what was your "rock bottom"? what made you change?



  • maryaroy32
    maryaroy32 Posts: 24 Member
    My rock bottom... I died.
  • kmeekhof
    kmeekhof Posts: 456 Member
    You all are so inspiring!!!
  • Rockontoothpicks
    I remember "thinking" in my head I was about 225 and just a lil chubby but one day I did the unthinkable....I looked in the mirror nekkid....OMG thank goodness I lived only on in a 2 story house or I would have jumped off the roof. I WAS 261! And I was more than chubby. I looked like a brown Michelin man.....totally heartbreaking. For the next year I avoided mirrors (or slowly crept up on them so I wouldn't see all of my flab) My self esteem was in the drain.
  • abcmom03
    abcmom03 Posts: 89 Member
    Having outpatient surgery and having them bring in the BIG wheelchair to take me to the car!
  • Cwilbanks12105
    Cwilbanks12105 Posts: 99 Member
    On vacation visiting my mom and sis we took the kids to an amusement park. I spent the entire time stressing about every single ride whether or not I would be able to fit on it. I'd have my husband or my mom get on rides with my son to avoid the possible embarassment of being asked to get off of it. I never wanted to feel that way ever again.
  • 3ofmine
    3ofmine Posts: 136 Member
    My rock bottom was in April 2012 when I was sitting on a park bench at the end of the walking trail with my 7yr old son who is a BIG "mama's boy". I was sitting there but physically I couldn't walk the trail because my back hurt SO BAD and I couldn't get 20ft without having to stop and catch my breath. My kids asking me "Mama are you alright? Are you ok, Mama?" My son was sitting there with me because he didn't want to leave me alone to walk with his brother, sister and my hubby. He wanted to go SO BAD he started down the trail and started to cry so my husband sent him back to me. I decided seeing his tears that THIS IS SO STUPID. There is NO REASON for this. I don't want to sit at the end of the trails anymore. I don't want to sit at home and miss out on the field trips because I can't walk around the zoo and take care of kids because I can't breath and my back hurts because I'm TO FAT. THIS IS STUPID..I'm TIRED and THIS IS GOING TO CHANGE!

  • kwest_4_fitness
    kwest_4_fitness Posts: 819 Member
    Realizing my arms were the size of thighs. :noway:
  • McBully4
    McBully4 Posts: 1,270 Member
    The carneys at the county fair asked me and my wife to both leave the ride they couldn't start it, It was one of those rollercoasters where all the bars lock in together we were keeping everyone else from locking in, that was pretty bad too.
  • aleshai
    aleshai Posts: 55 Member
    I swear, I have read through everyone's posts and it is so inspiring to hear of the changes each person has made. Simply stating your own story has its own power.
  • splashangel
    splashangel Posts: 494 Member
    When my Mama was diagnosed with a very rare form of cancer. I started studying. I wanted her to get better. I didn't find the cure for her......But I did for me I guess. I lost her but I have changed for the better and am taking my family with me. Working out gave me an outlet for the pain. I just could not let nothing good come out of losing her. I'm not sure if that makes sense to anyone else but that was my rock bottom, life changing event.
  • 180farm
    180farm Posts: 230
    My daughter has a rare genetic disorder that makes her crave food all the time, never feel full, and gain weight twice as fast with fewer calories. We are at various specialists 3-4 times a month. She gets measured and weighed each time. No food can ever be left out at my house. Smelling it or even seeing pictures of food leads her to distraction. She is obsessed with food and has no way of stopping it. She is allowed approximately 800 calories a day. I felt guilty so i tried not to eat more than she did. Every few days i would be starving and end up eating all "the good stuff" after she went to bed. Way too much of it. I was just sick to death of talking about weight and nutrition all the time. In February I saw pictures of myself and couldn't believe how I had let myself go. I had never really dieted or in the past and as the years went by I had gotten bigger and softer without really noticing. I realized I wasn't doing her any favors and everyone has to make the healthiest decision for themselves.
  • Anyaaaa11
    Anyaaaa11 Posts: 242 Member
    When my "fat pants" became snug, my legs started to chafe when running, I could feel my fat jiggle. Started to develope the love handles and muffintop which btw I'm still working off. I probably went up about 2 pants sizes and I was sick of wearing sweats all the time, no make up, I couldn't even face myself in the mirror or dread to look at myself in the shower. I've lost 10lbs so far but it really makes a huge difference on a small frame. I'm still not happy with the way I look, my pants still feel a bit snug and I still cringe when someone brings out the camera but the number one reason that made me snap out of it was the fact that I couldn't stand to see anyone I knew. I didn't want anyone to see me. I ended up hiding, even from my family!
    What kind of a life is that?
  • Ariberri9
    Ariberri9 Posts: 206 Member
    My rock bottom was not being able to see my toes because I couldn't see past my stomach. Also, I couldn't run about 30 feet without getting winded. Furthermore, my doctor told me I had high cholesterol.
  • tajmel
    tajmel Posts: 401 Member
    My rock bottom happened in January. I severely herniated a couple of discs in my back. Completely excruciating pain, made worse by numbness in my leg and super fun muscle spasms. No trauma, no fall or car accident. I just woke up one day, too fat for my back to properly support itself. The tests have shown that it was a combination of excess weight, minor congenital anomalies, and adipose tissue creeping in.

    I'm not pre-diabetic, my blood pressure isn't elevated, my resting heart rate is good, my cholesterol is normal. I'm a bit of a health nut. I just eat way too much. I used to joke that I'm the healthiest fat person you'll ever meet. That injury was the first time that my 120+ excess pounds affected my health, and it was terrifying. Six months later, after rigorous physical therapy, I'm still not fully recovered. At its worst I was bed bound, which destroyed my academics this semester, my reputation, my relationship with my boss... it was just awful. So yeah, I have to lose weight.
  • PandaCustard
    PandaCustard Posts: 204 Member
    Mine was being diagnosed with pseudotumor (which usually affects younger, overweight women). My doctor told me I would have to lose weight to reverse the effects. "Yeah, yeah." And I didn't. Then I noticed my already horrific vision getting worse and I was getting the horrible headaches again associated with pseudotumor. I'm an artist so losing my sight would be devastating for me. I've not lost a ton of weight yet but already the headaches are gone and my vision is a bit sharper.

    I was also climbing towards high blood pressure. I've always had naturally low blood pressure, and to find out mine was in the higher range was shocking. I had my blood pressure taken the other day and it was 108/60, which I guess is pretty good.

    As I said I haven't lost a ton of weight yet but I already feel 110% better.
  • Randyamc
    Randyamc Posts: 365 Member
    At my highest, I was at 290 something. I remember not being able to get the restraint to lock into place because I was too big. Having to walk off the ride with all those people watching... that was my rock bottom.
  • slyast
    slyast Posts: 25 Member
    My sister took the worst picture of me ever taken. It was comically bad and we both had a good laugh - but inside I knew I did not want to look like that. I looked 15 years older and matronly! NEVER AGAIN.
  • sphyxy
    sphyxy Posts: 202 Member
    These responses have me on the verge of tears. At work and really trying not to start bawling.

    A couple years ago it was seeing 363 on the scale at age 24 and refusing to go from size 28 to 30 jeans. I lost 50 pounds and maintained but after I quit smoking after 11 years I went back up to 339.

    My second rock bottom was a month ago and watching a couple documentaries on food production in this country. I decided to change my diet (eating habits, not fad diet) and when I became vegetarian I decided to start exercising again. I refuse to be on all the medications that my father is on at his age. I will beat obesity dammit!!!

    So glad tp see so many people comitting to changing their health!!
  • cvance3
    cvance3 Posts: 64
    Oh, there are a few...it's been a few months coming for me! In the fall, my "fat jeans" were starting to get tight and when the inseam finally gave way, I was forced to go jean shopping...I had to retire my worn-in size 10 jeans for a *glup* size 14. I only bought one pair b/c I wasn't going to be that size for long...
    ...and I was right! This past February, I decided that one pair of jeans wasn't enough. So I went to buy two more...this time a size 16!

    Then after seeing my engagement pictures and looking HUGE, I put my foot down! I changed what I was eating during the week, and worked on increasing my running distance. I thought that I'd be seeing results, but when I went wedding dress shopping, on the pedestal, I wanted to cry - not tears of rejoicing for finding my dress, but tears of frustration over the way I looked in it!

    That was when I joined MFP to see how I'm spending my calories each day (and when I thought I was eating better, it still wasn't what it should have been!) My fiance & I are training to do a marathon for our honeymoon, so I've got quite the fire under my rear to make sure that I'm making the best choices to fuel myself through training! (not to mention, the benefits of being in much better shape for our wedding!)
  • lindaw66
    lindaw66 Posts: 258 Member
    I've always carried 10-20 pounds more than I should, but once i quit smoking and moved from California to Indiana and became a stay at home Mom for a couple of years, I added another 30 pounds! My number that I could put up with kept creeping up the scale! Since I've always been curvy and I'm short, I've learned how to dress to hide my imperfections, but finally the clothes couldn't hide the weight. I too saw a picture of myself at the Zoo with my daughter and I couldn't beleive how huge I looked! I thought I looked cute when i walked out the door too! I began by eliminating all white foods and sugar, trying to eat clean and I thought the weight would just fall off of me. I dropped five pounds :noway: . I couldn't beleive that was it! I was no longer eating ice cream and rows of oreos and had replaced that with veggies and fruits and chicken, WTH! I had MFP on my phone, but never got on the website and once I did and found all this wonderful information, I realized I wasn't eating enough calories! I also realized that diet alone wasn't going to jump start my weight loss. So now I'm doing strength training and a little cardio along with Hot Yoga once a week. I feel much better and I'm seeing a change in my clothes. I'm not going to focus on the number on my scale (that can be de-motivating). I've just decided this isn't a diet this time, this is a way of life!