Business Traveler

I'm a Business Development Exec, and my job requires me to travel quite a bit. Tomorrow morning I'll be in Baltimore, and won't be back 'til Friday. This means almost a whole week of eating out -- mostly room service. Any tips/advice?


  • sheltielover
    sheltielover Posts: 135 Member
    I have a similar job and am on planes quite a bit-- and a lot of hotels.

    Recommendations that have worked for me since last fall:
    1. I rate my hotels now by their workout rooms or if they are close to trails/scenic areas for me to run
    2. I check out their menus prior to booking and make sure there are healthy choices
    3. I try not to drink too much with co-workers (if they happen to be on the trip)
    4. Sushi places are always great for dinner
    5. I bring packs of nuts on the road to have as snacks

  • kls13la
    kls13la Posts: 377 Member
    Other suggestions:

    -- Find out if the hotel will put a mini fridge in your room, or will clear out the one already in there. (Some hotels will do this no problem, while others won't. If you are going to be there all week, it doesnt hurt to ask.) Then, go to the grocery and pick up some basics to eat all week. Even without a fridge, you can eat healthy with a trip to the store, although it may be a little boring and repetitive. When I travel, I bring a lot with me--protein bars, Starkist lunch packs, dried fruit, peanut butter, crackers, etc. It's never ideal or the same as being at home, but every little bit helps.

    -- Check out the restaurant options nearby in advance. Look for chain restaurants with calorie info, for the easiest meal planning. I eat a lot of Subway when I travel.

    -- Go "custom" when you order room service. Look at what foods are on the menu, and create a low calorie dish -- I.e. grilled fish or chicken and steamed veggies. They'll usually do it.

    -- I have Jillian Michaels workouts downloaded on my iPad, so I do those in the mornings in my hotel room.

    Good luck!