Boot Camp

Does anyone out there do a boot camp? I'm just curious about how that has worked for you!


  • Lynxie83
    Lynxie83 Posts: 246
    I joined a boot camp through my gym and it was good, great for motivation. It was only a small group (5-6 people) I didn't get too much out of it unfortunately, because I hurt my knee after about 3 weeks and ended up having to stop. :grumble:

    Good luck if you decide to join up!
  • Try to find a BCOR Fitness in your area. I just started and LOVE it. It always depends on the instructor, but I am impressed so far. Good Luck have fun
  • SChase244
    SChase244 Posts: 1
    Hi, I'm new at this, but I joined a boot camp last week, it's Monday, Wed, & Fri. for 60min. I have been to 3 classes and can't wait to go again. It's awesome for support and having someone there to lead you through the training. Our group is about 12 people, and it's almost like getting a one on one with out the cost. I love it. I'm sure the classes would depend on your instructor, but mine is wonderful. Very Motivational!