Do you work nights?!?



  • boomrain
    boomrain Posts: 74 Member
    I used to work nights and I would wake up to eat dinner with my honey, had lunch about 2am and then breakfast before I went to bed about 8:30. Also i would snack in between. It was hard and I gained like 30lbs

    Yeah I have been working nights for almost two years now and in a year and a half I gained 40 pounds, ugh!!
  • typingathome
    typingathome Posts: 100 Member
    I work 11 pm to 7 am typing medical reports at home. Add me if you like. The more friends the better!
  • boomrain
    boomrain Posts: 74 Member
    I love working nights. But they are hard for me food-wise. Although being at work is better than the alternative... I'm afraid that if I were home at night, I'd eat the whole fridge!! When I'm at work, I can only eat what I brought! I'm glad most of the restaurants around my place close early so that I can't swing by before work. :) My willpower leaves a bit to be desired at this point, although the more weight I lose and feel my body changing, the less I want foods that are going to slow the progress.
    I am not good at getting up in the afternoon to exercise (or clean house or anything else for that matter), but I'm pretty good to go in the mornings after work. I usually get a little exercise in then. And when I get a few minutes alone at work, I keep weights in my work area and I do some strength training in between calls (fortunately it's not usually busy).

    Try not to tempt yourself by having the "bad" but probably delicious foods in your house. Fill your fridge and pantry with everything that's good for you so that if you want to snack, it's good for you. Laughing Cow cheese spread on reduced fat wheat thins is soooo good I FEEL like I'm cheating, but I'm not :) try it!! Your willpower will get better, like you said, as you start to see more results.
  • Jjw1125
    Jjw1125 Posts: 17 Member
    I work a rotating 12 hour night shift. Makes it hard to eat sometimes. That's really only problem I have.
  • boomrain
    boomrain Posts: 74 Member
    I work a rotating 12 hour night shift. Makes it hard to eat sometimes. That's really only problem I have.

    Yeah and not eating can be just as bad as eating all the wrong things. I feel you!
  • neiceemary
    neiceemary Posts: 20
    I also work overnights 11-7 part time so I work 2 on 3 off 2 on 2 can be hard!
  • Acebodytransformation
    I work from 12-9pm or later depending on my boss I consider that nights, thats why I do most of my workouts at night so I can sleep longer in the mornings.
  • boomrain
    boomrain Posts: 74 Member
    I also work overnights 11-7 part time so I work 2 on 3 off 2 on 2 can be hard!

    Yeah that can be hard!!! The ONE thing I can appreciate about my night schedule is that I work the same one every week do I have a routine down. It makes things a tad easier.
  • boomrain
    boomrain Posts: 74 Member
    I work from 12-9pm or later depending on my boss I consider that nights, thats why I do most of my workouts at night so I can sleep longer in the mornings.

    Working out probably helps you sleep too!! :)
  • Laurielronic
    Laurielronic Posts: 61 Member
    I work Fri, Sat and Sun 7p-7a. I flip through the week. When I started I wasn't sure how to do my meals on the weekends and still not sure if I am doing it right. I seem to always go over on Monday due to the 2 or 3 am snack. I cannot go all shift without eating. I would completely pass out in the floor. Feel free to add me anyone.
  • Firephoenix013
    3:45 pm to 2 a.m. is my shift Sunday - Wednesday/Thursday. Go home get to bed around 3 a.m. maybe get up at 9:30ish a.m. so yeah i hear yeah. My hard part is actually telling myself sure I have time to work out when I'm exhausted from the moment I wake up, do daily chores, eat, and then get ready for work all over again.
  • boomrain
    boomrain Posts: 74 Member
    I work Fri, Sat and Sun 7p-7a. I flip through the week. When I started I wasn't sure how to do my meals on the weekends and still not sure if I am doing it right. I seem to always go over on Monday due to the 2 or 3 am snack. I cannot go all shift without eating. I would completely pass out in the floor. Feel free to add me anyone.

    Oh yeah, I definitely can't go the entire night without eating. I bring healthy snacks and plan what I'm going to eat ahead of time and factor that into my daily calorie intake.
  • boomrain
    boomrain Posts: 74 Member
    3:45 pm to 2 a.m. is my shift Sunday - Wednesday/Thursday. Go home get to bed around 3 a.m. maybe get up at 9:30ish a.m. so yeah i hear yeah. My hard part is actually telling myself sure I have time to work out when I'm exhausted from the moment I wake up, do daily chores, eat, and then get ready for work all over again.

    And working out when you're tired is so hard. I try to push myself but my body just can't take it when I'm exhausted like that. I know exactly what you mean.
  • caraiselite
    caraiselite Posts: 2,631 Member
    i used to work 11p to 7a. i loved it.
    my body still prefers to stay up all night and sleep all day.
  • Pip_squeak
    Pip_squeak Posts: 132 Member
    My body refuses to get used to night schedules.
  • boomrain
    boomrain Posts: 74 Member
    My body refuses to get used to night schedules.

    I don't think they can!! Our bodies have this...natural clock. I could never live in Alaska!! But it's even harder if you do nights like I do, for 3 nights and then go back to a regular schedule for 4 days, just to go back to nights for 3.
  • Pip_squeak
    Pip_squeak Posts: 132 Member
    @boomrain - The good thing is that I'm on nights for about a month and then switch back to days. So maybe this month of nights I'll get used to it.
  • boomrain
    boomrain Posts: 74 Member
    @boomrain - The good thing is that I'm on nights for about a month and then switch back to days. So maybe this month of nights I'll get used to it.

    Mmm...I wouldn't bank on that!! But I wish you all the best!!! :)
  • pinkprincess1952
    pinkprincess1952 Posts: 194 Member
    Well back for another night at the hospital... Patient sitting tonight, so no exercise :( any one got any ideas what I can do to burn calories while sitting?
  • RockCandyMelts
    I normally work 15:30-0:00, though I'm working 8:00-16:30 every other 2 weeks for two weeks at a time this summer, which is doing less-than-fantastic things to my sleep schedule. But, I'm also in college, so during the school year I have even harder time trying to carve out time for work outs or cooking decent healthy meals. I've actually found over the last few weeks that I prefer working nights in terms of exercise-- I'm a runner, so being able to run around 9 or 10 is nice because it's cooler! That said, does anyone have a favorite 24-hour gym? Once fall rolls around, a gym is going to be pretty much my only option for getting my runs in, no matter how much I dislike treadmills!