What do you guys think of "cheating?"

And no, I don't mean on your SO. ;) For me, I have to cheat. I'll get a really bad craving for something like a handful of potato chips or a mexican pizza from Taco Bell and if I don't give in, I'll wind up eating more "healthy foods" trying to satisfy that craving. As a result, I end up consuming more calories from the healthy food just trying to satisfy myself than if I had just given into my cravings to begin with! It only ever happens once or twice a week, so it hasn't affected the scale any. I just wanted to find out how you guys deal with your sudden cravings, or if you have any at all!


  • Mctree20
    Mctree20 Posts: 137
    Usually I will just give in, thinking it is probably best to "get it out of my system". Other times if I can find something else to distract me then the craving goes.

    No amount of healthy food helps me through it lol
  • amandainez08
    amandainez08 Posts: 87 Member
    That's exactly how I feel! I feel better once it is out of my system. Then I'm ready to get back to my healthier versions of food!
  • carld256
    carld256 Posts: 855 Member
    I don't cheat because I don't know where it's going to lead. I took a "break" last Christmas just to enjoy the holiday and ended up gaining 40 pounds. If you can do it and get back on track then I guess it's okay. I'm avoiding it for now, though I kind of envy people who can eat whatever they want for a whole day or weekend and still lose weight.
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    I typically don't lose weight unless I have one every week or two. Half Pounder with Cheese and fries. Yes please.
  • 13inchestogo
    13inchestogo Posts: 296 Member
    Oh lordy lol. Cravings. Such a mindset thing for me!! I used to just tunnel vision on those chips until I've devoured a bag. Or two. Whole box or oreos. Gosh... But my feelings on cheating are that you can do so, in MODERATION. Such a magical happy word. That's what I think.

    It is ideal of course to eradicate temptations with your laser vision before they enter your hands or your household. But as long as you get right back on the horse afterwards and use portion control and will power to snap yourself out of the snacking frenzy, I think that an occasional treat keeps some of us sane and happy people :drinker: :smokin: :smile:
  • amandainez08
    amandainez08 Posts: 87 Member
    I don't cheat because I don't know where it's going to lead. I took a "break" last Christmas just to enjoy the holiday and ended up gaining 40 pounds. If you can do it and get back on track then I guess it's okay. I'm avoiding it for now, though I kind of envy people who can eat whatever they want for a whole day or weekend and still lose weight.

    I know. It's probably similar to how I feel about people who can eat whatever they want all day EVERY day and STILL look good! Bleh! But it's usually just one meal out of the day and around dinner time. The next day I wake up refreshed and ready to start it off right!
  • TheLastLyric
    I guess it's all about personal preference, but cheating makes me feel horrible. In the long run, you're only cheating yourself! I'd much rather stick it out and not worry about regretting my decisions later (:
  • amandainez08
    amandainez08 Posts: 87 Member
    Oh lordy lol. Cravings. Such a mindset thing for me!! I used to just tunnel vision on those chips until I've devoured a bag. Or two. Whole box or oreos. Gosh... But my feelings on cheating are that you can do so, in MODERATION. Such a magical happy word. That's what I think.

    It is ideal of course to eradicate temptations with your laser vision before they enter your hands or your household. But as long as you get right back on the horse afterwards and use portion control and will power to snap yourself out of the snacking frenzy, I think that an occasional treat keeps some of us sane and happy people :drinker: :smokin: :smile:

    I agree. The other day I wanted those potato chips SO bad (because my fiance walked in with them from Walmart and they happened to be my favorite kind...thanks a lot) so I told myself only one serving. It's only about 160 cal. What did I do? I ended up eating half the bag! And this was a family size bag! But in my defense, they only fill them half way, so technically one-forth of the bag! ;)
  • AlayshaJ
    AlayshaJ Posts: 703 Member
    I eat whatever the eff I want. I'm not really a junk food kind of person, though.
  • lauram272
    lauram272 Posts: 1
    I think you shouldn't think of it as a "cheat" but a "treat". Enjoy it and move on. The more you tell yourself you can't have it and more you want it. Like many things in life!:smile:
  • ctrygalk
    ctrygalk Posts: 13 Member
    Calorie counting means never having to say no. Ive tried to do other ways and it doesnt work out for me. I used to allow myself one cheat day a week. That actually did work out pretty well. So yes I do allow a cheat now and again. Gotta have my chocolate!
  • mustgetmuscles1
    mustgetmuscles1 Posts: 3,346 Member
    I eat whatever the eff I want. I'm not really a junk food kind of person, though.

    Pretty much the same. I pre pay for my food when I can though. If I want something particularly high in calories I go do something active until I have enough calories to eat it. I am also eating at a deficit still so sometimes I will use my deficit to pay for a "cheat" meal. Its kind of like balancing a bank account. lol
  • hmoore202
    hmoore202 Posts: 15
    I have found that when eating really clean for a long period of time, if i have chocolate or some sweet treat i tend to lose a couple lbs. But i'm talking once every 4-6 weeks. Some days i want to cheat and i do and go overboard and i end up feeling horrible. Some days an have just one square of chocolate and call it a day. It's the never ending struggle.
  • heathercicle
    heathercicle Posts: 91 Member
    I have trouble with cravings. I try not to eat what I crave because I know I'll over do it so... I'm working on not giving in to them at all. I recognize that I'm having a craving and that I need to pay attention to my body. If I'm craving, I won't feel satisfied so I have to pay attention to the "no longer hungry" meter so I won't over eat. Haha Hope that helps!
  • rlt2005
    rlt2005 Posts: 15
    Dr. Oz actually advises a "Faturday" or a "cheat day" once a week. It is a way of shocking your system to keep yourself from hitting a plateau. (Also, it keeps you from being miserable.) Still try to keep it in moderation though. Keep it under the 1500 if at all possible. I know that I will go over on holidays or special occasions so I try to set my "Faturday" for the week to be on those days.
  • AReasor
    AReasor Posts: 355 Member
    I am in this for the long haul. So if I never allowed myself a cupcake or ice cream here and there, I would NEVER have them, lol. :wink:
  • essjay76
    essjay76 Posts: 465 Member
    Well, it all depends on the individual (just like everything, I guess!) If you're the type of person that has an "all or nothing" mentality, and can't "just eat one", then don't even touch it.

    If you really need to challenge yourself to make that change, challenge yourself to just have one. Challenge yourself to moderation.

    Personally, I don't believe anyone should severely restrict themselves. I can understand quitting a bad "addiction" (the type of thing you can't have just one of, whatever that poison may be - chips, cookies, alcohol, etc.), but cutting out "bad" food in general is just not fun in the long run...

    When I have a craving, I have it and give in to it, otherwise I just end up overeating on other stuff just to try to satisfy that urge.
  • amandainez08
    amandainez08 Posts: 87 Member
    I have found that when eating really clean for a long period of time, if i have chocolate or some sweet treat i tend to lose a couple lbs. But i'm talking once every 4-6 weeks. Some days i want to cheat and i do and go overboard and i end up feeling horrible. Some days an have just one square of chocolate and call it a day. It's the never ending struggle.

    I know what you mean. I made the mistake of eating McDonald's (just a cheeseburger, nothing fancy) and I paid for it the next day! I was so sick to my stomach. I'm actually kind of glad it happened...I don't think I'll ever have McD's again! Won't have to worry about that weakness any more!
  • amandainez08
    amandainez08 Posts: 87 Member
    Dr. Oz actually advises a "Faturday" or a "cheat day" once a week. It is a way of shocking your system to keep yourself from hitting a plateau. (Also, it keeps you from being miserable.) Still try to keep it in moderation though. Keep it under the 1500 if at all possible. I know that I will go over on holidays or special occasions so I try to set my "Faturday" for the week to be on those days.

    I knew I heard this somewhere before. My body does seem to do a lot better once I've had a "cheat day" and then go back to the norm. I like to think it tricks my metabolism into eating all of that extra energy up that way it doesn't get "use to" my less than 1500 calories per day!
  • amandainez08
    amandainez08 Posts: 87 Member
    Well, it all depends on the individual (just like everything, I guess!) If you're the type of person that has an "all or nothing" mentality, and can't "just eat one", then don't even touch it.

    If you really need to challenge yourself to make that change, challenge yourself to just have one. Challenge yourself to moderation.

    Personally, I don't believe anyone should severely restrict themselves. I can understand quitting a bad "addiction" (the type of thing you can't have just one of, whatever that poison may be - chips, cookies, alcohol, etc.), but cutting out "bad" food in general is just not fun in the long run...

    When I have a craving, I have it and give in to it, otherwise I just end up overeating on other stuff just to try to satisfy that urge.

    And that was my point exactly! I'm so glad I'm not the only one :D