New Member: 64lbs weight loss goal


My name is Heather and I am 24 years old. I currently weigh in at 209lbs! Three years ago I was in a car accident which left me with three discs herniation and after a year of major pain I got surgery on two of my discs. Before my accident I was 145lbs and after everything I am up to 209lbs! My doctor has told me I need to lose 64lbs in order to maintain a healthy back and to never have major back pains like I am having now. I am also married and have been married for 4 years. My husband and I are thinking about children but again I have to lose 64lbs in order to be able to gain weight to have a child. Having a child now is not in the plan and I really need to find the right kind of motivation to lose all of this weight. My husband and I are doing this together but I would like to meet more people who are in my position to relate more to.


  • klpetkovic
    klpetkovic Posts: 2 Member
    Welcome!!! I am also on here to get back my health after baby number 1 and I would also like to lose about 70lbs before baby number 2. You can friend me if you like, I am looking for a good support system as well.