Growing Veggies

rowlandk Posts: 146 Member
Has anyone here ventured into growing your own veggies? I was just thinking with how expensive food is getting, maybe I could grow my own. I am far from having a green thumb though and I'm worried I would just kill everything.


  • rowlandk
    rowlandk Posts: 146 Member
    Has anyone here ventured into growing your own veggies? I was just thinking with how expensive food is getting, maybe I could grow my own. I am far from having a green thumb though and I'm worried I would just kill everything.
  • Dropka
    Dropka Posts: 72
    the worst you can do is try!
  • GTOgirl1969
    GTOgirl1969 Posts: 2,527 Member
    I grow my own tomatoes and green peppers...they are very easy to grow, and almost impossible to kill:happy:
  • LokiFae
    LokiFae Posts: 774 Member
    My father-in-law grows ALL of his own produce in the summer. And then freezes it so he has it year-round. I would say maybe go to a bookstore and find an easy gardening book and try to grow something really easy (like GTO said, green peppers are super-yummy and almost impossible to kill) and see how you like it. Plus, think of all the extra calories you'll burn getting out there digging in the dirt! Have fun!
  • msarro
    msarro Posts: 2,748 Member
    Working on it now :)
    Best part about growing your own? You know its organic and the only thing you're getting with your veggies is.. well.. veggies!
  • mkeithley
    mkeithley Posts: 399
    I grow tomatoes, cukes, green beans and peppers. Pretty easy. I a friend of mine teaches a class at the local community college here called "square foot gardening". It is based on a book written by a famous garden guy, can't remember his name, his technique is supposed to be super easy and says no weeds, can do it pretty much anywhere
  • Life_is_Good
    Life_is_Good Posts: 361 Member
    Make sure to water frequently & all will be fine. If you are planting in a container, you'll probably need to water them daily.

    If it's a new in-ground garden, make sure to use a good compost before planting. Because it's your first time, I would also recommend buying plants & not trying to start them from seeds.

    With the weather we have been having - I would not plant anything until you are sure there will be no more frost.

    Good Luck - :flowerforyou:
  • rowlandk
    rowlandk Posts: 146 Member
    Thanks all so much for the advice. Everyone at work has told me that I will kill everything but I would really love to try it. I think it will try the peppers, I love them!
  • mkeithley
    mkeithley Posts: 399
    I grow tomatoes, cukes, green beans and peppers. Pretty easy. I a friend of mine teaches a class at the local community college here called "square foot gardening". It is based on a book written by a famous garden guy, can't remember his name, his technique is supposed to be super easy and says no weeds, can do it pretty much anywhere

    From the website:
    "Square Foot Gardening is a uniquely simplified method of gardening that produces 100% of the harvest in only 20% of the space -- AND -- without all the hard work and drudgery of single row gardening





    Beginners and experts alike will enjoy this easy-to-learn, easy-to-do method
  • sarakenna1
    sarakenna1 Posts: 261
    We grow veges every year. Its so great having stuff for dinner right outside your door! We grow onions, peppers, tomatoes, sugar snap peas, egg plant, yellow neck squash, cucumber, zuchini, and brocoli. Zuchini and squash take up a lot of space, so only grow them if you have a lot of room. I also don't recomend growing lettuce or cabbage because they attract slugs and you basically harvest the whole plant at one time (unlike tomatoes or cucumbers that produce fruit all summer long). Also, I agree that you should start with plants rather then seed. Even at $2.00-$5.00 per plant you will be saving money in the long run. Outdoor Saturday market's are a good place to find nice plants.
  • auntkaren
    auntkaren Posts: 1,490 Member
    :laugh: Sweetie if I can do it so can you. Just follow the directions on the packet. I even go to the green house and get plants already to stick in the ground. With tomato plants we always tare a strip of newspaper and wrap it around the roots before putting them in the ground, keeps root worms away.Water your plants the same day you plant them. We put a large garden in and fill our freezers full for the winter. I don't like canning. I don't bother with corn I can usually get it pretty fare at the farmers market. Also do your in season fruits. So far we have frozen some rhubarb and strawberries are on the way. We start planting the 10th of May here in Iowa danger of frost is usually done by then. I even cook up soups and put in individual containers for those lazy winter days. And you can fix many recipes with your tomato's. I make my own bread and butter pickles and freeze them. I am just about out of them. It does save you money and you know what is in your food. The butternut squash we make pies with them just like pumpkin, and of course bake. If you keep them in a cool area you can have squash up to Christmas. Have any questions feel free to mail me. Good luck.:flowerforyou: The tomato I like is called Jet Star I usually have good luck with them, and I use miracle grow on everything. I grow my own lettuce, onions , green peppers, squash, cabbage, carrots, tomatoes, cucumbers, and picklers. Don't forget the cat nip for the kitties and a few herbs you can dry and put in a tight container for your seasoning.
  • ali106
    ali106 Posts: 3,754 Member
    this will be my first year doing more than tomatos and herbs ....I'm trying peppers, cucs, eggplant and zucchini....I'm sooo excited! I kill houseplants but I'm pretty good w/ outdoor plants and flowers....who needs house plants right....I do really good w/ house children! lol mine is thriving! lol