Calculating exercise calories without a HRM

In the gym, I have a little routine if I'm working out without a trainer. I've been logging the calories the machine gives me but only really believe the cross trainer as it's the only one that I (can/know how to) input my weight in to. I am very unfit now & one of the heavier members here so I'd appreciate it if you could be constructive but nice please :)

Usually on the treadmill, I walk 1minute at 3.5mph 0% incline and then jog 1minute 0% incline 5.5mph and then for the very last minute (of 10mins total) I up the speed to 6mph. This generally 'gives' me about 70calories. When I lost weight before, I got hung up on the speed I did things and as I got thinner/fitter was walking 1min 4mph, running 1m 7mph for 10mins and couldn't sustain it.

SO this time, I think (happy to be told otherwise!) I'm being a bit more sensible and am going to try and build up distance before speed and so this morning I walked 1minute 0%incline 3.5mph and then jogged for 90seconds, 0% incline, 5.5mph. The machine offered me 60 calories. You have no idea of the disappointment :lol: It was SO HARD (for me) and I was hoping for at least 80calories!

I'm happy (well...) to accept the 60calories if thats what I burnt but being a nosey soul, I've checked out websites to estimate calories burnt and none of them will let me put in intervals. I nearly died with excitement when ProHealth offered me 152calories but that was for jogging solidly for 10minutes and so wrong :( Any other websites that'll let me input intervals?

And any recommendations for heart rate monitors (available in the UK) that aren't ridiculous money? I have a FitBit but haven't been wearing it in the gym because I use the cross trainer & rower as well and presumably won't be accurate there either?


  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    Do the machines give you distance travelled?
    If so you can work out your average speed, and enter that into MFP to estimate your cals.
    So, if it says you travelled 1 mile in 10 mins, you can multiply it by 6 to get miles per hour.

    I also work on the rough estimate that running pretty steadily burns about 10 cals/minute and brisk walking about 5 cals/minute. If you're heavier than me (163ish) you'll be burning more. I don't use that number on it's own, but as a comparison for different exercises - if I know I've worked as hard as a regular run I'll expect to burn about 300 cals in 30 mins.

    Remember that all the numbers we are working with are estimates (even if you have an HRM), so just pick one method and stick with it.
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    PS. well done on getting into some great exercise habits. I think working on endurance first is the way to go.
  • fatgirlslim32
    fatgirlslim32 Posts: 31 Member
    Thanks Rubybelle - your way confuses me even more (but I like it!) because that gives me 172 calories from MFP! I did 0.84 miles in 10minutes and I am a LOT heavier than you!

    Good luck for your half marathon :)
  • fitpilatesqueen
    I was asking the other day about exercise and was shown this link

    It can be good to have this to help you estimate how much you burnt.