diet pills

Please don't post on here how horrible they are and what I should be doing. I have heard all that. I am looking for feedback from folks that have had success using them.

several years ago I took them alot and lost weight. I have never been obese so they kept me moving past the platue. I have now hit the wall with weight loss and need something to help jump start me.

What have you taken? what works the best? what doesn't work?



  • Edestiny7
    Edestiny7 Posts: 730 Member
    Not to be off topic, but what helped my plateau was increasing my calories by 300 -500 calories for three days, while increasing the intensity/amount of exercise I was doing.
  • amygaycheme
    lol I should just ask you all my questions....:-)
    I would love to get back to my intense workouts but my body won't let me.