Rasberry Ketone

kebw114 Posts: 4 Member

Has anyone tried these or heard anything about them? Are any pills worth trying?


  • Rilke
    Rilke Posts: 1,201 Member
    Marketing bulls**t. Don't waste your money. Eat some raspberries, they have lots of fiber and are delicious.
  • fitnotfluffy
    fitnotfluffy Posts: 213 Member
    Ah, we can thank Dr. Oz for this one. Don't waste your money on anything he talks about. Do it the good ol' fashioned way. Eat clean and train hard. There's no miracle pills for weight loss. Do it the healthy way. :) Best of luck.
  • cali8_love
    cali8_love Posts: 95 Member
    yup just what princessjordy said .....
    Eat clean and train hard ...... Dont waste your money in pills or anything like that u can do it just by eating right and training hard when i first started my JOURNEY i was Confused i didnt think i could lose weight just by eating right and working out i even wanted to by those some pills to but i didnt .. cuz i was losing weight just by eating right slowly but i have lost 28..... eat right train hard thats all !!! no need to waste ur money on something u dont know if it will work ......
  • kebw114
    kebw114 Posts: 4 Member
    thanks guys! hha just realized I spelt it wrong too. **Raspberry
  • chris1816
    chris1816 Posts: 715 Member
    Read this, follow it, it will make you a more betterer person that won't even need to ask next time:
