Gaining on the first week on Insanity!!!????

Iamflew Posts: 24 Member
So I miraculously gained 0.8 lbs after my first week of Insanity!? How does that happen?? I drank a recovery drink after exercise and stayed (on average) within my 1500 calories (MFP says 1200, Insanity says 5 - 300 cal meals) . So should I just go back down to the 1200 calories and not eat back the exercise calories?? I was dumbfounded getting on the scale after I was soooo sore this week from busting my butt every day!!! What has worked for you? I am sticking with it for the full 60 days and decided to take my measurements today (I took starting pics too)....but I really thought I would have lost SOMETHING that first week.....


  • mdelcott
    mdelcott Posts: 529 Member
    could just be water from your poor sore used muscles, Dont stress so much over .8 of a pound, next week it will be gone
  • Amberjade27
    I gained my first two weeks on Insanity also. Stick with it....month 2 is the results month. And you might not be eating need enough fuel to keep your body going or it'll start storing food as fat reserves. Good luck!!!!
  • delonda1
    delonda1 Posts: 525 Member
    i gained 4LBS my first week on insanity...literally cried. now its gone plus 1more
  • Iamflew
    Iamflew Posts: 24 Member
    Thanks for the thoughts!! I am really hoping for a loss this week - but I guess I shouldn't be too dissappointed if it doesn't happen!! I can't imagine eating much more than I am already....and still losing weight but if I don't start losing in the next few weeks I might have to try adding a few more calories....I am only 5'4" so I thought 1500 was more than enough to cover the exercise.
  • searsmeghan
    I learned in my Nutrition class in college that a lot of people will gain weight when they first start an aerobic regime because of something called Hypertrophy. it's when your muscles retain water and it will make you gain weight instead of losing it. Don't worry though, it won't last forever! Just keep working hard and it will definitely pay off.
  • half_moon
    half_moon Posts: 807 Member
    Just go poop. It will go away again. :|
  • Iamflew
    Iamflew Posts: 24 Member
    Awesome!! That gives me some reassurance that I am not doing something wrong!! Thanks!!!
  • peterson_jessica
    peterson_jessica Posts: 119 Member
    It's normal for your muscles to retain water while they are repairing themselves. As for your caloric intake, however, 1200 is way too low. I would say that 1500 is an appropriate number if you are looking to lose weight while doing insanity. Eating 1500 will put you right around a net of 1200 after the insanity exercise. Make sure your 1500 calories are "healthy" calories with lots of protein.
  • xsmilexforxmex
    xsmilexforxmex Posts: 1,216 Member
    with a workout like insanity dont watch the scale bc your muscles will hold extra water, watch the measurements..
  • Nielasan
    Nielasan Posts: 38 Member
    hey! don't sweat that scale if you're on the right track. it don't tell you nothin girl! if youre working out its likely muscle. if you wanna feel good about your progress you should really measure your waist, hips and neck. you'll see you're doing great.
  • wareagle8706
    wareagle8706 Posts: 1,090 Member
    Just keep doing what you're doing. Don't screw with your calories. You need to eat enough!!!!

    I gained too, but dropped an inch in my waist!! So just keep it up!
  • RobynMWilson
    RobynMWilson Posts: 1,540 Member
    Do NOT go back down to 1200 calories. That is very restrictive, esp with a program that requires the stamina Insanity does. Are you drinking the Shakeology too? It could be that you built a little muscle and where exactly are you at with your cycle?
  • peachyxoxoxo
    peachyxoxoxo Posts: 1,178 Member
    I gained weight too, but it's just water weight, don't worry. Focus more on the inches lost, not your weight.
  • Jules2Be
    Jules2Be Posts: 2,267 Member
    that's insane.
  • MeadowSong
    MeadowSong Posts: 171 Member
    Every time I do something that makes me very sore, I gain a bit. No worries! It's how it works. And DO make sure you eat enough to build that muscle--or you will be just tearing yourself down and have nothing to build back with. So you get weak, tired and unable to continue to lose or maintain your loss.
  • dinosnopro
    dinosnopro Posts: 2,179 Member
    The only thing I gained was a set of insanity coasters.
  • Iamflew
    Iamflew Posts: 24 Member
    Thanks everyone!! I will stick with my 1500 cal for now and hope for the best!! I did measure myself today and am hoping to watch that dwindle....I can't compare my clothes yet because I have been wearing athletic wear and summer dresses because I refused to go out and by new clothes in a bigger size lol!!! I do drink down a protein shake comparable to Shakology after my workouts and I have increased my protein intake significantly, while bringing down my carbs a bit. I am Italian so the paring down of my breads and pastas is no fun...but I still fit them in occassionally - otherwise I would go INSANE!!!
  • laurenislost
    laurenislost Posts: 28 Member
    Ugh I gained weight too, but I have been eating really poorly. It feels like with this amount of cardio given the opportunity (and there are plenty in my life) to eat crappy food, I will lose all resolve and binge on bad food. This is coming from someone who used to skip breakfast and lunch, so I can take being hungry, but not when doing this much exercise!