
PrincessCelestia Posts: 28 Member
Any anime fans out there? What is your favorite series?
I really love FLCL, Gurren Lagann, Panty and Stocking, He is my Master, NANA, Yotsuba&!, and Keroro Gunso.
How about you guys?


  • BecTech
    BecTech Posts: 47 Member
    FLCL, FMA, Cowboy there's so much.
    I can barely remember them, I've been so into American shows and comics lately!
  • LadyVivica
    LadyVivica Posts: 84 Member
    There is an anime group, i just joined it today. I love so much anime its silly, but my fav is Gundam Wing, I have the whole series on dvd AND vhs =P

    I also love Ouran Host Club, The Wallflower, Hana Yori Dango (all incarnations of the story), Trigun, Cowboy Bebop, Outlaw Star, Madoka Magicka, Deadman Wonderland, Ah! My Goddess, Tenchi Muyo, Claymore, Spice and Wolf, and tons more!
  • KiltFuPanda
    KiltFuPanda Posts: 574 Member
    I can't just pick a favorite series (or even narrow it down to five) - I've got stuff from Irresponsible Captain Tylor to Shura no Toki to El Hazard.

    My wife has Ah My Goddess posters around her office, and has almost as many DVDs as I do (she's got Gundam Wing, A!MG, etc)

    And my two year old's favorite movies to watch? Totoro and Ponyo (we even dressed him up as the boy from Ponyo for a convention).

    So... I guess you can call us anime fans :P
  • Altarian
    Altarian Posts: 230 Member
    Like many anime fan's i couldn't narrow it down to just a few. Some of the ones i've watch recently are Bleach, Naruto, High School of the Dead, Full Metal Alchemist, Elfen Lied, Corpse Princess, Tokyo Majin, Mushi-Shi, Ghost Hound, Descendants of Darkness, Hellsing, Vampire Hunter D
  • pullipgirl
    pullipgirl Posts: 767 Member
    Le Chevalier D'Eon
  • LunaPhaedra
    LunaPhaedra Posts: 71 Member
    Hmm, hard to narrow, but the most memorable/one's i'm following atm are Naruto, Nana, Skip Beat!, Earl and Fairy, The Wallflower, Vampire Knight, Wolf's Rain, Black Butler, ...and i can't think of any more atm. lol. Oh, and Ouran!!!! <3
  • Wezlfuss
    Wezlfuss Posts: 122 Member
    I've been waiting for a thread like this!

    Trigun - Tenshi Muyo! - Exel Saga - Ranma 1/2 - Urusei Yastura - Utena - Sailor Moon -Panty & Stocking - Battle Athletes - Ouran HSHC - and Pretty Sammy.

    Just to name a few~