Want to lose 50-70 lbs? Lets make a team!



  • IyonnaF
    IyonnaF Posts: 101
    The group has been made! Sent out a ton on invites.. if you didnt get yours, message me.
  • tj1971
    tj1971 Posts: 40 Member
    My name is Tammy, I am 41 and weigh 177. I used MFP to lose about 20 lbs over a year ago prior to a vacation. Of course after the vacation I became lazy about logging in. Shortly after I started a full time job and really took a turn for the worse...again. I ended up putting some of the weight back on. I recently had surgery to "cure" my acid reflux. One great side effect was a 17 lb. weight loss in just 6 weeks. Excited about this bonus gift that came with my surgery I want to keep it going, since I am no longer losing from the surgery I now must actually work at it. I have a great co-worker who makes it easy for me to eat healthy choices at work. I do have to watch certain foods as I still have a hard time with foods that are prone to making me bloated/gassy from the type of surgery I had. I'd love to join the group as I need motiviation and accountibility with my logging...or lack thereof. I would also love food ideas. My short term goal right now is 150. I know with my height being 5'3" I should be thinking of making it less than that but for now I'm trying to be realistic. I believe by reaching 150 it will motivate me to do more. Hard though, I haven't been remotely close to 150 lbs. in over 10 years! I understand the power of the yo-yo and would love to help!
  • pesto3000
    pesto3000 Posts: 8 Member
    I would love to join this group!

    Hi im Leika. Im 19, 5'9 and im a whopping 301 lbs. Thats my highest weight ever. I've struggled with my weight my entire life, once i hit highschool it got worse. I was around 275, and maintained that weight all throughout highschool. I have been on so many weight loss journeys! The most successful one got me down to 235 lbs. I was so motivated, so inspired, so willing! That all went down the drain when i moved with my dad for a year. Now knowing anyone and adjusting to change hit me hard, so i gained it all back plus some.

    Along with having a weight problem my whole life, i stuggled with confidence as well. Up to about a year ago i had low self esteem. Go figure eh? A fat girl with low self esteem. What else is new! A year ago, i finally woke up, and realized I am beautiful inside and out, i changed my attitude, my wardrobe, just everything about me! Im so much happier now, Ive let my weight stop me form doing alot of things. SMH. The problem now is, i think I gained confidence and just stopped caring about my health over all. Now all of a sudden im 301 lbs! And I wouldnt have even noticed, if it werent for my co-workers.

    My coworkers and I bet each other we could lose 30 lbs by December 5th 2012. As kind of a friendly competion to encourgae each other, We wrote up a contract, andhad an offical weigh in! THATS when i found out i had put on at least 11 lbs since ive graduated Highschool. How did this happen? I dont feel 301 lbs. I dont look 301 lbs?? Agh!

    Long story short..its time to get back to work.

    My First goal is to drop 30 lbs which would put me back to 271
    My long term goal weight is to be 220. And we will see what happens from there!

    Welp there's a little ittie bit about me. I hope to encourage others while you encourage me! Boxers always have someone in their corner to pump them up for the next round when they are feeling absolutley drained and defeated. Lets be each others corner men! LETS GOOOOOOOOO!
  • lnnptrck
    lnnptrck Posts: 28 Member
    I am in! I am 5'7, 224 currently and would like to ultimately get down to 150 in the long run. :)
  • Im game!
    My names Desiree, Im 21 and currently weigh in at 258. I have been overweight since my teen years except for my senior year when I became a chearleader. Got married young and the weight packed on. Im in the middle of a divorce and I want to feel good again, not for anybody else but myself. I am starting to care about myself again. :) I could really use the support because I am quick to give in to temptations. Knowing my group members were checking in on me, would stop me real quick. Lol

    My goal is to definetly be 50 to 70 pounds less! My Long term weight goal is 160 for now :D
  • Lindsey1985x
    Lindsey1985x Posts: 106 Member
    Hey! Anyone add me - i wanna be in the club.

    Used to be 245lbs - reach One-derland as the OP says- it was AMAZING.

    I'm now 197 lbs after losing the same 7lbs on and off again for quite a while. Now im eating clean, exercising and losing.

    I want to be around 140lbs

    if you fancy being MFP friends just add me and we can motivate eachother (that goes for anyone reading lol)xxxxx
  • b1505
    b1505 Posts: 102 Member
    Hi, I wanna join this group too :) anyone add me!

    I'm currently 244lbs and ideally I want to be around 180lbs (or a bit less depending on how I feel once I get there).
    I'm 20 years old and currently a university student from the UK. For as long as I can remember I have issues with my weight, however over the last 4 or 5 years I've ballooned from a UK 16/18 to a UK 24/26. I'm not too sure how this happened as if anything my diet has improved since I was younger but it has happened and I'm determined to lose the excess weight.
  • apamapandapa
    apamapandapa Posts: 31 Member
    I am SO in :)
    I am 21 years old and University Student :) My current weight is 220lbs. My absolute goal is 132lbs but for now I stick to 165lbs.
    I always had problems with my weight but in some weird way I lost a lot of weight when I first time left my homecountry. When I moved further I gained it all and even double back also because i worked in local McDonalds. (Good payment, bad decisions :D )

    Anyhow, I would be so happy to join :) I have some good and low caloric recepies saved up as well as I am reallly going into sports and all the gym activies now :) (started to love it so much that even thinking of becoming a personal trainer if I ever get to my 132 lbs)
  • I'm IN...but I have slightly more than 70 lbs to go. I need to lose 74 lbs. to reach my goal weight.

    I started at 227.8 lbs. I'm now at 209.4 lbs. I also would love to reach the ONE-derland! :)

    I'm a 41-year-old mom of three(two teenagers! eep!). I stay at home but volunteer a lot at church and my kids' schools. My daughter is going to be a senior in high school in the fall. There's a "Senior Night" for band members, football players, cheerleaders, and drill team. My daughter is in band. My husband and I get to walk down the middle of the field with her as they announce her name and what she wants to do when she graduates. My goal is to NOT have a double chin in the picture they take of us. lol

    My final goal weight is 135 lbs. I need some serious motivation because some of my "friends" have decided that now is the time to discourage me. :( Anyway, this seems like a fun group and I'll be "qualified" for the group (that is, having just 70 lbs. to lose) in no time! :D
  • can I join? i want to lose 45 pounds, i know it's not 50 but it's still really close!
  • Jishmeister
    Jishmeister Posts: 108
    Support and motivation would be awesome! I'm 24 and want to lose 61 pounds. Currently, I'm 5' 5.5" and weight 183, my ultimate goal is to get down to 122. I have mini goals and the first one is to lose 8 pounds in one month. I want to get down to 175 pounds, then 165, then 152 which will put me in the normal BMI. I started tracking my food 3 weeks ago with a starting weight of 187, so I have lost 4 pounds so far.

    A few years ago, my highest weight ever was 197 pounds. I was so afraid to hit the 200's that I started jogging and eating healthier, and before I knew it, I had lost about 23 pounds or so, and got down to 174 pounds. That's why my first mini goal is 175, I want to get back down there and then continue where I left off.

    Anyone, feel free to add me as a friend =]
  • magicake
    magicake Posts: 12 Member
    Not sure if I'm too late, but I'd like to join the group. I'm looking for something new to motivate me to lose the last 50 pounds. I've lost 123 so far, but I have been stagnant for the last 6 months. Anything to help with the motivation so I can start losing again. That's why I joined this site.

    My name is Kendra btw.

    I'm 37
    Starting weight 371 in January 2011
    Current weight 248
    I've been between 245-255 since December 2011
    I need a kick in the butt to keep going.
    One-derland is my ultimate goal.
    Healthy weight for me is between 136-186. I'd settle for 199 though:) lol

    Add me please. I need some friends
  • betancourta229
    betancourta229 Posts: 171 Member
    My name is Alyssa and I would love to join this group! I am looking for all the support I can get!

    I am 5'5" and 227 lbs. I want to lose 70 lbs! I struggled with being over weight since my teens. I lost weight my first year in college (50 lbs). That's when I meet my now husband. We have been together for 9 years and over that time we have had a lot of "dinner dates" and I need to lose that original 50 I lost plus the extra 20 :sad: I am extremely motivated to do this and would love it if you added me!
  • IyonnaF
    IyonnaF Posts: 101
    Welcome to the group, everyone ^_^ Invite your friends, if they want in. We are glad to have you!
  • MzTammy47
    MzTammy47 Posts: 6
  • MzTammy47
    MzTammy47 Posts: 6
  • chelleryan
    chelleryan Posts: 2 Member
    My name is Michelle, I am 40 and a mom of 3, I started on Sunday July 9th at a weight of 223 lbs and
    i'd really like to lose about 85 lbs.
    I've tried a few times but everyone else in my family is at a healthy weight so its easy for me to
    Lose motivation. I could definitely use a few friends. Please add me to the group.
  • jmcowan42
    jmcowan42 Posts: 89 Member
    I'm aiming to lose about 60 pounds in 90 days. I would like to join for some motivation.
  • laurenframp
    laurenframp Posts: 15 Member
    Yay, please count me in! I just joined this week and am keen to find new friends with similar goals.
    I am 5"1' and 150pounds, I really want to loose 25 pounds, i know that I am wanting to loose less than was specified but could really use the help. I used to be a competitive swimmer who trained 10 times a week- which meant i could eat whatever i wanted and would just burn it off, but when i stopped and went to uni i put on about 33 pounds. I would love to learn better eating and exercising for life. Please add me xx

    Well done to everyone for your determination and positivity!
  • lambing05
    lambing05 Posts: 34
    Hi i would like to join and get support . I am 32 years old 5'0 175 pounds obese. I am overweight all my life. I want to change my lifestyle and commit to really lose weight.

    I worked 8-10 hours a day i only have free time to exercise if wake up early in the morning. I started to track the food i eat and now i want support from you people.