Want to lose 50-70 lbs? Lets make a team!

I know there are a lot of groups on this website that have just huge, huge numbers... I feel that way, though, you kinda get lost in the sauce of things... and it isn't very personal. I am looking to make a support group of maybe ten to fifteen people who have around 50-70 pounds to lose.. I feel like if we can make each other accountable, along with a level of friendly competition, advice, and just a general feeling of togetherness, we can do wonders!

Okay, so... I guess I will start by giving you my information

I am 5'6, 22 years old, and I weigh approximately 229 pounds... give or take a pound. I have struggled with my weight since I was around 14 years old... but my weight really took off at 17, when I started worked at the local McDonalds. I went from around 170.. to where I am today. At one point I lost 30 pounds in a group like this.. but it disbanded and i ended up gaining it ALL back. I want to be stronger this time.. and I want to develop habits that will get me through not only the next year, but the REST of my life!

What I hope to gain from this group:

Motivation and Support!
Nutritional Advice (i want to learn how to cook.. Healthy, delicious food :)
Exercise Advice
A friendly level of competition
And a feeling of accountability.. Not only to myself but to others :3

I honestly believe that, with the support of others, and my own willpower, that i can become a stronger, better, healthier and lesser me!

So what do you think?

My goals:

I want to get into ONE-derland first (I love that term. My first goal is to get to 199! That's a reduction of 30 lbs (give or take a pound). What about you? Share your story and your goals if you want to join this team and gain some motivational support :)


  • mommamindi
    mommamindi Posts: 256 Member
    I could really use a lot of support.

    I am a mommy of 4. When I got pregnant I was a size 0, I was just starting to not hate my body....then after my first daughter, it kind of exploded, I had another daughter 15 months later...never fully lost any of the weight and had two more boys after that. I also have small boobs so when I walk around my stomach sticks out further than them, and I feel fat, pregnant, and ugly. And logically I know that its not true, it just sucks.

    Right now I weigh 166, my ultimate goal is to be back to 120 or lower, but really I want to feel better about myself. I need to lose 46 more pounds. I dont know if thats going to disqualify me for this, but I figured I would try anyway.

    What I am looking for is:

    Motivation, and support.
    Bonding with my fellow teammates
    Recipe ideas

    My goals are:

    Be at 150 by 10-09-12
    Be at 135 by 01-01-13
    Be at goal weight by May 1st!
  • Prettygirl150
    Prettygirl150 Posts: 31 Member
    I'm in ... I could use the support too ... Please add me to the group
  • HulaHips83
    HulaHips83 Posts: 129
    5'2. 167 lbs. 52 lbs to go.
  • lauralizzy829
    lauralizzy829 Posts: 215 Member
    I'm in. 5'5", 183, 52 lbs to go.

    I need a close knit group that won't forget me, and that I will be able to properly support everyone.
  • timd50
    timd50 Posts: 19 Member
    Hey. I started at 5'7" 246 and now a few months later I'm down to 186. I was just like a lot of you guys, you can do it! I'm almost done with my journey now, but I wish you all the luck in the world starting yours!

    A few tips that helped me:

    Diet Soda if you must drink some kind of pop. Never drink calories.
    Get plenty of protein in your diet. Aim for at least 30% protein.
    Don't be scared of fat. A lot of low fat options at stores replace it with sugar for flavor, that's a bad trade. Aim for 30-40% fats.
    Carbs aren't evil, but try to avoid white carbs. These aren't filling and the calories add up. Aim for 30-40% carbs.

    This isn't a bible, but its what worked for me. Good luck!

    P.S. there are a lot of great websites for healthy food. Check out http://www.reddit.com/r/fitmeals
  • melimo55
    melimo55 Posts: 1
    I would like to join. I'm just starting. I would like to lose 70 pounds.
  • IyonnaF
    IyonnaF Posts: 101
    I could really use a lot of support.

    I am a mommy of 4. When I got pregnant I was a size 0, I was just starting to not hate my body....then after my first daughter, it kind of exploded, I had another daughter 15 months later...never fully lost any of the weight and had two more boys after that. I also have small boobs so when I walk around my stomach sticks out further than them, and I feel fat, pregnant, and ugly. And logically I know that its not true, it just sucks.

    Right now I weigh 166, my ultimate goal is to be back to 120 or lower, but really I want to feel better about myself. I need to lose 46 more pounds. I dont know if thats going to disqualify me for this, but I figured I would try anyway.

    What I am looking for is:

    Motivation, and support.
    Bonding with my fellow teammates
    Recipe ideas

    My goals are:

    Be at 150 by 10-09-12
    Be at 135 by 01-01-13
    Be at goal weight by May 1st!

    Of course it doesnt disqualify you! That much weight is just as big as an obstacle for someone your size is as 70 lbs is for me, or a 100 pounds is for someone bigger (afterall, the smaller you are, the harder it gets to lose).. Welcome! What you are looking for is similar to what i am, and i would love to have you :)
  • I am a team player...add me.

    I am a 35 year old, mother of two. Since the age of 18 or so I have weighed the same..225-230. I have never been a small person and I am ready to get healthy. I have type 2 Diabetes and not that I have a weight goal, I do have a "no med" goal. It sucks that I have always thought of myself as a healthy person and now the blinders come off...I am not. I need the motivation of others and I am willing to be in a team that is positive and goal orientated....
  • IyonnaF
    IyonnaF Posts: 101
    I'm in ... I could use the support too ... Please add me to the group

    Tell us a little about yourself :P
  • jgandy4094
    jgandy4094 Posts: 20 Member
    I am 45, almost 46, a mom of three and I need to lose 53 pounds...Please friend me and count me in..:smile:
  • AliandTrev
    AliandTrev Posts: 194 Member
    Count me in, i'm 32 and 5'7", I started a month ago at 199 and with MFP am down 8 lbs. I love the accountability and support that I get here. My goal is to lose 50lbs and then go from there. Even at my smallest size 2/4 I weighed around 140. I love seeing and getting ideas for meals from everyone else.
  • amethystisagem
    amethystisagem Posts: 5 Member
    I would like to participate in this group. I feel lost here, and though I have the support of my daughter who is trying to lose like 10 pounds, LoL, I'm here alone and feel kind of lost. What do we need to do to make a group? I don't use the forum much and feel kind of ignorant.

    I am turning 50 in July. Through a course of events too long long to explain, many thingsillness related, I gained 60-70 pounds. I am determined to reclaim my life and my health and to begin living in a way that will sustain that. I know it will be a long, slow road, but I'm in it to win it. Let's help each other become who we deserve to be!

    My name is Vicki
    My start weight here was 203 I think. I'm only down 5-6 pounds so far.
    I want to weigh between 135 and 140 (where I was only four years ago).
    I just joined a gym and hired a personal trainer for one session a week to help be figure out how to do this.
    I have a lot to learn.
    I would like to lose a few pounds a week if possible.

    I need accountability
    Help with motivation
    Nutrition suggestions sometimes
    Fellowship with like-minded folks
  • IyonnaF
    IyonnaF Posts: 101
    I am a team player...add me.

    I am a 35 year old, mother of two. Since the age of 18 or so I have weighed the same..225-230. I have never been a small person and I am ready to get healthy. I have type 2 Diabetes and not that I have a weight goal, I do have a "no med" goal. It sucks that I have always thought of myself as a healthy person and now the blinders come off...I am not. I need the motivation of others and I am willing to be in a team that is positive and goal orientated....

    We will have your back.. I think we have all had that type of experience, where you are all "Oh, Im fine. Im healthy!" and that illusion is ripped away from you. Welcome!
  • IyonnaF
    IyonnaF Posts: 101
    Hey. I started at 5'7" 246 and now a few months later I'm down to 186. I was just like a lot of you guys, you can do it! I'm almost done with my journey now, but I wish you all the luck in the world starting yours!

    A few tips that helped me:

    Diet Soda if you must drink some kind of pop. Never drink calories.
    Get plenty of protein in your diet. Aim for at least 30% protein.
    Don't be scared of fat. A lot of low fat options at stores replace it with sugar for flavor, that's a bad trade. Aim for 30-40% fats.
    Carbs aren't evil, but try to avoid white carbs. These aren't filling and the calories add up. Aim for 30-40% carbs.

    This isn't a bible, but its what worked for me. Good luck!

    P.S. there are a lot of great websites for healthy food. Check out http://www.reddit.com/r/fitmeals

    Thank you so much! So helpful <3
  • DrPooh
    DrPooh Posts: 21
    I want to join. Last summer/year I lost over 20 lbs and have since gained it back plus some. I am looking to lose 70 lbs but wold be happy with 50lbs. I plan to keep it off and live a healthier lifestyle. Please feel free to add me as a pal too.
  • avamonet
    avamonet Posts: 9
    I would love to join. I'm 33 and I'm pretty much alone so it's been hard to stay motivated on my own. I started to join WW for support but can't really afford the unnecessary expense at this time. I really like this site and would love the support.

    I'm 5'2" 174 lbs

    My goal is around 125 so it's about 50 lbs. I can't even believe I've hit a point where I could actually lose 50 lbs and still be a normal size. I feel like I've been on a diet for 5 years and somehow I haven't lost a lb. In fact I've gained. So I think a support group is great.
  • IyonnaF
    IyonnaF Posts: 101
    I would like to participate in this group. I feel lost here, and though I have the support of my daughter who is trying to lose like 10 pounds, LoL, I'm here alone and feel kind of lost. What do we need to do to make a group? I don't use the forum much and feel kind of ignorant.

    I am turning 50 in July. Through a course of events too long long to explain, many thingsillness related, I gained 60-70 pounds. I am determined to reclaim my life and my health and to begin living in a way that will sustain that. I know it will be a long, slow road, but I'm in it to win it. Let's help each other become who we deserve to be!

    My name is Vicki
    My start weight here was 203 I think. I'm only down 5-6 pounds so far.
    I want to weigh between 135 and 140 (where I was only four years ago).
    I just joined a gym and hired a personal trainer for one session a week to help be figure out how to do this.
    I have a lot to learn.
    I would like to lose a few pounds a week if possible.

    I need accountability
    Help with motivation
    Nutrition suggestions sometimes
    Fellowship with like-minded folks

    Leave the schematics to me! i will create the group, and invite everyone who is willing. I will send you a friend request, and if you need help navigating the site, I will do my best :)
  • IyonnaF
    IyonnaF Posts: 101
    I really want to make this group personal... so lets start by sharing our names, so we can get to know each other, yes?

    Im easy.. My name is Iyonna :) Its all in the nick. Quote me, add your name, and I can make a roster (for those who havent already shared their names).
  • IyonnaF
    IyonnaF Posts: 101
    I want to join. Last summer/year I lost over 20 lbs and have since gained it back plus some. I am looking to lose 70 lbs but wold be happy with 50lbs. I plan to keep it off and live a healthier lifestyle. Please feel free to add me as a pal too.

    I feel the same way! Seventy is ultimate, but I would do just as well with fifty, lol. I just want to rid myself of my unhealthy bellyfat, mostly.
  • AliandTrev
    AliandTrev Posts: 194 Member
    I really want to make this group personal... so lets start by sharing our names, so we can get to know each other, yes?

    Im easy.. My name is Iyonna :) Its all in the nick. Quote me, add your name, and I can make a roster (for those who havent already shared their names).

    I'm Heather :)