided that there was no way that I would take a pill for this and continue the lifestyle I had. I want to be around for my husband and kids for a long time to come.
  • Awake_Alive
    Awake_Alive Posts: 261 Member
    I watched my mother battle obesity her entire life, and the diabetes, high cholesterol, breast cancer and glaucoma that came with it. It didn't really affect me too much because we weren't super close, until she died at a young 62 after being stricken so ill, her eye sight was almost gone. I watched my kids cry out in anguish over the loss of their grandmother, and imagined them crying over my death, because we ARE close. It shattered my heart.

    After using her meager retirement to bury her, I used the rest of the money to pay for a personal trainer for a year, in cash, up front, so I would never have an excuse not to go.

    I have done really well this year, even with an illness that dropped me to my knees for 4 months. I am three weeks out of surgery, and really proud to say that I am back to the gym, and 10 pounds down.

    It works if you work it!
  • PurpleAmharicCoffee
    The final straw was when I fit into something that was size 20. I don't ever want to be above size 18, at the largest.
    Also, I want to travel to interesting countries like Italy and Ethiopia, as well as enjoying the splendours of New Zealand, and I want to enjoy them whilst being fit.
  • Hestion
    Hestion Posts: 740 Member
    I'd been putting it off with excuses, but ultimately I got weighed at the doctors in May and its the first time I've admitted to my weight, and it really hit home, and I cant do the things I want to do easily, and with a family history of diabetes and my mum was obese and had a stroke 10yrs ago, ended up in a wheelchair and leg amputated, mostly down to her weight issues why she got diabetes and had a stroke, and decided I cant end up like that!