Joined 4 weeks ago

This is my fourth week on myfitnesspal. I feel like the first few weeks are just a learning process. Becoming aware of calorie content, measuring your food, logging your activities for the day - all that takes practice and dedication. I am still working out a few quirks such as logging my food on the weekends. The weekends are just so hard for me - I miss the discipline of being at work around people that have my same goal in mind. Plus dinning out and drinking wine does not look so good in my food diary - so I just dont log. I am working on this quirk - we shall see how things go this coming weekend - OHNO did someone say fourth of july? Well, I might have to work on that quirk the following weekend :) To all you myfitnesspal-ers...keep your head up and stay strong. IT NEVER GETS EASIER - YOU JUST GET STRONGER.


  • IBetterShapeUp
    Feel free to add me as a friend. Sounds like you have the same exact strugglers as I do. I do log my sinfulness. It is reality I must not ignore. :flowerforyou:

  • supplemama
    supplemama Posts: 1,956 Member
    I know it's hard but if you truly want to change your life you have to look at the cold hard facts. Logging all your food will help you to make better choices, and thus change your body as well as your life. You can do it, but you have to be willing to hold yourself accountable.
  • jojospaghettio
    jojospaghettio Posts: 62 Member
    Feel free to add me! I've been at this off and on for over a year now, but re-dedicated to it the beginning of this year. I struggle with weekends too, and trying to adapt menus for holidays and other family traditions.
  • mailanie1024
    Thank you ladies for all the support - this is why i love myfitnesspal!! I realized through your responses that I need to make it a point to log my calories on the weekend (as guilty as it makes me feel) because that will allow me to hold my self accountable for my mistakes and it also lets me know the areas where I need improvement. I think that planning during the week for what to eat on the weekends will make it easier to stay on track. THE WEEKEND WILL NO LONGER CONTROL ME :) I will control them