Body Pump Reviews

HI everyone,

I'm new to MFP, but I'm after some reviews on Body Pump. I'm thinking of trying it tonight, but I want to know what I'm in for first. LOL.

Please tell me your thoughts and experiences with Body Pump... :)


  • fonitoni
    fonitoni Posts: 98 Member
    you can do a search on the message boards and you will find a lot of posts about boby pump
  • dollipop
    dollipop Posts: 379 Member
    Body Pump rocks. Great workout! Incredible burn, good music. Start low on your weights if you're not used to them.
    It basically works your entire body, every large muscle group (and some you didn't know you had lmao)
  • StarkLark
    StarkLark Posts: 476 Member
    I've been doing it for around 10 months and I love it. It's been an essential part of my program, along with all sorts of other stuff. It's lifting for cardio, which means lots of reps with lower weights. I do it twice a week and it generally leaves me a little sore each time.

    It's loud, fun music and a high energy workout (assuming you get a good instructor). You'll work a wide array of muscle groups and it rarely seems to drag on for a long time. I'm a really big guy still and I can burn 800-900 calories in a single hour long class, although I think the average for folks smaller than myself is around 500-600.

    Overall I definitely recommend it. The group setting definitely helps me push myself harder than I can easily do on my own.
  • StarkLark
    StarkLark Posts: 476 Member
    Start low on your weights if you're not used to them.
    THIS. Take a few classes - start with your weights really low. Make sure your form is good and gradually increase your weight until you can barely finish each track. When you find yourself breathing heavy and your muscles burning by the end of a song you'll know you are doing it right.
  • 123Kate
    123Kate Posts: 32 Member
    I LOVE bodypump! Yes, start low. Don't be too shy to tell the instructor it's your first time - go to them before the class and they will be able to show you what you need to get and what weights will be best (at least thats what I did on my first time, and found it very helpful).

    Prepare to be sore tomorrow!
  • AmyBetty
    AmyBetty Posts: 18
    As others have said- for your first time start with low weights. My instructor actually starts first timers with pretty much just the bar and a couple of kgs. So, don't expect a huge workout from your first session. It's more to get you familiar with the moves and correct technique. I'd definately say give it a try - at least twice - it won't be until your second session that you'll use weight and will really feel it!
  • mwhittlescholes
    mwhittlescholes Posts: 2 Member
    I have just started doing it too..... I am loving it so far. I put my weights up yesterday and am a bit sore today! Good sore though. I can't find it to put into my exercise diary though so I don't know how many calories I will be burning?
  • ccurry83
    ccurry83 Posts: 3
    Thanks guys! I gave it a go & loved it!!

    I saw the instructor before the class started and she set me up with 1.25kg weights on either end and off we went. I'm a bit sore today, but nothing too bad yet. I'm assuming later when I actually get up from my desk and try to move around a bit I'll feel it, but so far so good.

    Thanks for all your tips and advise! :smile: I'm planning on doing Pump twice a week now.

    Next class to try is FitBox!

    And also - could I just put this in my exercise diary as an hour of cardio? I'm unsure as when I search Body Pump nothing comes up... :(
  • SockSaver
    SockSaver Posts: 22 Member
    Am all about body pump. I enter it under cardio as " strength training" (weight lifting weight training). Only log 50 min for it tho cause of cool down stretch at the end. LOVE body pump.
  • Ktraceyj
    Ktraceyj Posts: 1 Member
    Good advice on the start low weights. My instructor is a downer so I have stayed away from it because she looks like it is drudgery. I've done the class twice and am wrecked the next day to the point where I have trouble moving. I even followed up that class with yoga. How do I get rid of the soreness?
  • 2Bgoddess
    2Bgoddess Posts: 1,096 Member
    I've been doing body pump 2x a week, as well as zumba 2x a week. I love Zumba. Honestly, I hate body pump. But I know it is good for me and changing my body. I gained a little weight over christmas, (a whole size) but in the 5 weeks of doing body pump, I have lost that size again. the funny thing is, I have only lost 1 pound. My NOW measurements match my before christmas measurements. I am smaller because I am toning and gaining muscle.
    Oh, and wearing my HRM, in 60 min, I burn about 420 calories!