I'm disgusted by me!



  • Meaghan619
    I know exactly how you feel, I'm a naturally thin/athletic person and even though I'm still pretty active I've blown up to nearly a deuce and a half which is more than 100lbs overweight for me.. it's so hard, just to look in the mirror and say "this is reality, this is actually me." Especially because I'm a compulsive eater and stuff my face to make myself feel better, even though the reason I felt like crap in the first place was because of how I look. It's a vicious cycle and daily struggle for me. But you can do this, and so can I! Just like another poster said - one choice at a time.. one bad choice is not the end of the world, just keep on trucking and make as many good choices as you can! Feel free to add me, I'm looking for lots of support and friends with similar struggles.
  • ajsopher
    ajsopher Posts: 3 Member
    Hello!! I can so relate to your pain!!! I have spent the past few years in total denial of my weight gain..............i would go shopping and not find anything that fits and my young daughter would ask me why I was bigger than the other moms at her school!!!! I would just take these disappointments and shove them deep somewhere inside. I became a homebody and avoided going out..............I would look at pictures of me and be disgusted, but still just buried how I felt.

    I have trouble living by a number on the scale...........exercise is where it is at for me. Since my eyes finally opened 3 months ago, I have lost 20 inches everywhere..........the tape measure is my new best friend, to hell with the scale!!!! I could barely get through walking a mile without thinking I would die, and three months later I am walking 5 miles a day with a 10 pound vest on in less than an hour............I also do extra work for about 1/2 hour a day on my abs, arms, or legs............then reward myself with a 20 minute stretch!! Once I was able to handle adding the weights, the inches really started dropping...........

    YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!!! Small steps, small steps!!!!!!!

    I don't have any friends on here as of yet because I just found this site a couple of weeks ago, so feel free to add me:happy:
  • BeSophisticate
    Welcome back!

    I totally empathize with the exercise thing. All you can do is find something you like (experimenting might be necessary) and start small. If you try to jump in to exercise at the deep end, you might do like me and give it up completely (otherwise known as burning out).

    So far, the elliptical trainer is my fabvorite. I know that sounds weird. It's not like it's something 'fun' like water skiing, but I always feel like I've accomplished something after, which is a great feeling for me. I started out at just 2 days per week but quickly added more. I've been on here about a month and a half or so and I'm up to 4 days per week, with 5 being my goal.

    The most important thing is to figure out what is going to work for you. You'll do great!
  • Rayman79
    Rayman79 Posts: 2,009 Member
    I think I started just like you did! I downloaded MFP about 9 months before I actually started using it properly. I lost a little bit of weight during that time, but since I came back to MFP properly the results have been awesome (although still slow going). I have not missed more than a couple of days logging since last September, and in that time have lost about 40lbs.

    The hard part is turning it into a habit. There will be times you want to not log, you have something you shouldn't have, you drank too much etc. The keys to success are consistency and accountability. Stick it out, be honest with yourself and you will be successful!