Help - Time of the Month (a little TMI)

beccus Posts: 25 Member
Hi guys
hopefully this isn't TMI.

I've only really just started noticing my time of the month (combination of medication and weight have meant for the last few years I haven't really noticed.) I don't always bleed, but I'm finding the mood swings, and relevant to this, the hunger are more prevalent.

For a week a month I am sooooooooo hungry. I can't seem to get enough food, and I wondered if anyone had any tips for dealing with this? Am I alone?



  • mrsasad
    mrsasad Posts: 4

    i think you should make a routine of your meals.divide your hours and eat after every 2 hours but in a small portion don't full your stomatch at a time in this way you will enjoy your food.
  • mrsasad
    mrsasad Posts: 4

    i think you should make a routine of your meals.divide your hours and eat after every 2 hours but in a small portion don't full your stomatch at a time in this way you will enjoy your food.
    BR3ANDA Posts: 622 Member
    Maybe some dark choco pieces? I have the same issue, so I'm not too good on advice for this subject. Totally sux!
  • FAYESY84
    FAYESY84 Posts: 15 Member
    Oh my god, I become the hunger monster when I am on mine! I read somewhere that it is possible you are actually in need of more energy when you are menstruating. At other times I eat what I normally eat and I rarely feel hungry, but at these times my stomach is constantly growling, i drink more water and still feel starving, then I get really angry at myself which inevitably leads to me feeling sad. So what I do is: EAT! I feel like I do need it so I allow myself about 200 more calories (if I'm feeling that hungry), but use it on brown pasta, low fat cheese, low fat yoghurt etc. If I used it on chocolate (which is what my heart is telling me to eat!) I would just gobble down a 500g bar without even noticing. I have kept a diary so I can recognise when I am likely to feel this way so I can plan meals/snacks in advance so you don't feel like you are fighting with yourself or losing complete control. Usually lasts a few days and then I can eat my normal weight loss calories again. Hope that helps!
  • shelledixon
    shelledixon Posts: 4 Member
    I don't have it for a week, but for a couple days just before I get it I'll cry for no reason over anything lol. I usually don't realise but my hubby will always mention something and then I'm like, oh. But yes I get super hungry those days as well. I try to stay busy to avoid it. Or I'll just allow myself to eat maintenance calories for those few days. And I never allow those calories to be junk food, sometimes a bit of dark chocolate helps, or there's a few dessert recipes on here that aren't super bad for you but hit that pms craving spot lol I figure no loss is better than a gain. You aren't alone!
  • Cambrendle
    Cambrendle Posts: 104 Member
    Yeah I'm noticing that I'm feeling PMS symptoms what seems like earlier - this is only my third week since last time - and over the weekend I felt like a raging lunatic (but stress mimics PMS too so prob a HUGE factor for me) - definitely the extra hungries - and cramps but no "starting" yet = I tried forcing more water, and hot teas that have 0 calories (herbal) because if I feel full (hot beverage makes me feel full) then I stay away from the kitchen. I'm also trying to up my exercise to battle the bloat and cramping. I found yesterday I felt kinda "high" from putting in 6 miles instead of my normal 3 - which definitely felt better than the "I'm going to RIP your head off and shot put it" feelings :smokin:

    splitting up the meals sounds like a good way to keep the hunger pains at bay and stay within calorie margin - I've been trying to do that too (without the PMS)
  • freeli
    freeli Posts: 43
    Same here. Since coming off the pill (no period while on - yay!) it was getting worse and worse, irritability and mood swings became so bad i did not even notice the hunger. I've started taking Calcium (1200mg/day) and that seems to help at least with the moodiness. But now I started noticing the hunger, and the thing is that even when I then eat, it doesn't help, I'm still hungry.

    Maybe give calcium a try (i also started taking agnus castus and evening primrose oil, but I don't really think they contribute as much as calcium, maybe I need to take them longer until they show some effects).
  • beccus
    beccus Posts: 25 Member
    Thanks all, it seems to be carbs I crave - and junk (dark choc seems a good plan!)

    These are all really great sensible suggestions, thank you!

    Also, and I say this with the greatest degree of sisterhood and love in the world, but I'm quite grateful I'm not the only one!

    I shall try and not panic about it and try to listen to my real body (not the fat girl crying for biscuits) to see what I want!