Getting back on course

For the last week or so I haven't been really watching what I eat and I've done almost no exercise. What are some ways to get back on track when you've 'fallen off the wagon'? I've lost about 21 pounds so far and I still have a ways to go before reaching my goal weight.


  • Renae_Nae
    Renae_Nae Posts: 935 Member
    Just start again! Pick yourself back up and focus on what works. If you're losing movitation think about how different 21 pounds felt.
  • zyrover
    zyrover Posts: 16
    Good point Renae. Thanks!
  • byebyeluvhandles
    byebyeluvhandles Posts: 149 Member
    I've kind of been "slacking" off also. I've been cutting back on my eating, but just haven't found time or should I say, MADE time to exercise.

    Just've come this far, there's no turning back now.

    Time to get back on track.........Let's do this!!!
  • You may not want to hear this, but movement is really important not only to losing weight, but to keeping it off. it doesn't mean you have to join a gym, but anything that gets your heart rate up is exercise, whether it is riding a bike or mowing the grass. Find something you like to do. Also, stay focused, and be patient. Set realistic goals, and re-evaluate them from time to time. Don't limit your goals to the number on the scale. What behaviors are you changing that will help you ultimately reach your goal.? Be specifice, make goals achievable, measurable and within a time frame. Remember that the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Find support, either here on line, or have an exercise buddy, or someone else who is also on a weight loss journey.
    Reward your success! ( No food allowed ) Get your self tickets to a sporting event that you are interested in, or buy yourself some good training shoes, but most importantly remember that it is always to soon to quit! You can do this, so hang in there:)
  • zyrover
    zyrover Posts: 16
    Just've come this far, there's no turning back now.
  • zyrover
    zyrover Posts: 16
    Byebye, I see I'm not alone. Thanks for the advice.
  • AshRyd
    AshRyd Posts: 126 Member
    when i did that I tried to think of why or how I got off track --- on the exercise i set some pretty high expectations of myself with 6 days a week hard workout when I probably should have been realistic with 3 times a week and worked my way up - i think my body revolted and hurt so that i quit. i also went from about 4,000 calories a day to 1,300 a day with little sugar and little carbs --- i was starving all the time and started to sneak and cheat and then i was back in my habits.

    Folks on here are correct it is a lifestyle change -- it is not a race --- and i had made it a race and when i got behind i stopped running.

    To get back on go back to some of the little changes you made and work your way back up -- Rome wasn't built in a day. Maybe try taking a healthy lunch everyday this week, park in the back of the parking lot, if you take the bus get off a stop early and walk. I started packing my lunch again and taking the stairs to the fourth floor instead of the elevator. --- things tend to turn into habit and grow from there - kind of like eating a bowl of chips to grabbing the whole bag :laugh:

    Good luck!