This is it!

3rd time lucky, right?
I am so tired of being overweight and unfit and unhealthy. This winter I have had illness after illness and I am sure it is due to my unhealthy lifestyle. I am ready to change and I NEED to change!

I weigh 87.3kg and I would like to weigh 70kg.
That is 17.3kg to lose and I would love to have lost it all by my 34th birthday (31st December) - that's about 27 weeks away so it is definitely doable!


  • I've been a member here for a while, but haven't been very committed, until now. I've had physical issues that kept me from exercising for the past few years. However, a few surgeries later, things are on track now and like you, I'm super serious about losing this extra weight!! You and I sound about the same. Almost the same starting and goal weight :) Good luck!!
  • melsy78
    melsy78 Posts: 65
    Excellent! I have been a member for a while but haven't truely commited myself to doing it - but as my weight slowly creeps up over the years it seems it is time to permanently reduce it!
    Admittedly I have had 3 children so my body shape is also a bit different to what it was 10 years ago!

    I am a lazy person by nature (look I admit it) so I am going to force me and my 10 month old out on walks - also school holidays coming up so me and all the boys can go to the zoo a bit for a lot of walking I think!
  • wxgurl
    wxgurl Posts: 52 Member
    I am right there with you...a friend talked me into joining 2 years ago, but I didn't get serious until a few weeks ago, when I realized I was turning 40 in 2013! I have a 7 month old son, and have had some health issues, with several surgeries that kept me lazier than I should have been...pretty sure the last surgery on my hip might have been avoidable if I'd have lost the weight when I was younger...but here i am, and I am going to lose 55 lbs this time! I feel like i have more motivation now with my son becoming mobile! Add me if you would like! I'd love another partner in this!
  • I wish you the best of luck! Just a couple of months ago I weighed 86 kg myself and when my doctor ordered some blood tests, my glucose levels came up high, around 120. He scared me by telling me that I was pre-diabetic and that I better get off my butt and start to exercise. At the same time he recommended that I change my diet.

    Around that time I had just watched the documentary Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead and this also helped to make me open my eyes. I went on the liquid diet they recommended on that documentary and voila! After just two short months I have lost 10 kg. I joined MFP toward the tail end of this period, this is why their records only shows that I've lost 3 kg. And now I can eat a decent meal, as long as I continue to exercise and most importantly, I continue to watch the portions of food that I consume. This has proven to be very good for me, because in the past I would just scarf food without any regard for portion sizes.

    You can do it too!