New Rules of Lifting for Women?

widmer3 Posts: 94 Member
I'm down to a good weight now and I want to start heavy lifting to really cut those last pounds of fat and start gaining muscle definition. I bought NRLFW and did the very first workout today. Not too hard, but I know I need heavier weights/to join a gym.

Is anyone else out there doing this workout, or has anyone completed it and loved it? And how did you log food on this diet? I set my calories to Maintaining and am going to try to stick to that, even though it seems like far too much food for me. Plus it's hard to log weight lifting....

One more question: did you combine cardio with the weight lifting? Or just Lift day, rest day, lift day, rest day, etc?



  • ecborders
    ecborders Posts: 13 Member
    i bought that book! it really got me interested in heavy lifting. to be honest i didn't stick with that routine - it was with Jamie Eason's 12-week Trainer ( that I really became dedicated. I do workouts with a personal trainer now. I don't log my workouts, i just set my daily amount (2400), which already has my activity level factored in. MFP doesn't have accurate calorie burns and when I originally DID go by my net amount (logging cardio) i actually gained weight because of how overestimated it was. I haven't had any issues with gaining fat and I love how i look! It was recommended by the trainer at my gym to do lifting 4x and HIIT cardio 2 or 3x. So I typically do lift, lift, cardio, lift, lift, cardio, rest.. with cardio and lift on the same day once or just cardio twice.

    and yes i would definitely recommend a gym!! It's obviously possible to do weights at home but it is more expensive and I love the atmosphere. I'm much more inclined to be lazy if I'm just working out in my room or the basement. :)