I need Motivation :(

Well I am 24 years old and I want to lose roughly 20lbs for my wedding next June but heres the catch....I have NO motivation. By the time I get home from work and school all I want to do is sit on the couch and be lazy. Waking up at 4am every day really has taken a toll on me. I have no energy during the day and I am hoping that if I can get enough support through here I will get up and around and start gaining my energy back. My other down fall...Mountain Dew. I drink 32oz every morning, I keep trying to replace that with water but it always finds it way back into my cup. Lately I have been eating much healthier except for the Mt Dew part. My sister has also been trying to help me stay on track but seeing that I am always busy with school and work I hardly get time to go to her house to learn how she makes her healthy meals, drinks, and snacks. Plus I am living on a limited budget and of course the non-healthy food is always the cheapest. I really just need some kind of push or help with getting and STAYING on the right track.


  • Hi! I hope you can do this for your wedding! How exciting!

    So you love Mountain Dew? I love Dr Pepper!!! Do you drink it in the morning for energy? I have heard an apple gives you the same amount of energy as a cup of coffee. Maybe you could try that every couple of days! I know how you feel about being tired after work, I was the same way. The only way I could do it was going in the morning. Do you have a workout partner? That always helped me. Somebody there to tell you...c'mon lets go!!! Set your alarm clock with your fav dance music or something! Maybe you can mix it up with some at home workouts!
    Good luck!! You can do this!!!
  • Pauliefos
    Pauliefos Posts: 5
    Hi there,

    I know it is tough... but don't give up. You will feel all the better in a few months. One way of not drinking the Mountain Dew is NOT to keep it in your home!! I do that with biscuits.. if they are there... I'll pick at them.. first one...mmmm then two!! Now I don't keep things in the
    cupboard which are tempting as I don't have a strong enough will power. Come on you... :-))) :happy: YOu can do it... you just have to think of how good you will feel... one day at a time though!!
  • ccioch
    ccioch Posts: 4
    Oh I hope so too! I really just want to get in shape and tone my body but to do that I really need to lose the excess weight!:)

    I am not really sure why started drinking it in the morning, I think that because I go into work so early (I am out of the house by 5am at the latest) that I started drinking for something to "do" while driving. I have a 40minute drive to work everyday so I really have to keep my self from falling asleep some morings and it seems that drinking something helps and seeing as MD is my favorite it just started to be an every morning thing. You know I have heard the same thing about apples, I think I will try that! I don't have a workout partner maining because my work and school schedule conflicts with everyone elses so when I do have some time to work out they are all still working. My sister has been helping me when she can though :) The alarm clock thing is a great idea!! I am so sick of waking up to BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP! But I will have to wait until my fiance goes back to the midnight shift because I doubt he will like waking up to my dancing around! :)
    Thank you very much for your support! I can tell I am going to like this website/app alreadY!
  • Niniof9
    Niniof9 Posts: 2
    Congratulations on your decision to lose 20 lbs. Making the commitment is the first step! Give yourself a pat on the back for that. :) If you need the caffiene in the morning, try switching to iced tea w/lemon. ZERO CALORIES! I'm a coffee drinker myself. I find it soothing and it gives me that kick in the seat to move.
    You mentioned your schedule makes it difficult to exercise. Park your car as far from your workplace as possible and walk. Walk around the building on your breaks, If there are steps - commit to doing them once a day and work up to 3 times a day if you can. There are many ways to get exercise without going to the gym. Just MOVE. The more you move, the less lethargic you will feel. You will sleep better and wake up quicker in the morning.
    Evening time is rough for me. If I'm tired, I can easily sit on the couch and lose myself in television and a bag of chips. (hee hee) If your mind does this to you too, walk around the block once before you put anything in your mouth. Chances are, when you get back and your endorphins are active - you will choose something healthier to nibble on. Be careful with your snack foods. I saw on Dr. Oz that most of us eat healthy all day long and then consume approximately 1,800 to 3.000 calories before we go to bed. Be mindful of that. You don't want to sabotage your hard days work in a couple of hours in the evening.
    Good luck! You can do this and I promise you will have so much more energy when you get tha 20 lbs off. Mind over matter - go to it! :)
    PS: Be faithful in logging your food on myfitnesspal each day. Awareness in what we're consuming is key to losing weight.
  • ccioch
    ccioch Posts: 4
    Thank you everyone!! These are just the motivating posts I need. I have decided that I am going to be starting the Couch to 5k program TODAY!! I don't want to waste anymore time!!!