Water vs. Other Drinks

Hi All. I have trouble getting my 8 glasses of water in per day. I do drink a lot of diet pop and G2 Gatorade (20 cals per 250ml). How much do you think this will impact my weight loss? I am staying hydrated...just not with water.


  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    You're right, you are staying hydrated with these drinks. For hydration, it's absolutely fine to drink pop. It may impact you in other ways. I can't speak from personal experience because I've never drunk much of those kinds of drinks, but obviously you need to take into account the ingredients of the drinks and whether they are high in calories. I have heard anecdotally that people have cut out all soda and diet soda and found it has helped their weight loss, but I have no idea how accurate that is. If they fit into your calorie goals, and you're not allergic/intolerant to the the ingredients, then they shouldn't stop you losing weight. Obviously if you're bothered about the other ingredients, you can do more research into them in the meantime.
  • Living4Liz2012
    With women the more water you drink the wonders it does trust me...The other drinks are good, but water flushes you out, and keeps you going. I get my water intake in using crystal light packets...try them:)
  • kitinboots
    kitinboots Posts: 589 Member
    I struggle with plain water, so I either drink it out of a bottle (for some reason it's easier) or I make a pint glass of water and ice, a slice of lemon and lime and a splash of lime juice. I drink these constantly while I'm at work and go through 5 pints of the stuff easily.
  • half_moon
    half_moon Posts: 807 Member
    You're right, you are staying hydrated with these drinks. For hydration, it's absolutely fine to drink pop. It may impact you in other ways. I can't speak from personal experience because I've never drunk much of those kinds of drinks, but obviously you need to take into account the ingredients of the drinks and whether they are high in calories. I have heard anecdotally that people have cut out all soda and diet soda and found it has helped their weight loss, but I have no idea how accurate that is. If they fit into your calorie goals, and you're not allergic/intolerant to the the ingredients, then they shouldn't stop you losing weight. Obviously if you're bothered about the other ingredients, you can do more research into them in the meantime.

    Coke makes you more thirsty.
  • leighlyn
    leighlyn Posts: 60 Member
    I am terrible at getting my water intake in.. until i found Mio's (water flavour shots)
  • Sarah_Wins
    Sarah_Wins Posts: 936 Member
    That other crap stalls me, but maybe that's just me. I use Great Value water enhancer (generic of Mio) to get in up to one gallon a day.
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    You're right, you are staying hydrated with these drinks. For hydration, it's absolutely fine to drink pop. It may impact you in other ways. I can't speak from personal experience because I've never drunk much of those kinds of drinks, but obviously you need to take into account the ingredients of the drinks and whether they are high in calories. I have heard anecdotally that people have cut out all soda and diet soda and found it has helped their weight loss, but I have no idea how accurate that is. If they fit into your calorie goals, and you're not allergic/intolerant to the the ingredients, then they shouldn't stop you losing weight. Obviously if you're bothered about the other ingredients, you can do more research into them in the meantime.

    Coke makes you more thirsty.
    As this seems to be directed to me - actually, no it doesn't make me more thirsty.
  • TinaHumphries
    TinaHumphries Posts: 130 Member
    I used to struggle with water until I started doing the following:

    Drinking out of a bottle (I think a 750ml water bottle = 3 water)
    Instead of having a morning cup of tea I now have hot water with honey and lemon yum
    Instead of having diet coke and a cuppie at work I now have hot water with a sweetener in it

    It will get more "normal" the more you do. I feel so much better by drinking it :happy:
  • Bobby_Clerici
    Bobby_Clerici Posts: 1,828 Member
    I just drink either water or green tea; I think pure water is best, but you're doing fine.
    While I am not a fan of soda, it's not the liquid poison some claim. Chill out and keep on track.
    People snivel about this topic with opinions that seek to complicate what is very simple.
    Water is water.
    Anything you drink that has water is counted as water.
    Don't let the food Nazis drive you crazy with something that is easy to understand if you just keep it simple.
    Good luck!
  • nortiekeeks
    nortiekeeks Posts: 59 Member
    soda, diet or otherwise, has tons of sodium... which causes bloating and water retention, plus it's not the greatest for health reasons, like blood pressure, etc...

    so, IMO, every once in a while it's okay, but all day every day?? not so much... water is the healthiest drink and i feel it should be the main drink. i used to be addicted to crystal light - yes, i said addicted, haha... anyway, i got off of the stuff a couple months ago and feel so much better since i've neen drinking just regular old water these days. i know it can get "boring", so throw a lemon or lime in there! and other things are okay, in moderation, like milk or juice or even soda, diet or otherwise... even beer! :drinker:
  • kaotik26
    kaotik26 Posts: 590 Member
    I quit drinking pop because I was told it adds too many calories and diet pop is just out of the question because there is so much aspertame it gives me a headache! I hate water though but learned that there are flavored waters out there with 0 calories. I like Powerade Zero, Fruit2 0 and Propel Zero. You can also drink sparkling waters I don't think they have much calories either if any. I learned that when I cut all the liquid calories it was easier to lose some weight, plus I feel a lot better.
  • stfuriada
    stfuriada Posts: 445 Member
    Caffeine is a diuretic (which makes you pee more), so if you consume too much, you'd pee more and negate the amount of water you drink.
  • tammyopolin
    tammyopolin Posts: 98 Member
    I had a really hard time getting used to drinking just water, and enough of it. I started drinking the zero calorie SoBe Lifewaters first and then started alternating those and plain water. Now the Lifewaters taste too sweet to me and water is the only thing I drink. Every once in a while, I'll add a bit of Mio, but even that's rare.

    To increase the amount of water I was drinking, I started making myself drink a full bottle of water before I could eat a meal or snack. Now I have no problem drinking enough water everyday, and I never find myself craving soda or tea - just ice cold water.
  • dickster1961
    dickster1961 Posts: 29 Member
    I have read a number of different things regarding the "8 glasses a day" of water. I come down on the side as @Bobby_Clerici in that any drink that has water in it counts. I also have read that when that recommendation was put in place, it also counted the water content in your food as part of the recommendation. In other words, foods that have a high water content like fruits and vegetables contribute to your water consumption.
  • sarahjay1
    sarahjay1 Posts: 175 Member
    Wow! Thanks for all the suggestions/advice.
  • realme56
    realme56 Posts: 1,093 Member
    You're right, you are staying hydrated with these drinks. For hydration, it's absolutely fine to drink pop. It may impact you in other ways. I can't speak from personal experience because I've never drunk much of those kinds of drinks, but obviously you need to take into account the ingredients of the drinks and whether they are high in calories. I have heard anecdotally that people have cut out all soda and diet soda and found it has helped their weight loss, but I have no idea how accurate that is. If they fit into your calorie goals, and you're not allergic/intolerant to the the ingredients, then they shouldn't stop you losing weight. Obviously if you're bothered about the other ingredients, you can do more research into them in the meantime.

    Coke makes you more thirsty.

    Real Coke not diet due to sugar content, sugar can make one thirstier and drinking sugared drink does not satisfy that thirst. I figure choose the things that you want to give up, diet pops are not that bad, MIO is ok in moderation, G2 drinks are essential in heat/exercise.
  • howekaren
    howekaren Posts: 159 Member
    Diet pop has tons of sodium? Not according to the nutrition label on the brand I drink (diet pepsi). I'd have to drink 3 litres a day to get 10% of my RDV of sodium intake. 3 slices of whole wheat bread would have a higher sodium content.
  • UpEarly
    UpEarly Posts: 2,555 Member
    I hydrate with beverages other than water. I'm not a big fan of soda because I don't like the carbonation, but I'll occasionally have one. But I frequently drink iced tea, flavored waters, a sports drink (especially after a long hike in hot summer weather). I've never found the alternate beverages to be detrimental to my weight loss (see ticker below) or overall health.

    Some people are adamant about avoiding artificial sweeteners. Personally, I feel comfortable using them in moderation. Some people avoid sports drinks because they have added sodium. Personally, I sweat like a fiend and actually *need* the added sodium.

    There is really no right or wrong answer here, it all boils down to personal preferences and what you feel comfortable with. As long as your urine is clear to light straw yellow, you're hydrated and you're fine. :happy:
  • realme56
    realme56 Posts: 1,093 Member
    Diet pop has tons of sodium? Not according to the nutrition label on the brand I drink (diet pepsi). I'd have to drink 3 litres a day to get 10% of my RDV of sodium intake. 3 slices of whole wheat bread would have a higher sodium content.

    ^^^^ This also....come on, like 40-60mg tops. Not going to kill you.
  • Teresa3612
    Teresa3612 Posts: 21 Member
    I used to consume 2-3 20 oz diet Mountain Dews a day. Then I started planning a weeklong hike and decided I was not carrying that much pop on my back. It took some doing, but I kicked the Dew addiction and feel much better for it. I still have maybe one diet pop a week. Now I just crave ice cold water. If I want something different I drink a lightly sweetened ice tea.

    Artifical sweetners tend to cause my ankles to swell and I retain water. I didn't really notice till I stopped drinking the stuff all the time.

    I still struggle at times to get my water in, but remember, what it enough for one person is too much for another. As long as you are hydrated that is what counts.