JUICING!?! Help please....

econut2000 Posts: 395 Member
My doctor wants me to start juicing. I have the juicer.......but I have no recipes and don't know where to begin :ohwell: It's a Jack LaLanne (sp??) power juicer which I got for free (thank you wonderful members of freecycle!) I don't have the money to buy one of those super duper fancy contraptions juicing die-hards want you to buy.

For those of you that juice, can you share your favorite recipes???? Green juices and fruit juices alike. Also, if you have a particular "go to" website for juicing that would be great.

No, I'm not doing a juice cleanse for those that worry :wink: , this is just to supplement my fruit/veggie intake.

Thanks :flowerforyou:


  • econut2000
    econut2000 Posts: 395 Member
    Anyone?!? :sad:
  • Sapporo
    Sapporo Posts: 693 Member
    I got a book from the library to get recipes for my juicer. They had quite a few books there about juicing.
  • econut2000
    econut2000 Posts: 395 Member
    Thanks for the suggestion. Why I don't think of the library I don't know! lol!! I use to work in one....duh :laugh:
  • asugar
    asugar Posts: 178 Member
    I really like to juice apple, carrot, celery in one. Adding peaches or strawberries makes it extra good. It's a challenge to stick with it but U are inspiring me to get my juicer back out...
  • asugar
    asugar Posts: 178 Member
    Very tasty and very nutritious
  • ScottRy76
    ScottRy76 Posts: 31 Member
    Go to youtube and do a search for liferegenerator he is a little flaky at times but his channel is all based on green juices.

    My favorite has been apple/carrot/ginger...be careful with ginger though **** is strong as ****
  • econut2000
    econut2000 Posts: 395 Member
    Thanks asugar that does sound delicious :smile: Glad I can get someone to get their juicer back out! I've had mine sitting in the closet for several months now. I got it knowing I wanted to supplement with juices but the whole thing just looks scary to use - so it's just been sitting there. This past doctor's appointment he told me he wanted me to juice, sometimes you just need a little push :smile:
  • Wow sounds good
  • econut2000
    econut2000 Posts: 395 Member
    Go to youtube and do a search for liferegenerator he is a little flaky at times but his channel is all based on green juices.

    My favorite has been apple/carrot/ginger...be careful with ginger though **** is strong as ****

    lol sounds good! I do love ginger but yeah, a little goes a looooonnnngggg way. Thanks Scott!!
  • got2gethealthy
    got2gethealthy Posts: 16 Member
    Carla Douglin has a great site all about eating healthy and juicing. I love her videos and have found that she has great tips and advice for anyone interested in getting healthier. Her site is rawrawlife.com check her out!! I have been eating healthy and including raw juice and smoothies in my diet for 2 months and have lost 44 lbs :) Good luck to you!
  • econut2000
    econut2000 Posts: 395 Member
    Carla Douglin has a great site all about eating healthy and juicing. I love her videos and have found that she has great tips and advice for anyone interested in getting healthier. Her site is rawrawlife.com check her out!! I have been eating healthy and including raw juice and smoothies in my diet for 2 months and have lost 44 lbs :) Good luck to you!

    First off congrats on your weight loss - that is absolutely awesome! I will definitely check her out! I hate to just google "juicing". You just never know what kinds of sites will pop up. I would rather go with recipes/sites people have checked out first. Thanks for the suggestion - it's going on the list :smile:
  • oranb
    oranb Posts: 20 Member
    I just got a juicer on Saturday, yay!

    So far my favorite is: 1 pound carrots, 1 medium granny smith apple, and ginger to taste. I like a little spicy so I use about an inch of it. Makes about 16 ounces and is under 300 calories.

    Still working on finding a good green juice recipe. My first try on Sunday was, um, unpalatable lol.
  • econut2000
    econut2000 Posts: 395 Member
    I just got a juicer on Saturday, yay!

    So far my favorite is: 1 pound carrots, 1 medium granny smith apple, and ginger to taste. I like a little spicy so I use about an inch of it. Makes about 16 ounces and is under 300 calories.

    Still working on finding a good green juice recipe. My first try on Sunday was, um, unpalatable lol.

    lol! sounds delicious! Yeah, I think I'm worried about green juice the most....I'm going to check out the above sites to get some recipes :laugh:
  • Lea_8D
    Lea_8D Posts: 106 Member
    Here are a few recipe links I've found.

    I don't like celery in my juice. Whenever I've tried it I thought it tasted too salty, yuck. Yet a lot of people must like it, since it is in so many recipes. My favorite juice is: Kale (a lot of it), carrot(1 or 2), apple (1 or 2), and ginger (a little). I usually use 1 or 2 kinds of greens plus carrot and/or apple. Sometimes I like to add some parsley, lemon, cucumber, etc.
  • econut2000
    econut2000 Posts: 395 Member
    Thanks Lea! I'm a bit nervous about the celery myself....I'm really not a fan but it's definitely worth a shot. The kale one sounds fabulous! I make kale "chips" all the time and love them. We'll see how this goes.
  • Daydreams406
    Daydreams406 Posts: 249 Member
    1 apples
    3 celery stalks
    handful of spinach
    handful of kale
    1″ slice of ginger

    I really didn't care for the ginger. The apple helps a lot with taste.

    6 Kale Leaves
    1 Cucumber
    4 Celery Stalks
    2 Green Apples
    1/2 Lemon
    1 piece of ginger

    I liked the lemon in this one...again ginger is optional.
    I found that I didn't care for carrots in the juice. Didn't like the way it made the juice taste.

    I really like spinach, you can get a ton of spinach in a juice, so great.
    If you do fruit smoothies, you can add some spinach to it as well.
  • bhall33
    bhall33 Posts: 55 Member
    My Mixtures have tried all of these mixed together randomly. just add an Apple and a Full lemon into anything and it makes it tastes good.

    Green Pepper,
    Lettuce (leaf, iceberg)

    A hint, to keep the price of your juicing down, use items with a high juice yeild (like cucumbers)
  • econut2000
    econut2000 Posts: 395 Member
    Wow! Fabulous suggestions Woozle and bhall :smile: They definitely help!
  • bhall33
    bhall33 Posts: 55 Member
    Wow! Fabulous suggestions Woozle and bhall :smile: They definitely help!

    Your welcome, I actually juice every day, After my work out at night, I make enough juice to fill 2 thermostats and a 20oz glass. I have the 20oz glass immediately and then one thermostat in the morning and one at lunch the next day. It is best to drink the juice immediately but I have found keeping it in a good thermostat in the fridge holds the juice very well. But never let it go longer than 24 hours.

    When you start juicing, you might not like the taste, but the energy it gives you is unbelievable.
  • econut2000
    econut2000 Posts: 395 Member
    Wow! Fabulous suggestions Woozle and bhall :smile: They definitely help!

    Your welcome, I actually juice every day, After my work out at night, I make enough juice to fill 2 thermostats and a 20oz glass. I have the 20oz glass immediately and then one thermostat in the morning and one at lunch the next day. It is best to drink the juice immediately but I have found keeping it in a good thermostat in the fridge holds the juice very well. But never let it go longer than 24 hours.

    When you start juicing, you might not like the taste, but the energy it gives you is unbelievable.

    I've always wondered if you could keep the juice after you make it - some of the recipes call for enough for 4 servings and no one else in my house is going to drink it!! Whenever I've made fruit smoothies I've found I have to drink them right away or they start to turn on me and go sour. I'll be sure to invest in a good air tight container! Thanks