First-timer half marathon runner...



  • mlkiel
    mlkiel Posts: 91
    Good luck to you, but you sound VERY motivated and you will do well:happy:

    I REALLY want to do the San Antonio Rock n Roll marathon in November, so I would like and helpful advise also.
  • kgprice11
    kgprice11 Posts: 750 Member
    Good Luck!!!! Im running a 10k in October. Hope your half goes well
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    I ran Chicago RnR Half 2 years ago and will NEVER run a RnR EVER again.
    You will wait 40+ minutes to start.
    The water stations are messy at best - and poorly staffed and stocked. Walk through them or to go the far outside to avoid slipping on the thoguhsands of cups they don't clean up.
    The porta potty lines are INSANE - give yourself plenty of time to stand in line.
    Once the route loops back onto the lakefront path watch for the run/walkers who immediately stop running in front of you as soon as their watch beeps.
    If you find yoru like the distance I highly recommend the Rockford Half or any other smaller race so you can actually run at your own pace instead of getting crushed the whole time.
    Be safe! Run your own best race!

    Sounds like any other decent size race. :laugh: :laugh:

    A the Ottawa Race Weekend half there were about 12,000 runners, I made sure I was in my corral 45 minutes before the race started to get a decent starting spot.

    If you're a mid-pack runner like me it's important that you pick the correct corral to start from (go up front & you risk being crushed in the stampede) and expect some of the logistical issues mentioned above - it's almost impossible for the volunteers at the water stations to pick up the cups in a timely fashion (it would be unsafe for them and for the runners).

    Race course etiquette can also be a problem (but that's the racers' faults not the organizers) run/walkers should step to the side when slowing to a walk, it's also common courtesy to raise your hand before stopping to signal runners behind you.

    Normally i don't like crowds but I find the pre-race hustle & bustle exhilarating.
  • ajzmann
    ajzmann Posts: 147 Member
    This is training plan I'm following:

    I jumped in at week 5 because I ran the Soldier Field 10 Mile race. (Although truth be told, I should have taken it easy for a week or two...I got a cold and just felt like crap for my first long run...I think my body was just exhausted.)

    I'm aware at the pitfalls of any big city races. I've done some races in smaller cities which tend to be more pleasant. I have also done many crowded races here and am aware of the "stoppers" and the porta-potty waits, etc. But this is my city, so I gotta do my first half here! Well, for this one, at least.

    Thanks for all the words of encouragement and tips, and good luck to all of you running your firsts (or not firsts) as well. Running races is what makes the training fun!
  • penquin927
    penquin927 Posts: 11 Member
    I did my first half marathon last November ... Rock and Roll San Antonio and then did the RnR Dallas this past March. I trained by adding mileage each week up to 11 miles.

    If you are beginning your training early DO NOT go over 13.1 miles before race day. You want that first time you get 13.1 miles to be when you cross that finish line. You want that moment capture on camera and trust me they will have your photo as you cross that finish line so smile pretty and make it a memorable first time experience.

    After that first time you will want to strive for a better time. Always wanting to set a new PR (Personal Record). I know I was not happy with my time in San Antonio due to the heat we had this past year but when I went to Dallas four months later I took 20 minutes off my time. I was so happy because that was the time I should have got in San Antonio. I am signed up to go for it again in November this year. Always out there putting in the miles.
  • zoeemily89
    Thanks so much for posting this, now I really know how to get going! :-)