I want to be a MILF! Join me in my quest!

Well, I didn't just want to say hi...

I thought it was time for an introduction. I'm a 30ish mama who isn't looking to get her old body back. I'm greedy and want something new and improved! ;-) What I really want is to be able to play with my kids and be an example for them when they get older. I want to not just feel good able myself on the inside; I want to know that I'm taking care of my body and have something to show for it.


  • Canuckjen
    Canuckjen Posts: 7
    I joined for all the same reasons!!
    Sent you a friend request.
  • I know exactly how you feel! I want my daughter to be like "Yeah... that's my mom!" not "Omg THAT"S MY MOM!!!" I have found that it is extremely difficult to exercise while the husband and my daughter are yelling at me. Have you found time to exercise and if so do you have any tips?
  • lifesazoo
    lifesazoo Posts: 118
    The only ways I can exercise at home are by either playing with the kids outside (or running through the house with them) or by cleaning really intensely- as in jogging while folding laundry or picking up things, dancing a LOT while doing dishes, or running up and down the stairs with one item at a time. Otherwise, my gym has a really awesome kids area and my mom sometimes watches them. Walking while pulling a wagon full of kiddos is great exercise if you really go for it. I jog to get the mail instead of just picking it up when I drive past it (my driveway is super long) and I park in the last spot when I go places and briskly walk up to the store. Every step helps, right?
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    that is such an obnoxious term. Have some self-respect, please.
  • lifesazoo
    lifesazoo Posts: 118
    It was a joke, dear.
  • stephyy4632
    stephyy4632 Posts: 947 Member
    welcome :)
    also a mom and my main goal is to be more active with my girls
  • Lambeze
    Lambeze Posts: 237
    There are a lot of things that could help. I invested in a Wii fit and also got a Knect with some dancing and workout games. Even the kids games can give you a good workout.
  • blackmagic10
    blackmagic10 Posts: 335 Member
    Well, I didn't just want to say hi...

    I thought it was time for an introduction. I'm a 30ish mama who isn't looking to get her old body back. I'm greedy and want something new and improved! ;-) What I really want is to be able to play with my kids and be an example for them when they get older. I want to not just feel good able myself on the inside; I want to know that I'm taking care of my body and have something to show for it.
    well you do have the sex blue eyes so imagine when you get the old you back..... milf haha
  • lifesazoo
    lifesazoo Posts: 118
    Aww... why spank you. I mean thank you. lol

    The old me just wasn't any fun. I'm happy on the inside. It's time to make the outside match. ;-)
  • kittyhasclaws
    kittyhasclaws Posts: 446 Member
    Howdy! :) I'll send you a request. I'm a mom of two and used to be thin as a rail and flat as a board. Now I'm looking to get the weight off, get fit and kick *kitten*. :D
  • lindalee0315
    lindalee0315 Posts: 527 Member
    I also joined for many of the same reasons! Good luck to you and feel free to friend me if you would like. I truly liked your no fuss response to the one naysayer: short, sweet and yet conveyed that you're in charge.
  • ari_89
    ari_89 Posts: 37
    Sounds like my story all over again. Feel free to add! And it doesn't matter what anyone says, you can be a milf if you want ;) jk lol
  • blackmagic10
    blackmagic10 Posts: 335 Member
    Aww... why spank you. I mean thank you. lol

    The old me just wasn't any fun. I'm happy on the inside. It's time to make the outside match. ;-)
    damn she told me to spank myself this is kinky haha jk but ya we all have are goals I really like this website
  • TexasMamaTwo
    TexasMamaTwo Posts: 14 Member
    I am so with you! I have the same goals and I to have to be creative with my exercise so I rely a lot on better food choices. I am sending you a friend request!!!
  • I don't want to be a MILF, but I am a mom of 5 that does want to feel better. After having my youngest in 2010 I was 205 lbs. A year later I was 135 as I had to stop eating nearly everything because of his GI issues and food intolerances. Now I'm back up again. Was 164 and am now back down to 151. I have been between 175 and 200 since having my first 13 years ago. I've been working out a lot - twice a day. I decided the hell with it - I need this for ME. So mommy carves out time to work out and the kids just have to play or watch a movie. Or I take them for a jog in the stroller. Or I play Dance Central with the 10 and 13 year old. On thing I have found that works WONDERFULLY is the 10 min workouts. you can do as few or as many as you have time for. I'm finally on Level 2 of the shred, but I injured my wrist so it's on hold while me and Billy Blanks tango for awhile. I've also just been being more mindful of what I eat. The food journal here has helped a ton!

    Anyway. I'm with you on your plight! I want to be fit and healthy, too.
  • dmzazueta
    dmzazueta Posts: 36
    @lifesazoo I am so with you. Getting fit is about being a better me. Some day, I want to look at my wedding photos and say, "I am so much thinner, now" That would be awesome!! You are funny.
  • cantjustcant
    cantjustcant Posts: 1,027 Member
    I started this journey as a MILF....I am now working on running/in shape MILF
  • recoiljpr
    recoiljpr Posts: 292
    What is this MILF term you speak of?

    Mildly Intoxicating Luscious Frappe?
    Mowing Irritating Leafy Foliage?
    Moist Irresistible Lean Falafel?
  • feydruss
    feydruss Posts: 349 Member
    My husband considers me a MILF, but his taste is questionable. ;) However, I live in a neighborhood of yummy mummies and don't exactly want that either. What I want is to be able to chase my toddler twin boys around the park and not feel self-conscious or held back by my own ill-fitting body and hypervigilance.

    Basically, I want to be in photos being active with my kids, not just using them or the stroller as cover!
  • brigid0113
    brigid0113 Posts: 16
    Wow, you sound a lot like me. And I actually do hope to be a MILF. In 15 years when my son's friends come over to my house I want them ALL to have dreams about me that night! When that happens my life will be complete. :tongue:
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