Painful knees

This is strange, the more weight I lose the worst my knees feel. They crack and ache all the time now. When I am over 180 they don't hurt but once I dropped under that weight the pain starts up. I am not doing anything different than I did before when I was heaver but my knees are killing me. Anyone have a clue?


  • lauralind5
    lauralind5 Posts: 133 Member
    Have you gotten new shoes since you lost weight? If you havent, you should ! Feet change as well as everything else.
  • Pollywog39
    Pollywog39 Posts: 1,730 Member
    Be sure to get plenty of GOOD oils in your system, too.......omegas and stuff.................and I have found that Glucosamine helps me a LOT with my knees.

    Much luck to you!
  • Have you gotten new shoes since you lost weight? If you havent, you should ! Feet change as well as everything else.

    Also have you recently changed your workout shoes? I know it's time to change mine when I get more than typical knee pain.

    Maybe its just me but if you are experiencing new knee pain you might also want to have a doctor check it if the shoes don't solve the issue.
  • Mist1981
    Mist1981 Posts: 145
    I have a knee condition that I will eventually need surgery to correct. My specialist recommended something to me that I highly recommend!! It's called Zyflamend and it's by New Chapter, you can get it at Central Market or online at It has pushed my knee surgery off by years and made it to where I can work out. I recommended it to my mom who has ra and she has noticed a huge difference as well. I also of course take omegas, hyaluronic acid, calcium, and glucosamine/choindroitin. Good luck!
  • My knees have been a problem since I was in 5th grade. The pain only stopped when I hit 180. Doctors don't have a clue why they hurt. I have had x-rays and MRIs. I buy new sneakers every 6months or so. I will try the Omegas when I go grocery shopping next.