


  • AubreySue81
    AubreySue81 Posts: 167 Member
    My friend and I were just discussing this very thing! I sweat so bad when I work out! More than in the beginning. This helps, it makes sense. Of course, I always just say that sweat is just your fat crying! Mine cries a lot!

    LMAO! Fat crying...I love this one! :)
  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member
    How much you sweat has more to do with genetics than anything. I also get the feeling of accomplishment when everything I have on is soaked. However, in the end, how much you sweat has more to do with your body and atmosphereic conditions than effort or calorie burn.

    Last night I loaded our camping stuff into the back of my truck. My shirt was drenched when I was done. Six months ago I ran 30 minutes into a cold north wind and all of my clothes were dry. Which burned more calories?
  • krisiepoo
    krisiepoo Posts: 710 Member
    I say when I'm sweating, that it's my fat cells crying because they're saying good-bye and do you notice all those stupid fat cells leaving?

    I sweat like mad... I love it! Makes me feel like I've accomplished something!
  • AubreySue81
    AubreySue81 Posts: 167 Member
    I love the idea of getting a good sweat on and really knowing that I busted my *kitten*.... ie did a 7mile run last night and my ENTIRE shirt was soaked.....

    It was funny toward the end I noticed a little bit that was dry, and told myself this whole thing needs to be soaked! I made it within the last mile of my run..... nice NSV if you ask me...

    Good for you!! And that is a great NSV!

    I have to admit that I'm jealous of your running. Lol. My shins (splints) at the moment are not letting me run. But, that's ok. My passion right now seems to be my Fighter Fitness class. I hope to one day do a 2nd Half Marathon, and eventually a Full Marathon.
  • scottb81
    scottb81 Posts: 2,538 Member
    When I am done with my workout I look like I poured water on myself, it seems gross, but makes me feel like I got something out of the hour or so of cardio. I also have started not turning on the air in the truck when I leave, to keep the sweat going a bit longer and get out some more unwanted sodium before getting home to wash it off.
    The better shape you get in the less sodium your sweat will contain. That's another effect of increased efficiency.
    Thanks for posting, just last week I started sweating more and knew I normally don't but did feel that my workout was better because I started sweating more. I love it when someone (you this time ;) ) post something that I've just been thinking about and I get answer. Thanks again.
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    I must have a very efficient cooling system then!
  • AubreySue81
    AubreySue81 Posts: 167 Member
    Thanks for posting, just last week I started sweating more and knew I normally don't but did feel that my workout was better because I started sweating more. I love it when someone (you this time ;) ) post something that I've just been thinking about and I get answer. Thanks again.

    :) No problem. It's funny how that works sometimes isn't it?

    There are times that I'll be having a "trying" day, and suddenly I will come across a quote that motivates me and gets me going again. They always find me when I need them.
  • michelec64
    michelec64 Posts: 120 Member
    Yep, I'm also one of those folks who doesn't feel like it's a good workout unless my t-shirt is soaking wet. I'll never be mistaken for one of those ladies at the gym who are just there to look pretty.
  • manhn1
    manhn1 Posts: 137 Member
    During the winter, my gym is cold and I run on the treadmill with a sweatshirt. During the summer, it gets so hot and I start sweating after a few minutes. My incline and speed are basically the same. I don't think sweat means you are working harder or less.
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    I love sweating! I love how after a good hard run I'll be stretching outside of my house and the sweat will drip off my nose or chin as I'm stretching down to the ground or it'll run down my chest... so weird but I love it! I know I've worked hard when my forearms and shins are sweating.
  • shellsrenee01
    shellsrenee01 Posts: 357 Member
    I'm a fan of the Turbo Kickboxing classes at 24 Hour Fitness and I call the area around me the "Splash Zone" because I seriously work up a sweat just during the warm-up for the class. By the end of the 60 minutes, my ponytail is drenched and my face/neck are dripping. Any movement from me and droplets go flying. I love it! :bigsmile:
  • reyopo
    reyopo Posts: 210 Member
    Always soaked after hot power yoga and Zumba.. Dripping. Head to toe. I look around and feel like I'm the sweatiest person ever...glad to have company!
  • bananapineapplesauce
    My friend and I were just discussing this very thing! I sweat so bad when I work out! More than in the beginning. This helps, it makes sense. Of course, I always just say that sweat is just your fat crying! Mine cries a lot!

    So funny! This is going to be my new mantra =)

    Although I have to say I hate sweating because I don't work out in the gym, where it's normal and laudable. I stopped driving and started cycling everywhere besides work. Now when I show up at restaurants, shopping malls, and my lessons at a school in the Japanese countryside twice a week, I look like a complete weirdo. As if I wasn't conspicuous enough already! (I'm an American living in Japan). My front and sides don't really sweat. Just my back! "Sweat-back" as my friend forlornly calls her shirts after sweating. If anyone has tips on preventing and/or absorbing sweat so it doesn't show up on your clothes before going out in public, please advise :o)