Anyone with under active thyroid?

I have found weight loss hard over the yrs I think because of this, would be nice to chat with others in the same boat. I sometimes don't have the energy to get through the day let alone exercise too so my journey will be mostly diet based initially.


  • xxthoroughbred
    xxthoroughbred Posts: 346 Member
    I do but mine hasn't had much effect on my weight. I've always been thin.

    Are you on medication for it? My doctor said most people perk up after going on medication (I didn't). I'm looking at other reasons for why I'm always tired so you might want to, as well (Vitamin D deficiency, low iron, sleep apnea, etc.).

    Welcome! :)
  • bright_and_shiny
    I'm in the process of being investigated for this, but regardless, I'm mostly diet-based at the moment too, partly due to a sinus infection and partly because I'm on call 24/7 for 8 of the next 10 days, and need to go in pretty quickly if I'm called (twice tonight already!). Happy to chat and provide support and motivation to each other! :)
  • CrystaLight74
    I've been on Armour Thyroid or NatureThroid since 2006. It is not synthetic and feeds the thyroid instead of taking over for it like Levoxil and Synthroid. It's still a presciption, but my energy level is very good (esp. compared with my extreme fatigue when untreated) and my last TSH was 0.82. My doc likes it less than 1.0, so we are both happy with it.

    My sister was on the synthetic thyroid medications for about 18 years. She switched to the more natural supplementation a couple of years ago (Armour) and has been able to regulate it with that. Her doc said there was a 50/50 chance it would work since she had been on Synthroid for so long. Thankfully her thyroid was still able to rally and is being better nourished now.

    We both take an iodine supplement as well, per docs recommendation.

    You may add me as a friend if you like. I'm new here too, taking baby steps in the exercise department, but making progress. For me, it's all about making conscious decisions about what goes in my body and moving my body with intention.

    JENNIENS Posts: 81 Member
    I sent a friend request! I'm hypothyroid!