How many Calories is too few Calories?

I have a friend that eats about 5-700 per day, and I dont know if i should be congratulating her, or worrying about her?


  • iris8pie
    iris8pie Posts: 224 Member
  • mcarter99
    mcarter99 Posts: 1,666 Member
    Below 800 is considered crash dieting by most authorities. 1000-1200 is considered a safe minimum by most.
  • amivox
    amivox Posts: 441 Member
    Um, thats definitely not enough calories. the bare minimum would be 1200 unless medically supervised, and even that is pretty fricken low.
  • wookiemouse
    wookiemouse Posts: 290 Member
    A good guide is don't eat below your BMR, which is 1200-1400 for most people. Your friend is WAY too low. She can do it, by all means, but she's not doing herself any favors and is probably hating life.
  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,175 Member
    Probably not healthy....and she wont be able to keep that up.
  • Her body is most likely in starvation mode and eating itself.
  • kolohe91
    kolohe91 Posts: 13 Member
    When I was 22 I did slim fast but drank it 3 times a day instead of 2 and eating one meal. I lost 20 lbs in 4 weeks to get down to required weight for boot camp. Then in boot camp no access to food and tons of exercise and didnt eat much when I went to meals so lost another 20 lbs in 3 weeks. started at 155 lbs. I became catatonic for 4 days. then after coming out of that had alot of other issues - PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE tell your friend how dangerous low caloric intake is for your body and mind. I became paranoid - along with other issues. I am now 49 and still remember how traumatic that time of my life was.
  • iris8pie
    iris8pie Posts: 224 Member
    wow. ok.
  • rose313
    rose313 Posts: 1,146 Member
    If you eat below your BMR regularly your body won't have enough energy to work properly. There will probably be long term effects.
  • katkins3
    katkins3 Posts: 1,360 Member
    Perhaps you could encourage your friend to run her plan past her doctor or a nutritionist. They may see a professional's advice as more helpful. :wink: