Donating Blood for the 1st time

987Runner Posts: 209
Any tips? Any suggestions for healthy-ish food but enough that I don't pass out? LOL! And should I work out in the morning or save it for the evening? Suggestions are appreciated, as I mentioned, this is my first time! :heart:


  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    It's been a couple years since I donated blood, but I remember that they recommend you be very well hydrated (it's easier to find your veins that way). And iron-rich foods like spinach, etc will ensure that your hematocrit level is high enough so you can donate (the last time I went to donate my hematocrit level was too low so I couldn't donate that day, the technician recommended that I eat more iron-rich foods). I have heard that it is not good to work out afterward, you might want to do an easier workout earlier in the day. (the last time I donated blood was before I was exercising regularly so it was not an issue for me). They also often have juice/cookies/fruit at the donation site so you can have something afterward to help you feel less lightheaded.

    That reminds that I need to schedule a donation with the local blood bank...
  • mfp_junkie
    mfp_junkie Posts: 359
    I have donated about 40 times, and I'm going again on Saturday. Here's what I do to get ready:

    1) Eat iron rich foods the day or two before. I usually top up with a bowl of raisin bran the night before, which is high in iron.

    2) Drink more water than usual the day before and if you are donating later in the day, all during the day of. This gets your body ready for the depletion of fluids.

    3) Eat before you donate. Keeps you from passing out.

    4) Limit your caffeine on your donation day. Makes your veins flatten out a little and harder to hit.

    You probably should not work out after, so if you are doing a work out, do it before. Definitely no lifting with the donation arm after for a day or two, and limited heavy exertion. Also, after you donate, keep drinking your fluids to help your body get back up to speed.

    Good for you for donating. Always in need!
  • hark15
    hark15 Posts: 148 Member
    I give blood pretty regularly - Red Cross comes into my office every few months - so I have some experience on what not to do :)

    I would recommend NOT working out at all on the day you give blood. This will help you stay hydrated. You aren't supposed to work out for 24 hours after giving blood. Also - drink a lot of extra water the day before and day of. This makes it easier to find your veins and the blood comes out more quickly. I've tried to donate a bit dehydrated before and it took a looong time and got uncomfortable. Just eat a good meal before you donate - whether its breakfast or lunch - and if you are donating mid-morning or mid-afternoon have a small snack before and after. Anything will do - yogurt, fruit, etc. Just so you aren't going into the donation hungry!

    Also - do NOT drink any alcohol for 24 hours after giving blood. They always tell you that but I went out for a happy hour one day after giving blood and after just two beers it felt like someone was sitting on my chest and I was having trouble breathing - so don't do that :)

    Good luck and great job stepping up to give blood :flowerforyou:
  • PShep17
    PShep17 Posts: 221 Member
    Yip lots of fluid and eat properly before it. I'd say don't worry too much about your cals that day. I tried to stay healthy last time and ended up passing out for the first time. If you're wanting a work out do it before hand because they recommend no strenuous activity for the remainder of the day!

    Good on you for donating!
  • mr18actor
    mr18actor Posts: 480
    I have given gallons --

    What everyone is saying:
    Super hydrate the night before and day of
    Eat iron rich foods - spinach, broccoli, raisins, most beans, most meats, etc.
    A light workout before is just fine, but I would stay away from going after. Also, no lifting of any kind for the next couple of days.
    Remember to eat directly following and stay hydrated.

    Until you know exactly how your body is going to respond to the process try to take it easy.

    Here is the Red Cross link for tips on donating -

    Best of luck and thanks for donating!