Logging Cleaning as an Exercise



  • ValerieMartini2Olives
    ValerieMartini2Olives Posts: 3,024 Member
    i'm going to start logging "bedroom cardio"

    I do. I call it "Giggity Giggity" in my diary. :D But only when it's intense. If I'm just laying there... well then it's time to be banging someone else. Lol.
  • sam_gamgee
    sam_gamgee Posts: 138 Member
    It's all part of the activity level you set. It's daily activity not exercise IMHO. Just like me cutting the lawn is not exercise. There are days you'll do more and days you'll do less. It all evens out. If you don't believe me, get yourself a Fitbit and see how much difference there is in your daily energy expenditure from day to day. You were doing these kinds of activities before you decided to come here. I think if you are counting this kind of thing, your cheating yourself.
    Yeah, but most people weren't limiting calories at the same time, and MFP sets calorie intake according to activity level.

    So, if you have your activity level set at moderate, you'll have extra calories built into your average intake to allow for stuff like cleaning or whatever day to day activity your moderate assessment is based on.

    If you have your activity level set at sedentary, there's not many extra calories above staying alive and walking around a bit, so anything that gets you sweating and breathing hard should be logged IMO.
  • Altarian
    Altarian Posts: 230 Member
    those who say don't log house cleaning i have a feeling don't have kids or pets. I know i for one bust in melting mode when i do house work because my kids and cat's make sure i have stuff to clean up. Also while my wife is pregnant i've taken on the responsibility of keeping the house clean so she doesn't have to worry about it. So to those who say cleaning is not an exercise i say It must be nice to be you and not have to worry about cleaning up after other people or animals.

    I just made my husband come in here and read this, I am 29 weeks and its like pulling teeth to get him to clean. Your wife better appreciate that! :)

    I have done it for all four of her pregnancies. House work is not a WOMAN's job. IMHO but each their own on that social opinion.
  • SunnyAndrsn
    SunnyAndrsn Posts: 369 Member
    I did a lot of cleaning on Friday--two bathrooms, all the floors, dusting, vacuuming, scrubbing floors, cleaning out the freezer and the kitchen cupboards, and shampooing the carpeted areas of the house. Took me about 3 1/2 hours total. I was shocked at the mileage I racked up on my Fitbit--over 3 miles.

    It CAN be very physical, I worked up a sweat.

    Literally, your own mileage may vary--some will log it, some won't. I don't necessary eat the calories when Fitbit gives me credit, but it's nice to know if I'm particularly hungry I could.
  • learntolive
    learntolive Posts: 169 Member
    Cleaning is great exercise--bending, reaching, streatching, mopping, vaccuming--oh yes--that is exercise.
  • gogojodee
    gogojodee Posts: 1,261 Member
    It's all part of the activity level you set. It's daily activity not exercise IMHO. Just like me cutting the lawn is not exercise. There are days you'll do more and days you'll do less. It all evens out. If you don't believe me, get yourself a Fitbit and see how much difference there is in your daily energy expenditure from day to day. You were doing these kinds of activities before you decided to come here. I think if you are counting this kind of thing, your cheating yourself.

    Agreed. I just cleaned house and there isn't a way I'm logging it, even though I was huffing and puffing. Last I saw cleaning wasn't considered an Olympic sport. And, yes, I do have a heart rate monitor. Even then, it's common sense.
  • AJ_Pete
    AJ_Pete Posts: 863 Member
    those who say don't log house cleaning i have a feeling don't have kids or pets. I know i for one bust in melting mode when i do house work because my kids and cat's make sure i have stuff to clean up. Also while my wife is pregnant i've taken on the responsibility of keeping the house clean so she doesn't have to worry about it. So to those who say cleaning is not an exercise i say It must be nice to be you and not have to worry about cleaning up after other people or animals.

    Wow, whole lotta faulty assumptions there. Just for the record, 3 kids, 2 dogs, 3 cats and 2.75 acres to tend. But hey, if you want to engage in a little self pity, be my guest.

    Agreed. I'm a single mother of an 11 year old and a 2 year old... I have 2 cats, 1 dog, and 3 acres of land.
  • Altarian
    Altarian Posts: 230 Member
    those who say don't log house cleaning i have a feeling don't have kids or pets. I know i for one bust in melting mode when i do house work because my kids and cat's make sure i have stuff to clean up. Also while my wife is pregnant i've taken on the responsibility of keeping the house clean so she doesn't have to worry about it. So to those who say cleaning is not an exercise i say It must be nice to be you and not have to worry about cleaning up after other people or animals.

    Wow, whole lotta faulty assumptions there. Just for the record, 3 kids, 2 dogs, 3 cats and 2.75 acres to tend. But hey, if you want to engage in a little self pity, be my guest.

    Not the point i was trying to make. but as someone else said what i consider acceptable log and what you consider are not meant to be one in the same. Best wish's to you sir. With that, back under my rock i go before i offend anyone and get the MFP Police after me again.
  • Teffy2
    Teffy2 Posts: 25 Member
    I have been using Bodymedia to track the calories I burn all day, and the numbers don't lie. When I clean, I burn at least a few hundred calories depending on what and how long I'm working.

    I've used an hour or so of cleaning, when I've gone over my calories; as a quick way to get back on track for the day. I don't just guess the calories burned, I check my heart monitor or bodymedia.
  • Jen32285
    Jen32285 Posts: 281 Member
    I don't log it either. Although I did move my huge sectional by myself yesterday. I do that about once a month to vacuum under it. I even had the kids sitting on it.
  • monyango
    monyango Posts: 166
    I log cleaning only when it is strenuous! Today I cleaned for 3 hours and I was sweating!!! Gonna log it for sure but probably only 2 hours of it.
  • tlc12078
    tlc12078 Posts: 334 Member
    4 kids = messy messy house, when I clean I am sweating up a storm. I clean a lot, like vaccum, mop, do loads of dishes, laundry, carry loads up n down the stairs, picking up tons of toys. MY god my kids are a mess factory, but I guess its keeps me moving. lol plus I do videos, n lost weight, so no complaints here.
  • supplemama
    supplemama Posts: 1,956 Member
    eh, I don't log cleaning as an exercise. I already walk at 5mph for nearly 90 minutes every day and hula hoop for 30 minutes every day. That's already 1, 246 calories I'm burning every single day. I deep clean my house once a week and spot clean the rest of the week. Often I break a sweat. but I'm not pressed to count those calories. I consider them part of my normal activities. After all, I got fat while doing stuff like cleaning my house! LOL!
  • Bobby_Clerici
    Bobby_Clerici Posts: 1,828 Member
    Ah, the great debate continues.
    Just do what works, but for the most part, people who log this in as exercise don't get around to doing real exercise.
    It's more activity in my opinion.
    Here is how I change those rules.
    I bought a weighted vest. 70lbs.
    I wear that vest doing house or yard work, and so long as I am wearing that weight vest, I count it as exercise.
    If what you do works, just KEEP PUNCHING!
    All Is Possible:flowerforyou:
  • Kenzietea2
    Kenzietea2 Posts: 1,132 Member
    those who say don't log house cleaning i have a feeling don't have kids or pets. I know i for one bust in melting mode when i do house work because my kids and cat's make sure i have stuff to clean up. Also while my wife is pregnant i've taken on the responsibility of keeping the house clean so she doesn't have to worry about it. So to those who say cleaning is not an exercise i say It must be nice to be you and not have to worry about cleaning up after other people or animals.

    I just made my husband come in here and read this, I am 29 weeks and its like pulling teeth to get him to clean. Your wife better appreciate that! :)

    I have done it for all four of her pregnancies. House work is not a WOMAN's job. IMHO but each their own on that social opinion.

    In his defense, he does do it when I ask! He is just quite messy and its getting harder to bend down to pick stuff up. And I don't believe it is a woman's job, but I believe there should be a balance. He works a very demanding job and I have the luxury of only being part-time until the baby gets here so I do think it is fair I do more of it. Screw it I am just hiring maids until the baby gets here, haha.
  • JoolieW68
    JoolieW68 Posts: 1,879 Member
    Log whatever you feel like logging - its your log. Just like people who tell me I won't lose weight or be healthy if I don't eat totally organic food washed by a Buddist monk on while in the glow of a double rainbow....they are usually full of it.

    It's your life, live it how you want.
  • Nikiki
    Nikiki Posts: 993
    those who say don't log house cleaning i have a feeling don't have kids or pets. I know i for one bust in melting mode when i do house work because my kids and cat's make sure i have stuff to clean up. Also while my wife is pregnant i've taken on the responsibility of keeping the house clean so she doesn't have to worry about it. So to those who say cleaning is not an exercise i say It must be nice to be you and not have to worry about cleaning up after other people or animals.

    A husband who works double shifts, 2 dogs, 2 cats and a yard, and while no kids of my own I have two nephews who are here more often than not. Ease up on the judgmental pity party!

    I know how I feel physically and I know when I'm "working out" enough to track it... maybe you clean more vigorously than I do? All I know is my house looks great and my tickers moving.
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    those who say don't log house cleaning i have a feeling don't have kids or pets. I know i for one bust in melting mode when i do house work because my kids and cat's make sure i have stuff to clean up. Also while my wife is pregnant i've taken on the responsibility of keeping the house clean so she doesn't have to worry about it. So to those who say cleaning is not an exercise i say It must be nice to be you and not have to worry about cleaning up after other people or animals.

    Wow, whole lotta faulty assumptions there. Just for the record, 3 kids, 2 dogs, 3 cats and 2.75 acres to tend. But hey, if you want to engage in a little self pity, be my guest.

    Not the point i was trying to make. but as someone else said what i consider acceptable log and what you consider are not meant to be one in the same. Best wish's to you sir. With that, back under my rock i go before i offend anyone and get the MFP Police after me again.

    No offense taken. Just wanted to be clear that we all have lives, we all have normal activity that sometimes expends more energy than other times. If you set your activity level correctly (the collective you, not you personally) then these kinds of daily activities are factored in.
    PS: Again? Have you had the MFP Police after you before? I'm not a reporting type of guy for the regular old differences of opinion. Only for personal attacks!
  • Nikiki
    Nikiki Posts: 993
    Log whatever you feel like logging - its your log. Just like people who tell me I won't lose weight or be healthy if I don't eat totally organic food washed by a Buddist monk on while in the glow of a double rainbow....they are usually full of it.

    It's your life, live it how you want.
    It only works if there's a double rainbow AND both the sun and moon are in the sky. I've heard it works during a lunar eclipse as well, but that a solar eclipse voids out the monk power and you'll actually gain weight.
  • vfnmoody
    vfnmoody Posts: 271 Member
    It's all part of the activity level you set. It's daily activity not exercise IMHO. Just like me cutting the lawn is not exercise. There are days you'll do more and days you'll do less. It all evens out. If you don't believe me, get yourself a Fitbit and see how much difference there is in your daily energy expenditure from day to day. You were doing these kinds of activities before you decided to come here. I think if you are counting this kind of thing, your cheating yourself.

    This. I mean, even if you're set at sedentary, cleaning is still factored in in the long run.
    I was cleaning my room when I got fat and I still clean it now. But I never ran or lifted weights before, so I now log them.

    Sure cleaning burns calories, and if you're doing unusual cleaning, like maybe intense gardening or heavy lifting furniture about etc you can log it, but day to day cleaning shouldn't be logged. If you are genuinely doing a huge scrub down of your house every single day, then maybe change your cals from sedentary.

    End of the day it's up to you, but just because it burns calories (we know it burns calories) doesn't mean you should log it, as it is probably already factored into your TDEE

    if you set your daily activity level to include this work than do not log it.( If you set your daily activity as sednary than do not log it.