Need help getting through Cravings

I am having soo much trouble with the cravings. Today I have this huge hunger for Chinese food...I need ppl there to tell me no and to encourage me to eat other things. Even though I know this my will power not to have chinese food is weak. HELP! :sad:


  • nisku
    nisku Posts: 6
    hmm. One trick i´ve been trying out is to research what the calorie count would be in advance. Then when you do decide to eat out or eat a certain type of food, you know the limits in advance. That way you can still enjoy it, but maybe a little bit less than you would normally eat.
  • Shelley130
    Why not just make some chicken and veggies stir fry?
    I use mushrooms, peppers, onions, and broccoli stir fry in a pan with chicken and olive oil.
    Serve with whole grain rice and a little soy sauce.

    I have this for lunch most days of the week.
    No reason to deprive yourself, just make it at home healthier :flowerforyou:
  • MadWorld
    MadWorld Posts: 200
    When I have cravings for something, I first try to find a healthier recipe version. If I am craving cookies (like I have been recently... uggh haha), I research new recipes and substitute the unhealthy stuff. It's turned out to be a whole lot of fun. I used to hate cooking but now I prefer cooking to going out.

    Try typing in "healthy chinese food recipes" or "nutritious chinese food recipes".

    There are occasions though that I do let myself have the real deal so that I don't binge-- moderation and portion size is the key.
  • wks7777
    wks7777 Posts: 230
    totally agree, that way u get what u want and u know what ur eating! there are ways to make just about anything healthy, if u need help with certain foods and substituting just shoot me a message, and will try and help, i learned alot doing the eat clean diet!
    Why not just make some chicken and veggies stir fry?
    I use mushrooms, peppers, onions, and broccoli stir fry in a pan with chicken and olive oil.
    Serve with whole grain rice and a little soy sauce.

    I have this for lunch most days of the week.
    No reason to deprive yourself, just make it at home healthier :flowerforyou:
  • Sunsh1ne
    Sunsh1ne Posts: 879 Member
    When I face a tough craving I think it through... I ask myself why I want it, how I will feel while I'm eating it, and how I will feel when I'm done. I also ask if I can make room in my calorie budget for it; if I have 300 calories left for the day but I want something that's more, can I make time to go to the gym? I usually think about all this while drinking a glass of water and a lot of the time I can either talk myself down from an irrational craving, convince myself to eat a healthy alternative, or find the willpower to have the food I crave in moderation, so I get the taste but not the gazillion extra calories.

    If you find yourself craving Chinese food often, maybe think about learning to cook some of your favorite dishes at home, so you have more control over the nutritional content and portion size. I really love General Tso's, but at restaurants it's always fried; at home, I can grill chicken and lightly glaze it with the sauce, so it's still yummy but not bad for me.