
Has anyone done p90x? How long is the program? And was it worth the $ to do the program?


  • SusanneWhittington
    SusanneWhittington Posts: 339 Member
    worth every Cent and 90 days with 1 to 1 1/2 hours daily training.
  • blazingmissp
    blazingmissp Posts: 63 Member
    the videos average about an hour except one video is longer. i love it, and think it is worth every penny spent.
  • Josee76
    Josee76 Posts: 533 Member
    I have completed 3 rounds (last round was X2) --- lost well over 30 lbs and probably about the same in inches... worth every penny spent if you are consistent and eat clean!
  • rvagnoni
    rvagnoni Posts: 75 Member
    Yes it's worth it However, It's only worth it if you are prepared to work hard and commit to it fully. It is not a program for the faint of heart. If you have never done intense exercise I wouldn't recommend you start with it. It's a 90 day program that will work if you commit! Good luck!
  • Tapemymouthshutplease
    P90x is pretty intense, you will really gain strength, but it is a large time comittment. You really need to follow the eating guidelines in order to see results. I was about 1 week away from finishing the whole thing when I got an injury and the Dr gave me all these exercise restrictions. When I am healed up I am going to start the program from the start again. I love it and think it was well worth the $$. Good luck. : )
  • sheltielover
    sheltielover Posts: 135 Member
    yes- its changed my life and my body.
    i love tony- its a miracle worker.
    like josee- ive lost 30 lbs on it- im starting round 2 today and cannot wait to see how my body takes shape!

    you wont regret it- but you have to put your mind into it-- trust in the program!