How Much Success with just Walking?

My friend Julie recently lost like 30 pounds, all by just slightly changing her eating habits to just better food in general & also by walking a few miles everyday...

Ive had REALLY bad issues sticking with workouts/videos/etc, and I was thinking is just walking (later turning into jogging maybe) is what I just need to do...

What kind of success have you had with just getting out and walking a few miles everyday?


  • annamc18
    annamc18 Posts: 198 Member
  • pamelad77
    pamelad77 Posts: 292 Member
    Sounds like what I've been doing since jan and its working for me too!
  • Kaimana94
    Kaimana94 Posts: 165 Member
    60 lbs lost doing just that. Walking about 4 miles a day
  • cvanbeek
    cvanbeek Posts: 107
    I've lost almost all the weight with just walking. I'm just now running/jogging. so over 30 lbs
  • km5784
    km5784 Posts: 2
    Last summer I lost close to 20 pounds by walking 5 miles a day around 3-4 times a week, and eating less amounts. I still ate my crap food, but I didn't eat so much of it. Now I've plateaued and I actually have to start doing more, but until then, it's a great starter workout to lose weight. It's also easier on the joints.
  • msudaisy28
    msudaisy28 Posts: 267 Member
    Walking has been my primary form of exercise! I did the 30 Day Shred last month and noticed a big difference there too, but consistently since March I have been tracking how much I walk each day and trying to hit certain targets.
  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    Walking is a good for you and is also a great starting point. You also said later turning into jogging maybe so you should look into the C25K program. It alternates walking with jogging or running.
  • Mershon88
    Mershon88 Posts: 46 Member
    I have lost most if not all just by that. :) 54 lbs down. :)
  • litatura
    litatura Posts: 569 Member
    As you can see from my ticker, I've lost 70lbs and am only a few pounds to goal, most of which I lost through walking (I switched to running about a month ago when I was less than 10lbs to a healthy BMI). However, with that being said, I did it on the treadmill (about an hour, 5X/week) and would walk at a brisk pace and with the incline jacked up as high as it would go.
  • juliedozier
    juliedozier Posts: 184 Member
    I walk 3 miles a day 5 or 6 days a week. It has made a huge difference in my weight loss and inches. I do intervals of walking / jogging. Love it!
  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,010 Member
    If you are just trying to lose weight.......calorie deficit is all that really less and/or workout more. If you are worried about body composition as well that is a bigger debate/question.
  • Thats what I'm doing is walking and eating less.A few years ago I lost 60 pounds walking.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    Walking is good. You have to do about 90 mins a day to really have much effect, but you can absolute lose weight walking around. You are better off ditching the car and walking 2 hours a day to get around than you are sitting on your *kitten* in the car all day and then spending 40 mins in the gym or doing a video.
  • Leslie85
    Leslie85 Posts: 265 Member
    Depends on a lot- for instance, what your goals are. For example, I'm 5'1" 114lbs and want to (mayyybbe) drop a few more lbs, but more importantly, lose some fat and gain some muscle. I doubt I would see ANY type of results by walking a few miles a day. If you've got a lot to lose, and aren't very active at the moment, you'll probably see some weight loss.
  • jadedone
    jadedone Posts: 2,446 Member
    Mix in some body weight exercises like pushups, crunches, tricep dips, squats, and lunges to round out your routine. Strength training (and weight baring exercise) is important for us, especially after 30 when you start losing bone density.
  • LMP1979
    LMP1979 Posts: 54 Member
    The body is made to move - walking is SUPER and a great way to get started.

    Its been a few years, but when I was forced to walk back and forth from campus in college, I lost 10 lbs in just over a month strictly from walking. Yesterday, because my muscles are too sore, I walked. Anything just to keep moving.
  • Topsking2010
    Topsking2010 Posts: 2,245 Member
    My neighbor became obsessed with walking and lost 100 pounds in1 year. This guy walked 2 times a day and really was focus.
  • marekdds
    marekdds Posts: 2,227 Member
    I started by just walking & eating healthy. Eventually started jogging (slowly) Don't do video, etc. I now do some light weights (that was added @ a year in.) Lost 82lbs. I firmly believe in only doing things you can stay with forever, Good luck to you.
  • lesle1
    lesle1 Posts: 354 Member
    If it wasn't for walking I wouldn't be where I am now. It works, but as you get in better shape you need to intensify your workout. Funny thing about walking being easier on your joints then running... before I started walking I had so much knee pain I had trouble lowering myself into a chair. My joint pain has pretty much vanished. Weight loss and adding muscle I guess.
  • myfitnessnmhoy
    myfitnessnmhoy Posts: 2,105 Member
    You can lose weight not even walking if you want - the site sets you up with a calorie deficit and if you can manage to stick with it you'll lose weight.

    Exercise is for fitness, and buying more calories you can eat in a day to make it easier to stay within your calorie budget while losing weight.

    Walking is a great form of exercise, and I'd recommend doing as much of it as you can. First because it's not strenuous but slowly improves your fitness level, second because you get more calories to eat and you'll find it easier to lose weight, and third because it frequently leads to more intense forms of exercise later.