Smokin' Hot Green Pepper's ~ Week 9



  • CrystalT
    CrystalT Posts: 862 Member
    Well, the weekend was bad a usual. :grumble: Family dinners and lack of control usually kill it for me. I just have to work harder through the week because of it. I really need to get back into an exercise routine. I think it will be the key to being about to avoid a gain next week. I can't believe we are weighing in the day after Thanksgiving!! :noway:

    Kelly, Congrats about your son!! Thanks awesome!! :drinker: I really have been thinking about a morning workout. I just don’t know what to do. Since I’ve had such a long break, I decided to just start over with C25K and DH now says he wants to do it with me. There is no way he’s getting up to go to the gym before work. We’ve talked about meeting at the gym after work, but it seems like things always get in the way. I’m going to see how this week goes and if we can’t manage to make it to the gym at least 3 nights, I’m going to switch to a morning routine and he’ll just have to be on his own. I love him but I can’t let him become an excuse not to do this.

    Jacque, sorry to hear about your DU. I hope your doctor’s appt goes well.

    Magglett, congrats on your assessment!! Well done!! :drinker: :flowerforyou:
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    hey pepper's...

    back home now from MIL appt. she is OK!! :bigsmile: they are pretty sure it is benign and she has cancer NO WHERE!! what a relief. she has to have another CT in 3 mos and then again in 6, they are gonna watch it for 2 yrs and hope it gets smaller or does not change in size. so, tomorrow they leave for TX and AZ for the winter! geez, someone plz tell me why a pet scan is not a normal part of our preventative health measures??? if you know you have it and catch it early enuf, wouldn't that be cheaper than dealing with the actual cancer and treatment after it has spread? like have one every 5 yrs or so?? i know they must cost a ton, but wouldn't it be worth it? my FIL is seriously thinkin of lobbying for it....:huh: he was so upset about this and then having to wait the entire weekend not knowing and then finding out it was negative and nothing wrong....they both broke down and cried after the Dr left the room, so I was glad i was there for them. :cry:

    so, no more stressing here....time to get real bout ** me **.

    crystal i'm likin your new avatar pic! :smile: might start the C25K w/ya......

    well, time to get some grub here. have a nice evenin' folks!
  • CrystalT
    CrystalT Posts: 862 Member
    Kelly, glad to hear that everything is good with your MIL. That's really scarey and I agree that there should be more preventative screening done. Human lives are worth the extra cost. I'm headed to the gym after work to start back on C25K, feel free to join in. The more the merrier. DH says he actually going to meet me! :happy:
  • sindyb9
    sindyb9 Posts: 1,248 Member
    Good Morning Pepper's,
    I am very sorry I have not checked in since Thursday. I have been sick and have done no exercise but kept calories low. I did not gain or loose on Friday. Still a little off but will try to walk today. first day back to work so very busy will check later after I get updated on what everybody has been doing.

    Kelly glad everything went well with MIL

    Do we have any challenges this week?

    Check back later. :bigsmile:
  • sindyb9
    sindyb9 Posts: 1,248 Member
    Good Morning Pepper's,
    I am very sorry I have not checked in since Thursday. I have been sick and have done no exercise but kept calories low. I did not gain or loose on Friday. Still a little off but will try to walk today. first day back to work so very busy will check later after I get updated on what everybody has been doing.

    Kelly glad everything went well with MIL

    Do we have any challenges this week?

    Check back later. :bigsmile:

    Had a total of 264 exercise mins. last week. This week does not look as good.
  • sallydeb
    sallydeb Posts: 65 Member
    Hi all,

    I know it's Tuesday and a little late for the weigh in. I am at 167.0 from Friday. I can also put in 42 minutes for the week last week for exercise.

    For this week, I already have 4 hours of exercise. I worked very hard volunteering building planter boxes, hauling dirt and etc. on Saturday, I was so sore at the end I had to leave and went home and straight to a nap.

    Miss V--good to hear about your daughter, yay.

    And good to hear Kelly about your MIL
  • CrystalT
    CrystalT Posts: 862 Member
    Well, DH just cancelled on the gym. :grumble: Looks like I'll be going by myself. :ohwell:
  • MissVitaVonCherry
    MissVitaVonCherry Posts: 709 Member
    :flowerforyou: Hello gang!
    Well got a 15 min run in today on the beach with the 2 dogs:) lol It was fun, then it started to rain, glad taht i took advantage of it while, it could, was wishing that I could go home drop them off and then go back, I picked a place taht I loved to keep my mind off of everything else, so I wouldn't throw in the towel before i started, then the downpoor came:(
    Thanks ok, soaked in a bath and made a lunch type thing
    Crystal- make sure to work out for me too:) :happy:
    Thanks sally!
    Kelly- So glad to hear that your MIL is ok! :heart:
    I wish taht I was under teh 200's already, then i might feel normal..
    WHEn is everyone gonna post a body picture on here? it is great to see the difference!:heart:
  • angiemcnett
    MissV - I will post a body picture of me when I actually can see a difference, which for me won't be for a long time.

    Have a great night SHGP!:smile:
  • CrystalT
    CrystalT Posts: 862 Member
    Here you go MissV!

    Before - Feb 24, 2009

    Now - Nov 14, 2009
  • sindyb9
    sindyb9 Posts: 1,248 Member
    Wow Crystal what a change you look great. You go Girl.
  • sindyb9
    sindyb9 Posts: 1,248 Member
    Good Morning Pepper's.
    Ok have a little problem, maybe I can get some idea's. On my kitchen table looks like the bakery. :grumble: :sad: Mom buys lots of junk for my DH and son. But of course I am having trouble staying away from it. What can I do. She has always kept them there. I go into the kitchen after supper and see that and instantly all the work for the day just went out the window. I went over bad last night about 325 calories. I cant keep doing this or I will gain all my weight back. Any suggestions for this. I have to go through the kitchen, so staying out of there is not an option. I have to work on not looking at kitchen table. :laugh: :laugh:

    Well need the walk today and have class so will be away from temptation for a while. I think if I just dont look like I do with the snack basket at work I will be fine. I tell her jokingly that she is killing me when she brings home junk food.

    Thanks for listening. Feel better:smile:

    Ok mind off junk food. :grumble: Hope everyone is doing well. Will check back later. :bigsmile:
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    hi SHGP's.

    not doin good here at all. been cloudy for a few days and light rain now....eating not good and yesterday i was out of control and was sick most of the eve and and still this am from the splurge.. tummyache, bloated and still in my carb-coma. why o why did i do this. i feel so miserable. think i might go to the city today just to get out of the house so i don't eat....pms funk could be lurking....:grumble: i did get a compliment yesterday asking if i had lost wt....and i said yeah, a little. well, down bout 30 since Jan. but lately am up from my lowest....:grumble: i am just so tired today and i know it is from all the crap i ate yesterday.....ugh, i need my mouth wired shut :frown: crazy as that is, i did work for an oral surgeon who actually did that on a few pts. yup, it worked, but temporarily. need to get serious and put myself on the front burner again.....:frown: need to care bout me...

    sindy i hope you feel better. you are doing good with the calories, so you will have a loss i am sure. challenge, i don't think we posted one. if you or anyone has an idea for this Friday, plz share!!

    sally you are a busy gal! some days i do that too, work so hard then collapse!

    crystal ~ glad you got to the gym, even tho dh couldn't. that is way positive girly!! your pics are awesome....great transformation!! happy for ya!

    miss v ~ you inspire me i just need to act on those feelings! i will have to search for some pic's. i have a really bad one when i was 231, which was my heaviest in '02. the pictures really do show the difference! good idea sweets! :wink:

    thinkin of ya all and the rest of the gang....missin those who are absent.....come back soon plz! :heart:
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    Good Morning Pepper's.
    Ok have a little problem, maybe I can get some idea's. On my kitchen table looks like the bakery. :grumble: :sad: Mom buys lots of junk for my DH and son. But of course I am having trouble staying away from it. What can I do. She has always kept them there. I go into the kitchen after supper and see that and instantly all the work for the day just went out the window. I went over bad last night about 325 calories. I cant keep doing this or I will gain all my weight back. Any suggestions for this. I have to go through the kitchen, so staying out of there is not an option. I have to work on not looking at kitchen table. :laugh: :laugh:

    Well need the walk today and have class so will be away from temptation for a while. I think if I just dont look like I do with the snack basket at work I will be fine. I tell her jokingly that she is killing me when she brings home junk food.

    Thanks for listening. Feel better:smile:

    Ok mind off junk food. :grumble: Hope everyone is doing well. Will check back later. :bigsmile:

    hey sindy ~ it is tough i know. i buy all the groceries here and know that someday when it is just dh and I, it will be easier to follow a healthier lifestyle. not sure when that will happen, but am trying to make better choices now and yes, change is tough when it is right in front of your face and at your fingertips. can the goodies be put somewhere else? in the frig, in the oven ( not being used ) or microwave? outta sight outta mind kinda concept here. do you have healthy snacks ready to grab if you feel the urge to cave? crunchy, salty, sweet? bag them up and have them ready to go. somedays i do so good and even weeks, don't touch a thing or take even one bite....then i just get ravenous and have it all in a day....think i need to better plan my fav's in my diet so i don't set myself up for this kinda torture. i just need better control and realize that having it is only a short satisfaction vs. a move in the right direction towards my goal. find something that works and good luck! you can do it. remember, we're still learnin here! :flowerforyou:
  • CrystalT
    CrystalT Posts: 862 Member
    Good Morning Pepper's.
    Ok have a little problem, maybe I can get some idea's. On my kitchen table looks like the bakery. :grumble: :sad: Mom buys lots of junk for my DH and son. But of course I am having trouble staying away from it. What can I do. She has always kept them there. I go into the kitchen after supper and see that and instantly all the work for the day just went out the window. I went over bad last night about 325 calories. I cant keep doing this or I will gain all my weight back. Any suggestions for this. I have to go through the kitchen, so staying out of there is not an option. I have to work on not looking at kitchen table. :laugh: :laugh:

    Well need the walk today and have class so will be away from temptation for a while. I think if I just dont look like I do with the snack basket at work I will be fine. I tell her jokingly that she is killing me when she brings home junk food.

    Thanks for listening. Feel better:smile:

    Ok mind off junk food. :grumble: Hope everyone is doing well. Will check back later. :bigsmile:

    hey sindy ~ it is tough i know. i buy all the groceries here and know that someday when it is just dh and I, it will be easier to follow a healthier lifestyle. not sure when that will happen, but am trying to make better choices now and yes, change is tough when it is right in front of your face and at your fingertips. can the goodies be put somewhere else? in the frig, in the oven ( not being used ) or microwave? outta sight outta mind kinda concept here. do you have healthy snacks ready to grab if you feel the urge to cave? crunchy, salty, sweet? bag them up and have them ready to go. somedays i do so good and even weeks, don't touch a thing or take even one bite....then i just get ravenous and have it all in a day....think i need to better plan my fav's in my diet so i don't set myself up for this kinda torture. i just need better control and realize that having it is only a short satisfaction vs. a move in the right direction towards my goal. find something that works and good luck! you can do it. remember, we're still learnin here! :flowerforyou:

    It really does make it easier to allow yourself to have a little of your favorite things when you want them. I love having dessert. If I deny myself for too long, then I end up devoring half a pan of brownies in one night. So I have them, bad for me or not, I just watch the portions. For example, my DH requested a peanut butter cheesecake. Since he complains that I never bake for him only for company, I said yes. I made the regular full fat, full sugar recipe but I made mini cheesecakes in a muffin tin. The little things are about 185 calories each. I can easily manage to save enough calories to have one if I want, especially if I work out that day. Plus, I can freeze the individual servings, which is good because the 2 of us can't eat a whole cheesecake very quickly nor do we need to!! I also keep various Skinny Cow treats in the freezer.
  • ittybittybadonkadonk
    ittybittybadonkadonk Posts: 11,634 Member
    Good morning Peppers:

    Chystal you look amazing .... great job :flowerforyou:

    Kelly you have a great attitude and you will put yourself 1st and do better .... i know you can do it

    sindy i agree maybe putting the drooling treats away so you cant see them

    I weighed in this morning and i am happy to report .... LW 191 CW 189 loss 2 pounds this week total 36 :bigsmile: Hope everyone has a good day :wink:
  • CrystalT
    CrystalT Posts: 862 Member
    I weighed in this morning and i am happy to report .... LW 191 CW 189 loss 2 pounds this week total 36 :bigsmile: Hope everyone has a good day :wink:

    Woo hoo!! Way to go!! :flowerforyou:
  • ittybittybadonkadonk
    ittybittybadonkadonk Posts: 11,634 Member
    I weighed in this morning and i am happy to report .... LW 191 CW 189 loss 2 pounds this week total 36 :bigsmile: Hope everyone has a good day :wink:

    Woo hoo!! Way to go!! :flowerforyou:
    thanks crystal :bigsmile:
  • sindyb9
    sindyb9 Posts: 1,248 Member
    :heart: Thanks ladies :bigsmile: I will have to get more will power to stay away. I think this week end I will rearrange the kitchen and just get it off the table. Normally it dont get to me:grumble:. that is a great idea Kelly, maybe if I put the healthy stuff next to the bad stuff I will make the right choice. I do allow the sweets but in moderation, I have just been out of control lately. I have been really thinking about this and I only get like this when I am stressed about something. I think the doctor telling me if I dont loose 15 pounds by the time I see him next is stressing me out. (I am a stress eater)

    Ok new day again. :laugh: Will do this and stop stress eating. I did my walk and I have plenty of veggies at my desk to munch on through out the afternoon.

    Thanks for the help and listening to me rant. :flowerforyou: Will check in later. :bigsmile:
  • angiemcnett
    Good evening Smokin' Hot Green Peppers! I just wanted to say hi. Hope everyone is having a great evening.:smile: