Good Carbs vs. Bad Carbs- How many do I have?!?

Ok. I'm trying to read up on up on some of the most common nutritional steps I can take to steadily lose weight. I don't think that I will ever get to a point to actually eliminate carbs from my diet, but I'd like to eat the "right" carbs. However, I don't know how many carbs I should have per day. I've switched breads & pastas to whole wheat. But, I love certain fruits that are high in carbs, but sources say are good carbs, so I just don't know how many total carbs per day is fine to still loose a steady amount of weight.

I have a goal of 240 grams (or whatever it is) set for my carb intake daily. That is on a 1,540 daily calorie intake as well.

Any ideas?


  • 1nsanity
    1nsanity Posts: 95 Member
    first and foremost, i suggest changing your MFP macro's to at least 50% carb, 30% fat, 20% protein before getting started. mfp highly inflates the amount of carbs. then with those set, eat as many carbs as you want while staying under the limit, and stick with veggies, fruits, and whole grains for your carb sources. this will up your fiber and protein a little, keep you more full for longer times.