Ok so, I was playing Wii Bowling today with my boyfriend and decided to look on here through exercise to see if that really counted as exercise because I see soooo many people on here logging like housework, washing a car..etc. Things that I would never think would count towards burning calories. I really am concerned and want to be detailed on all that I log..I was shocked to see that 20 min of Wiii Bowling counted as 99 calories burned..Could that really be so?? I logged it but really want to mke sure it is ok to go by things on here that are considered exercise...I wasn't sweating or anything at all but I do play Wii Bowling quite often and would be happy to know that I can actually log it as exercise...So, should I be doing so???:bigsmile:


  • Jacole18
    Jacole18 Posts: 716 Member
    anything that ups your heart rate and makes you "work" a little is exercise to me :)
  • NauticalMomma10
    I'm not 100% sure if Wii bowling counts, but if you feel like it gets your heart rate up, then I'd count it as exercise! :) I counted mowing the lawn today, but man! That's freaking hard work. Plus I used an old fashioned rotary mower which is hard to push. I could see how washing a car counts too cause you're moving up down, all around and it gets your heart rate up. That's my opinion. LOL I just log stuff that makes me break a sweat. Cause I have two boys 2 and under and so I do stay active. So...if it makes me break a sweat and I don't normally do it....I count it. :)
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    Any activity you do burns calories - your body doesn't knowif you are at the gym or playing Wii or shovelling dirt. So, it doesn't matter if you call it activity or exercise.

    What DOES matter is making sure you only count it once.
    - If your activity level is set at sedentary, then a lot of cleaning or raking or Wii-ing is extra, so it is quite valid to log it andceat those cals.
    - If you chose as activity level setting that already accounts for extra activity and exercise then you don't need to log (or eat) those extra cals.
  • grrrlface
    grrrlface Posts: 1,204 Member
    I think it depends on your lifestyle. If you're sedentary then anything is added to that. I'm set at active so I would not log wii bowling as it does not really feel like exercise to me.
  • mandylooo
    mandylooo Posts: 456 Member
    Any activity you do burns calories - your body doesn't knowif you are at the gym or playing Wii or shovelling dirt. So, it doesn't matter if you call it activity or exercise.

    What DOES matter is making sure you only count it once.
    - If your activity level is set at sedentary, then a lot of cleaning or raking or Wii-ing is extra, so it is quite valid to log it andceat those cals.
    - If you chose as activity level setting that already accounts for extra activity and exercise then you don't need to log (or eat) those extra cals.

    good description. The aim is to eat at a reasonable deficit if you're trying to lose weight, so you just have to log calories in and calories out as accurately as you can.
  • JEVANS6198
    Any activity that makes your fat cells cry is exercise. That could be WII bowling, cleaning, standing in place a high stepping anything where movement makes your fat cry for a break lol
  • Allup2Me78
    Allup2Me78 Posts: 589 Member
    YES, I do have it set as sedentary so I log all that I do...Just wanted to make sure that was counted as exercse.
  • Drastiic
    Drastiic Posts: 322 Member
    Any heart rate increasing activity that you are doing now, that you weren't doing when you were gaining weight.
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    Any activity you do burns calories - your body doesn't knowif you are at the gym or playing Wii or shovelling dirt. So, it doesn't matter if you call it activity or exercise.

    What DOES matter is making sure you only count it once.
    - If your activity level is set at sedentary, then a lot of cleaning or raking or Wii-ing is extra, so it is quite valid to log it andceat those cals.
    - If you chose as activity level setting that already accounts for extra activity and exercise then you don't need to log (or eat) those extra cals.

    ^^^^This exactly!!!
  • Nikkei24
    Nikkei24 Posts: 282 Member
    Bowling eve wii bowling if played long enough leaves my arms sore. I would definitley consider it activiy but I always use things like that as bonus I don;t count them towards my exercise calories burned.
  • angie_casas
    Yes, washing a car is considered as burning calories. I did that over the weekend and I was cleaning the car by hand in my driveway. I also cleaned the interior by vacuuming and cleaning everything I could, and with this heat... I sure did sweat slaving over cleaning my car lol. I don't consider walking to the mail room at work as exercise since I do that daily (well Monday thru Friday), but I always wondered if I should.