invisalign vs regular braces

Someone here said invisalign sucked if you eat 5-6x/day. Please tell me which way you vote:

My concerns are hygiene/ease of use/appearance. What were your experiences?


  • bashiera
    bashiera Posts: 140 Member
    Hi there. I have regular braces now, and I've have invisalign for a brief moment in time in the past. In the beginning, it's a pain to clean regular braces, and it still is eating healthy foods like greens and veggies since they get stuck in the wires, but a quick swish of water or a trip to the bathroom with a toothbrush and toothpaste solves that. Invisalign is a hassel if you eat a lot because you take it in and out (at least I did when I ate), rinse it, clean it, and then put it back in. Regular braces still look worse IMO but easy to keep clean and maintain healthy teeth with brushing after each meal (usually), proxy brush cleaning, and then flossing at night with threaders and a water pik/gum stimulator/platypus flossers, whichever fits your style, and then a good cleaning at my dentist's office every 6 months. With an invisalign there's some more work with eating but they look way better than standard braces
  • acksaysbillthecat
    Thanks for your help! Clare